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Simeon Amburgey

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Everything posted by Simeon Amburgey

  1. Edited. I guess trying to figure out the best way to describe things. So, the titles are new, so not on sale but currently have introductory pricing. Joyfully, Simeon
  2. I am excited to share my next Joyful Journey with all of you. Some of the titles are still at introductory pricing so some possible deals to be had. VSL was kind enough to let me try the new Duality Strings. I will be playing through the sounds and giving away a copy of Duality Strings Standard during the livestream. Joystick is a new patch library from Online Sound Foundry for Padshop 2 which I think is an exciting granular synth. GForce have updated their M-Tron virtual Mellotron which I am also excited to share. I look forward to seeing you later today: *I am very grateful for each developer that supports my Joyful Journeys by providing copies of the libraries for me to discover, many thanks. Also, these particular titles do not have any affiliate association, I thought some would be interested in coming along. I am thankful for the amazing community that we have here.
  3. I am looking at trying to capture the Piano Roll Scrolling to try and do a video capture of it. I can get the Scroll lock function to work but the piano roll instead of scrolling per se, jumps to the next page instead of something like a flowing piano roll. Any suggestions? Thanks, Simeon
  4. This was actually a soft release by Modartt as no official word on the website until next week. I have been playing with it and featured it on today’s livestream. It is pretty amazing. Pianoteq iOS, Water Piano, Sonixinema New Instrument | Giveaways and MORE!!!
  5. I have been playing with this today as Music Sampling sent over a copy to try. The legato speed and type are dependent on velocity. 1 - 40 trigger the slide with CC1 determining the speed of the transition. The ending note has a characteristic pluck to it on the end of the transition. The highest velocities trigger the hammer-on after the transition. I am going to feature it during my livestream Wednesday May 3rd at 3:00 PM EST. Joyfully!
  6. I had fun with these, running each one using a different effect. The only thing I wish was that they had at least some sort of Kontakt interface, but the sample quality is excellent. Let's Play Realsamples Harpsichord Bundle Audio Plugin Deals
  7. How about this Thursday at 3:00 pm EST? ? I also have a couple of copies to give away during the livestream.
  8. I noticed this blurb at the bottom under Tested and Supported DAWs
  9. It seems that there is limited space on forum posts for image attachments in messages. I was looking for a solution and ran across this website: https://postimages.org/ I had been using IMGUR but it was a little confusing to me on how to place the images into the forum posts. Check it out. I have been using it here recently and it seems to be fine. Joyfully, Simeon
  10. Yep, each layer will live on its own tab so you can access the full array of editing. The tabs do not have to be FM LAB. For instance they can be any zone or instrument you have in your HALion library. You could have a couple of FM LAB layer presets along with a layer of TALES and possibly another zone entirely, like a Wavetable synth, it really opens up some possibilities.
  11. Zo, Here is some additional info. Layered patches will have multiple TABS that indicate the instrument layers. Most of the instruments I looked at seemed to use only one layer but you can filter the search results to show the Programs that are using multiple layers. Take a look at these screengrabs. You can see here that LAYERED is added as a filter in the Mediabay browser. And here is a program that contains multiple layers, I think you can have up to 4. I hope that helps, Simeon
  12. Joe, There is not an option to install the VST3 as that is the default. The installer gives you an option whether or not you want to install these additional formats. I do agree that this could be confusing, for instance, you want the AAX version but NOT the VST3, having a VST3 option would be helpful even if it could be considered redundant.
  13. Gotcha, sorry for misunderstanding. I need to look deeper into this myself as a lot of this is new territory for me. Thanks as always, Simeon
  14. There are TWO types of presets LAYER and PROGRAMS. The LAYER Presets are listed according to the synth type and ROM. LAYERS are the individual sounds and PROGRAMS can contain up to I think 4 Layer presets.
  15. Steinberg has just released HALion 7 with some powerful updates along with two new instruments. https://www.steinberg.net/vst-instruments/halion/ Let's Play Tales A New Expressive Guitar Instrument For HALion 7 Let's Explore FM LAB For HALion 7
  16. MegaMagic Harp is something that on the surface looks very simple BUT packs so much into it. John is releasing a ton of bonus patches for it on Feb. 14th.
  17. Nick, the “is This You” was actually a YouTube app prompt. it send a prompt notification to verify a login attempt, you select Yes or No to confirm. I was selecting NO but the deed was already done and they wasted no time. I was able to see a complete timeline of each step looking at my Google account activity log.
  18. I need to do more testing but it seems to be straightforward. I will follow up soon.
  19. I pulled this down earlier this evening and iIt is really something special. John continues to surprise me with how creative he can be with taking Unify into some wonderful places. The MIDIBOX implementation on this is great because you can use the patterns and motifs with any instrument plugin. Lots to explore and it also has utility in being able to layer the patches with other sound sources. Joyfully harpin’ away ?
  20. Yeah, I had been using the Authenticator App when logging in but since they had the SESSION COOKIES (very important), that was how they got around it as it looked like they were using an authenticated device. There is no more helpless feeling than getting a pop up on your phone while you ARE DRIVING asking "Is This You" and the location is the Netherlands, you click NO - NO - NO and try to pull over to change your password but it is already too late. They must use some sort of automation as it happened fairly quickly and mind you my computer was turned off. The Trojan was able to scrape the information it needed to take my Gmail account over and that was extra scary as they had access to my emails on that account. Needless to say, I am working on migrating to a new email address and phasing the compromised one out. it was and still is a very sobering experience and has ramped up my thought process on how to move forward more securely. Thanks again to everyone for their support. Joyfully, Simeon
  21. Hello friends, Friday I had the opportunity to get back on the horse and ride back into town with both guns blazing! It is so encouraging to have so many friends and viewers supporting and coming along with me in this life adventure, I am so grateful for that. if you missed the live, here is the full replay. I unpack some of the aspects of the phishing attack, sharing my experience. I also take a look at a few instruments along the way. Staying Joyful! I'M BACK!!! Unpacking The Past Week
  22. That is the 64 million dollar question. The only thing I can think of is disruption and possible attempt at identity theft. The motivation is selfish and evil in my opinion. I am thankful that they did not delete the videos, that would have been devastating and of course take a this in a totally different direction. Having this happen has added a layer of uncertainty to everything I have done using the Gmail account that the channel was associated with as they could have potentially used it to search for sensitive information that lies dormant in most of our Gmail accounts. They did not get into or access my AdSense account to try and redirect any payments, I think YouTube locked that out when the channel was suspended. I am working on moving the channel to another Gmail address as a precaution. Joyfully, Simeon
  23. Yes, Before the hack, UVI sent Quadra Travellers to me. I hope to get it going soon. Joyfully, Simeon
  24. Short Update So while all of the videos are there (thank The Lord), the hackers set them all to PRIVATE. I now have to go through ALL of the videos on the channel and edit the visibility so that they can be PUBLIC once more. This might result in seeing new notifications of previously published videos and other unexpected things but the upside is that things are being restored. As @PavlovsCat mentioned, this community is the best! I have been a cakewalk user since the late 90's and this forum has always been home for me. Surrounded by so many amazing and talented musicians, I am so fortunate and honored to be here as a part of the Cakewalk community. I will continue to keep you posted! Joyfully, Simeon
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