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Simeon Amburgey

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Everything posted by Simeon Amburgey

  1. Had a little surprise livestream earlier taking a look at Spitfire Audio Originals Media Toolkit. There is a lot to like in this collection as well as supporting a deserving organization. Check out the replay here:
  2. So I ran into some technical issues with the original stream and had to do a fresh one. It was great to have a surprise visit from Alejandro Cabrera from Audio Brewers who is letting me give away five copies of their new PIANO TOY library. All you have to do is leave a comment in the video and I will pick five winners in a few days.
  3. So this was on short notice! Replay available.
  4. Will miss you. Where will you be in Kentucky?
  5. I downloaded it this afternoon, and I can tell you it really sounds nice, and you are not limited to using only the performance engine, @Reid Rosefelt makes some great observations. They have included some of the core sections as ensembles along with a selection of their engine performances. It is similar to a “sampler” or “lite” version, to allow you to taste and see if the overall sound appeals to you. It also sets you up for the potential upgrade paths if it is something you like. I will go back through the thread to see if there are any more specifics I can answer. Please feel free to post any questions and I will see what I can find out. So, stay tuned, not sure when this might pop up, but it will be soon, very soon.
  6. Looking forward to seeing you today around 4:00 PM EST, featuring a few piano libraries and some other news:
  7. I did pick it up over the weekend. It might show up on livestream soon ?. I do like how easy it is to blend the different sound layers together, it opens up the possibilities for many happy accisdents. For what it is, I think it could be useful for atmospheres and some fun things. Like they say it is not a detailed library but more to go for a particular "cinematic" sound.
  8. Cinesamples seems to have a new sale through the month of September. 50% off Selected libraries and bundles: https://cinesamples.com/productGroup/on-sale
  9. BONUS CODE!!!! The $10 x 2 (!!!) Labor Day Sale Ends TONIGHT! To celebrate the release of Unify 1.6 PLUS it's Labor Day, I am offering an chance to save $10 on any purchase (including Unify!) But the sale ends at MIDNIGHT PDT! Promo Code: saveme10dollarsplease Use that promo code and $10 is discounted from your cart. Discount good for ONLY ONE purchase per customer. If you used that Promo Code and want to save even more, Here's ANOTHER Promo Code for another $10 savings: Promo Code: saveme10dollarsagain NOTE: Promo Codes are for a single purchase, they can't be combined.
  10. The Botdog Piano is a very full featured but surprisingly lightweight cinematic style piano. Based on A Yamaha C3, it features several creative layers to help you get some fun and inspiring sounds. It is REG. $49 but will be on sale for the next few days for$19 (discount applied at checkout). For more information check out their site here: https://botdogsamples.com/shop/botdog-piano/
  11. What a fun experience to walk through this library, so much to see and experience. You can check out the replay below. Albion NEO is 40% off until August 31st. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/albion-neo/
  12. 80% Off (Reg. $99) now $19.99. https://bit.ly/APD_Twisted_Keys
  13. Westwood Instruments is holding a Summer Special with 30% off all their libraries using code SUMMER30. More info here: https://westwoodinstruments.com/
  14. So I just received an email, notifying me of a 50% off KONTAKT promotion. Check it out here! https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/save-on-kontakt-6/
  15. Join me TODAY around 4:30 PM EST as we catch up on what has been going on as well as taking a look at some libraries from NAROTH AUDIO and the B-5 v3 from Acoustic Samples, and who knows what else might happen ;^) Look forward to seeing you there:
  16. Thanks so much. This opened the door also for me to discover the Indiginus libraries for Kontakt (full version required), and they are really something, and all reasonably priced. Tracy the developer was kind enough to send me a few of them to try and I was very impressed. Be on the lookout for more info on these. I also would not be surprised to see more of his instruments show up as future SampleTank 4 instruments. Best, Simeon
  17. Well, you noticed I changed my reaction emoji, man I was so sorry that it went in that direction. Brian is really gifted and has worked so hard with everything I have seen coming from him. I did have to laugh a little bit at one of the viewers chat comment that I was a classical musician. He would be very pleased to know that I attended with honors the Warner Bros./MGM school of music with non other than Leopoldo himself conducting ?
  18. That is so funny. I actually tuned in to watch a little bit, I missed that part, I will try and see if I can catch the replay ;^) All the best!
  19. I had so much fun with this library, so full of life. Here is my walkthrough, enjoy.
  20. Here is High Voltage ⚡️ https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/8Gi3G7MbiXatjmia8 Lights Out ? https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/5dHk3bcfBe8RTnay9
  21. It is compatible with the free HALion Sonic player as well.
  22. Steinberg updates it’s Absolute collection with the introduction of Amped Elektra for HALion. Check it out. I also did a couple of the demo songs, High Voltage and Lights Out on the Steinberg product page,
  23. Although their Summer Sale just ended, Nucleus Lite Edition is a very BIG sounding orchestral library for those looking to get a taste of what other Audio Imperia libraries sound like. Be sure to sign up for their mailing list for updates on future sales and specials.
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