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David A Ludwig

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Everything posted by David A Ludwig

  1. Sorry, haven't been down this road before. I'll file a ticket and upload properly tomorrow.
  2. found two dumps. i tried to attach, tells me i can only upload 4.88MB, one is 5 the other is 15
  3. Title says it all. Save a project. Select all tracks, export audio, click ok, the progress bar comes up, and before any sound, crash to desktop. Seems to be random, happened on two projects that are not similar in terms of plugins, instruments. I updated my motu m4 driver and firmware, didn't help. Any ideas? Thanks.
  4. That will add reverb to the prochannel on that track. To create a reverb send, you need to create a new bus for the reverb to live in. Name it "reverb". Route it to master. Add a reverb to the fx slot of the bus. In your original track, add a send to your "reverb" bus. Now you can control the level of the verb with the knob.
  5. I programmed the number 1 on the top row to be "return to project start"...
  6. I have the same thing on one or two oldish projects. Solution for me is to reselect my workspace, then track, concole... are back. Have no idea why those projects are different.
  7. In device manager, disable any sound or audio devices that are not your focusrite. Reboot. Reinstall your 6i6 driver, make sure you have the latest. Reboot.
  8. Thanks. I'll take a look tomorrow, just got the free version. Sounds great, but I can't seem to get different sections on different midi channels, only midi 1 plays. For my current project I only need violins1, violas and cello. Do I need three instances?
  9. I lost a bunch of files to a Windows update bug, 50 out of 80 files missing from one project, about 2 months ago. I just updated to win 10 2004, and there's a Windows file recovery app for that version only in the app store. It's a command line utility, had to invoke my DOS skills, but was able to recover all the files, and many from projects I hadn't worked on recently. Gives you the option to overwrite or keep both, which I did on a different drive.
  10. Thinking of jumping to bfd3, any sales afoot?
  11. Base 57, what make/model 43in tv do you have? I'm thinking of going that route. Do you have both track view and console view open? Thanks.
  12. So I have a fully updated win10 1909 system on a five year old ssd drive in an old i7 3900 that is failing. I want to migrate the current system to the new computer and new hard drive without losing my programs, settings, plugins, and Windows activation. I would also settle for plugging the old drive into the new box. Has anyone ever done this? Thanks.
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