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David A Ludwig

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  1. I cancelled my monthly, and tried to get the $99 yearly,but it tells me I'm already a member. Current monthly ends Nov. 18.
  2. Oddly, Listento works fine in the latest CbB... Thanks for taking a look.
  3. Oddly, Listento works fine with CbB latest version, but crashes Sonar.
  4. You're right, David, I should use a real mic and not rely on the camera mic. Will do.
  5. Thanks, sonobus works, but mic audio gets cut off or interrupts the music while music is playing .
  6. Works great with cubase 13, crashes Sonar to the desktop. I've sent screen caps and dumps to audiomovers, they haven't yet found the problem. FYI: listento streams your DAW audio so zoom meetings can hear it.
  7. My plan B is cubase 13. I'm working on an album now, 7 tunes in Sonar, 7 in cubase. I don't like it but I'm paying the 15 per month because I have over 100 cwps that I want access to. I don't trust that cbb will always be there, they could easily shut it down. It's a shame, I like the new Sonar and I'd like to buy it, but bl won't let me and won't tell me why.
  8. Never found the cause, moved the tracks to a new project created from a template, life went on. Thanks for the input.
  9. Good suggestions, none of that has helped. I'm at a point where I can do an export, but the volume is ridiculously loud, not what I'm hearing before the export.
  10. An internal error occurred while processing the mixdown. The operation was unsuccessful. Operation aborted. I get this on one project trying to export or to bounce to tracks. I'm guessing the project is corrupted. Best way to migrate the content to a new project? Thoughts?
  11. I'd like to hear from Noel. He said back a ways that there would be a purchase option in addition to subs. If that has changed I'd like to know.
  12. I too just authorized SONAR. Whenever the product is available I'll cancel the monthly and buy.
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