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Terry Kelley

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About Terry Kelley

  • Birthday December 25

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  1. Yeah, it's handy to have an editor a click away. I have CoolEdit2000 added in.
  2. The prior Cakewalk users are not the primary market. They are appealing to the new loop/sample/beat generators, not musicians. Of course until new AI laws start to impact them.
  3. Sure, and everyone laughed when I suggested pitch-forks and torches. But noooooooooo ... Or was that too much. The website still says "Coming Soon" so anything can change including pricing. I mean, I can imagine reasons they wouldn't want to "sell it" yet when it's not "officially" (wink-wink) released. That could create unnecessary churn for the developers. But they also don’t want us to leave so CbB still works for now.
  4. True but Reaper doesn’t also offer you fame like Bandlab. And if dad hasn’t come in here with a belt yet, he’s going too.
  5. Subscription is continuous revenue. Think “Instant Ink.” It’s not bad idea if you can pull it off and it’s more acceptable to the newer generation. They also offer you fame (which Instant Ink doesn’t. 😀)
  6. The developers aren't responsible for telling us anything and I wouldn't ask them to say anything unless they specifically tell me BANDLAB told them to tell us something or eat hot lead. Then I can understand them not speaking up. But would you (generically) want to be in the middle of this mess? Not me Jack.
  7. It's going to take a specific series of specific questions to clarify BL's long term intent with CbB. Bits and pieces aren't really clearing it up. But not through the developers - only via Bandlab directly (as the developers have told us time and time again.) Based on what we know so far, CbB will call home and at some unspecified date it will stop working. For now, it won't nag as much but it will check more often.
  8. I'm sure we will get plenty of warning when they finally do announce they are killing CbB. I never thought they would do it abruptly and without warning.
  9. What I have to do is move the time to somewhere difference than what I want and then click too high or low from where I want and then paste. That puts the blob “somewhere” I can see it. Then I drag it into position Otherwise it either doesn’t paste it or pastes it on top of the blob I’ve copied. In the end, it acts nothing like what I expected or what the manual suggests.
  10. I would expect them to be more explicit if that were the case. Only Bandlab knows what they want us to think.
  11. All of these sites prey on your ego and hopes of getting famous. You are paying them to string you along with the believe someone is going to all of the sudden offer you a lucrative recording contract (Get heard! Share your music! Colaborate!) but instead you get a steady stream of people offering to provide a large number of fake likes (promotion) for a "fee." Landr, SoundCloud, Bandlab, etc. are all the same. You pay for false hope. Yes, some do provide tools to get some songs produced (samples, loops, VSTs, etc.) and listeners can access your music but in the end it's just more come-ons to get money out of you. Cakewalk/Sonar being moved into that arena is borderline insulting and slimy. If you have good, solid tunes you can get them noticed by playing live and touring. Yes, it costs you money to start out but over time you will get some idea if there is a market for your product and the record producers will come to you. You're packing them in? Well, we have an offer ... Otherwise you are creating product that will just languish on the website. Yes, there have been a couple of instances where someone has been noticed on these sites and moved on to a successful career but your odds are next to zero and you will have just kept spending money. What many of us are asking is that the DAW be decoupled from this false hope so we can make music with a great tool either for ourselves or for others who can then decide how they want to pursue promotion. But don't make us subject to the continuous payment system that will not really do anything of value in the long run. We want the independence.
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