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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Friday I made a recording. I was shuffling around in winter in slippers and a couple of times sent static electricity through the gear. Each time, I had to power cycle my rme ucx. It did not happen during recording... Only set up. Possible something similar is happening to you?
  2. Do the missing chunks exactly match the buffer size at the time of recording? Losing the audio in your buffer do to dpc latency could cause your symptom. Have you run latency monitor to check your system.
  3. Ah... What about your driver settings? Are you set for asio? This is in preferences.
  4. You can also use audio snap to get the midi data. Audio snap has the benefit of being able to manually include and exclude if you have time to listen to the track. It has the problem of not having the eq part that drum replacer has. I put the different drums on different tracks so i have the visual of the hits as i watch the console view. Maybe i can see a snare hit that also triggers the kick sample. I send the separate tracks to the same drum synth.
  5. Feels comfy though. I didn't realize you all have couches. ?
  6. My first day in the pen and the biggest inmate shows right up. Ominous.
  7. Has anyone done a podcast and released originals that way? Looks easy and then subscribers could easily check out new tunes when they are in the car.
  8. I know what I'm going to say doesn't give you whatyou want, but... You can highlight any midi tracks and view them together. There is only one track with dark blobs on the prv, and the others have grey blobs. You can quickly shift back and forth between which had focus.
  9. I never organized my few hundred plugins. I know what they are and find them easily. I usually just type the name in the browser. Seems like Noel likes me best and built me exactly what i needed. #I'm the favorite
  10. The mt2x isn't mine. Its my friend's. When i made the recording in December of this band... http://gswitz.blob.core.windows.net/tunes/20181216_Roadhouse.html The guitarist was talking about how he'd love to do tape because it changes how he feels during his performance. I mentioned it to my buddy and we wanted to try, so we broke out his 4 track to see what we could do. The answer was unfortunately nothing since we couldn't get it working. I don't think given my budget that i can spend money on the tape deck for the flight of fancy.
  11. Maybe alt i does something? Auto adds the gooderizer?
  12. The deck we were trying to get working was a MT2X. Motors were shot? I'm not sure. I'm back home now. I brought over all my kit so we could practice mixing the band into the 4 track. So bummed when we couldn't make it go. It would have been completely awesome to make a respectable recording with a single take live onto that 4 track. Kinda like when a math teacher makes the kids leave their calculators in their backpacks. ?
  13. Thanks! My friend thinks he has an old mt1x but we haven't been able to find it under the house.
  14. We considered using a vintage 90s dac when tape fell through. ? Back to the old standby.
  15. How much does double speed cassette increase fidelity? We are down to considering a live 16 track mix to stereo cassette. That's not likely to come out very well.
  16. It's still messed up. I was sho excited to record a full band to tape. ?
  17. We got the tape out with a pocket knife.
  18. Omg you can make terrible recordings with this thing!!
  19. We tried to use an old four track. Put in the tape. Pressed play. Pressed stop. Thehead doesn't retract. Any ideas? We can't remove the tape. Power off. Power on. Mash buttons.
  20. Idk what sequencer view is. Console view? Have you hidden the midi tracks in the console view? H should show hidden tracks.
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