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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. The aren't flat wounds exactly. There is no winding at all. They are just thick and straight. It's pretty different. No finger whistle. A good amount of resistance imho. It's neat. I'm glad for them.
  2. It's a tragedy that the average iq is 100.
  3. To get a set of faders to the same level, drag them all to the top or bottom, release, then drag where you like.
  4. Bacon and pancakes and bacon here in Virginia. Happy independence day!
  5. I'm trying some chrome daddario strings. Definitely different.
  6. Like bob dylan not realizing he could play the same song two nights in a row.
  7. https://www.livenationentertainment.com/crewnation/
  8. BTW, the purpose of external insert is to auto manage the delay related to sending audio out of your computer and then back in. You might do this in order to use a hardware compressor. The purpose of using the External Insert plugin is to detect the latency and sync everything together so that all the tracks play together. Depending on your interface settings, there can be some buffer delay sending to your hardware compressor and receiving the result back. This plug in helps you remove impacts related to using external hardware.
  9. I would just ask @Craig Anderton. Calling the mighty Craig Anderton! There are humble people asking after your wizard FX Chains. Is there any guidance for how they can obtain them?
  10. So, FX Chains are awesome and easy to use. You can make your own for anything you do normally. You can bind multiple parameters to the controls and then adjust them with midi foot pedals turning things on or off. One of the great things about all these chains is many were created by the inimitable Craig Anderton. In lots of cases you can either EDIT them or Extract the Plugins to learn how they work. These things are really cool. As you get the hang of them, you can see how to make your own to make life easier... faster. One that I often have a use for is FX Chains > Anderton collection > VoxTools > VoxTools (Platinum) It has a cool feature the handling plosives. I often split a clip around a plosive and add this to it. that way, only the plosive gets treated.
  11. I didn't see anyone talk about noise. Unless it's in a different room, noise matters. Smaller power supply means less heat means less fans means quieter. It has to be sufficient though. I recently found a new graphics card and there were two versions... Loud and quiet. Different fans on the card. Hard drives require power and push your power supply. If you don't need it, leave it out. Same with my old FireWire card. That's gone. If you can keep things cool enough to unplug an extra case fan, unplug it. Configuration of os and virus scanner are as essential as the right hardware. Less of somethings more of others. Clock speed matters.
  12. I want this too. The midi filter is one i would like to enable with a pedal push for example. I use a touch screen and tap to enable or bypass fx. So you could put different instances of your fx on the channel and tap to enable disable. Not perfect, but what i do.
  13. @synkrotron It's different from any of my other guitars. The frets are thin and low. The action is high and there is no truss rod. The lack of the round sound-hole definitely changes the sound. The neck is very beefy. I have no other guitar with such a thick neck. But the intonation isn't very far off, so if you don't mind the finger exercise it takes to play it, you can play things. It's definitely easier to play in first position and the fret board wear shows this. It's an old Sears Roebuck guitar. This is a similar one I found on the web... https://reverb.com/item/1811317-1950-s-silvertone-archtop-sunburst I can't find the serial number on the guitar or I'd post it.
  14. @Christian Jones I'm nothing special but I've spent a lot of time riding.
  15. My wife's grandfather's guitar was left in the attic with strings on. The neck came away from the body. The tuners were unusable. This is it now...
  16. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/02/arts/music/what-blackout-tuesday.html
  17. Got a pic of the old one?
  18. @Craig Anderton are you meaning live streaming or all streaming? I'm curious why it is different.
  19. Multiband compressors are sometimes used lightly on the master, or a limiter, as John points out, but i never use a single band compressor on the master.
  20. So I mix into meters to give me a picture of how hot I'm getting. It really helps until you get used to a certain sound. There are different thresholds I target depending on the music like -12 or -14. If I want to leave head room then appropriately lower than that. This makes it possible ease off compressors. appropriately so the limiter only trims a dB or 2. Now, if I'm being honest, I usually have a bounce before I'm applying a limiter and I apply the limiter so that I hit my average loudness target. All the songs will then have the same average loudness unless I mean for one to be quieter or louder. It doesn't happen by accident. If you don't learn your loudness metrics until you have your final export, it's a lot of work doubling back and easing off... then exporting and studying again. My meter of choice is the RME EBU Meter.
  21. I'll bet you can repeat the issue and resolve it by switching the config setting I mention above. It's a beta setting. I think that was your problem. It has exactly the symptom you described. Noel, the lead programmer, is aware and advises not to use 3.
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