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Gswitz last won the day on March 8 2019

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  1. Today, I had an incredible guitar midi experience. Idk if I just forget how great playing in the box can be or what. Cakewalk is better than I remember. I was able to play wide open and the computer could keep up. Thanks!!
  2. Thanks for all the support.
  3. Someone airtagged my daughters car while she was at best buy. Tucked it down near the windshield wipers. Her phone warned her some hours later and she found it. WT F yall! I'm too old for this world.
  4. Looks like he's having fun. I know i do.
  5. Dry it out best you can. Fans. Dehumidifier.
  6. Victory... https://gswitz.blob.core.windows.net/tunes/20250104_BabyBlue.mp3 There must be new something or other I need to learn. Also, I tried adding fades to clips and ended up crossfading the whole track or something. idk. Probably need to RTFM. Thanks for listening. 🙂
  7. I know it has to be me. Midi stuff is weird for me. I have disabled 64 bit processing. The bounce excluding the midi track works. The synth is rapture pro with galbanum piscus pads. I'm going to try it with a Cakewalk Rapture pro setting. Ok, it glitches at the same spot with Rapture pro default instruments. https://gswitz.blob.core.windows.net/tunes/20250104_BabyBlue - Track 10 - Record 15 [1] (1).mid This is the midi file. The problem is between 1:50 and 2:00 minutes. I've gotten past it by deleting that section of the midi file.
  8. Midi is glitchy? Sliding ends of clips is glitchy. Got hangs and dropouts. Weird weird. I'm sure it's me, but I'm asking. Anyone else?
  9. Sounds like it was worth doing. Glad it wasn't too cold.
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