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Everything posted by rasure

  1. I have a $50 one if you want it?
  2. That`s more like it :-) I went for Oberhausen and Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A
  3. Same here. Url, username, password, serial number(s), order numbers etc
  4. This deal is a no brainer, even if only for just all the extra fx plugins you get to use inside of Vegas 16 Pro. Thanks for the heads up about this ?
  5. Source: https://answers.presonus.com/46545/why-is-the-fat-channel-plugin-now-longer-working-studio-one-6 Personally I just reinstalled and restarted. Worked fine
  6. Studio One 4.6 is expected to be released today according to this article about a launch party https://www.eventbrite.com/e/presonus-studioone-46-launch-party-redbull-studios-london-tickets-82537252143 I assume as they are having a launch party this could be a significant update.
  7. I WUPED to get Abbey Road one ($24) Just a note so you double buy, If you have Mercury as I do then the others are already included, you just need log in to waves and click the update link to add the new plugins.
  8. Don`t forget the freebie "Berzerk" distortion plugin (also included in mercury) https://www.waves.com/plugins/berzerk-distortion Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IHDZx1BhlU
  9. I purchased Oxford EQ, Oxford Dynamics, Oxford Inflator the last time they had a sale. Dynamics and Inflator I use in every mix and are worth buying, I did use the EQ for a while, but I I found the FabFilter Pro-Q 3 a much better option, sounds better to my ears.
  10. I actually found it quite good on sung vocals, also it`s quite good for leveling out frequency differences. As a real life example, I`m currently working on a remix using a home made acapella (Rx7`s music rebalance) although the extracted vocal sounded decent, there were some areas that had tone changes because of frequency differences, obviously due to the nature of the extraction, but by using Voice Leveler I was able to minimize that effect by using the "Emphasis" button, which leveled out the tone quite nicely. All in all for the price of the Voice Leveler is well worth it. To me the compression part of the plugin sounds similar to the compression in Waves R-Vox, but with a couple of extra features, namely emphasis and breath control.
  11. I`ve noticed there has been quite a few updates over the past couple of months.
  12. You need to login to your waves account and click "Get Latest Version" if your WUP is up to date, you`ll see your available updates.
  13. I bought this when it first came out, even at full price still worth the money. Yes, you do need Studio One 4.5 (Prime, Artist, and Professional) or higher to run it, no standalone at this moment in time.
  14. Just an update APD sent out a new email with new serial and key for those having issues. Issue now resolved, many thanks :-)
  15. definitely not in my account and still no reply from APD support
  16. Still no reply from APD and still getting the the given serial number is already registered to another user message.
  17. Look again, it`s all on one line: SN:QV-xxxxxx KEY:xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
  18. Have checked nothing there apart from the products I previously registered. My support email finally went through to APD, just waiting a reply.
  19. I cant even email support at audio plugin deals, I get this message "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later." then when I try again keep getting the too many attempts message. Cant resister at eventide until I get a new serial and key, preferably one that hasn't already been registered.
  20. It`s in my account now thank you, but when I register at eventide I get... "The given product is already registered to another user. If you need assistance having a product unregistered that you purchased from a previous owner, please contact Eventide support at support@eventide.com."
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