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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. Rain experiencing a drought? A drought is defined as the absence of rain. Talk about your existential crises! I could never take Schecter seriously, for the dumbest of reasons: they always featured semi-nude models at their NAMM booth. Pretty girls who clearly had never held a guitar before (although perhaps a few guitar players). Sure, I dawdled there and took snapshots. But it seemed if they worked that hard to sell the sizzle, then the steaks would probably be disappointing. But then I'm not a guitarist.
  2. OK, I think I understand your dilemma. Normally, upsampling in an individual effect is handled internally, meaning the sample rate is doubled at its input and then halved at its output. This assures that the rest of the surrounding ecosystem never even knows that trickery was done. Which makes sense, given that oversampling is used solely to mitigate issues that happen within the plugin. The oversampled signal should never affect anything else, nor need to. This is important, because the next processor in the signal chain is expecting audio at the project sample rate. It's possible the sidechain output somehow breaks that contract by sending out the oversampled version. This should not be the case, though. The send should be identical to the main output, except for level. Whether this is a bug that warrants addressing, I'm not sure. Faced with this dilemma, my first thought would be "am I making things unnecessarily difficult for myself?". In your described scenario, which I assume is to duck the bass when the synth plays, there would really be no reason for upsampling Trillian. It's a sampler. It's not going to sound better at 2x. The synth is probably not benefiting, either, although you'd have to verify using a spectrum analyzer. So the only potential benefit from upsampling would be within the compressor, assuming you're using attack times shorter than a single cycle of the lowest bass note being played, in which case audible distortion is likely and aliasing is at least a possibility. What I'm saying is you're making problems for yourself by going overboard with unneeded upsampling. I certainly understand the frustration of not being able to do something you think is reasonable. But rather than getting annoyed, I say just remove that rock from your shoe and move on. All that said, have a look at the compressor settings. A too-high threshold plus very fast attack and release times can cause chattering, a rapid opening and closing of the compressor.
  3. Sorry, I was unable to reproduce it here. Is it the sidechain source or its target that is being upsampled? Or both? My test: Zebra2 (not oversampled) driving three instances of FabFilter Pro-C2 on 3 oversampled instruments (Kontakt, Zebra2 and Trillian). I tried it just with normal playback, after freezing, and after rendering to a new audio track.
  4. It's still hardware-based, but using components within your system in place of a separate dongle. Upgrade your motherboard and all your plugins suddenly treat you like a thief. Depending on the protection scheme, you could have the same issues after replacing a disk drive or network adapter. When Dell bought millions of counterfeit capacitors that then failed, I was fortunate to have a maintenance contract on my Dell that covered the motherboard's replacement. However, many of my plugins no longer worked afterward. No problems with the ones that use license files or registry keys, just those that used "software-based" auth schemes. Unfortunately, I had a great many of the latter so although some vendors did make re-authorization easy (some did not) it was still a time-consuming and annoying process getting everything going again. As a software developer, I am offended by anything designed to not work by default, and any design built around a single point of failure. PACE in particular has a long history of disabling software en masse after updating their software. Not so. User-friendly protection is acceptable, and I have no problem providing proof of purchase when it's required. But said proof should be in the form of a file that I can back up. Fortunately, there are always non-PACE alternatives that do just that, e.g. FabFilter, Meldaproduction, Spectrasonics, Native Instruments, Voxengo, Celemony, Jamstix, D16, Overloud, AAS - just to name a few off the top of my head. Fortunately, I won't need to find an alternative to FETPressor because the non-PACE version already does exactly what it's supposed to do.
  5. Correct, there is no option to download older versions from PSP. I had to get 1.0 from a backup. At least they offered me an iLok code in my account. All I'd need to do is install the PACE driver. Not gonna do it. Same as the objection to any hardware-based copy protection: sneeze on it and it stops working.
  6. Woops, that didn't go well. The new version said it had to be authorized and the 1.0 auth code didn't work. I'd forgotten that PSPAudioware had gone to PACE a while back. Since I won't put Pace on my computer, I've reverted to 1.0. This doesn't change my opinion on the quality of the plugin, just that of PSPAudioware. I'd still recommend it if you don't have an objection to PACE/iLok.
  7. My go-to FET-style compressor. Part of my standard compressor trifecta alongside FabFilter Pro-C and Cakewalk CA-2A. I've got gobs of compressors, but I could happily trim the collection down to just these three. Didn't know there'd been an update, so thanks, Larry.
  8. Can confirm that there is no general problem moving MIDI tracks, under any condition I could think of trying. How about a screen shot, parboo12? Might be a clue if we could see your track layout.
  9. Freebies I use fairly regularly: Loudmax BlueCat Gain Suite Voxengo SPAN Once in a while: MTremolo PanCake Voxengo Boogex Spitfire LABS OB-XD The list of freebies I never use is too long to list.
  10. Yeh, I think that may have been the first time I'd ever heard the term. Since the guy in the movie was playing a synthesizer, I wondered if they were telling him to hit the mod wheel for some vibrato.
  11. I don't think so. I haven't had a working Microsoft account for many months. Every once in a while a message pops up saying there is a problem with my MS account, but I don't know what triggers it. I will continue to ignore it until some update fails to install saying I need a valid account. The message you got _CODE_KILLED (full constant name is RESULT_CODE_KILLED_BAD_MESSAGE). It means a program was intentionally terminated by the operating system. Not that that helps, as there are multiple reasons for Windows killing a process, such as when you shut down Windows while programs are running, stopping a program via Task Manager, even rare instances of Windows euthanizing a runaway program that's demanding all the memory. A google search showed a recent rash of RESULT_CODE_KILLED_BAD_MESSAGE reports, all related to loading web documents in Chrome and Edge. Firefox does not seem to be affected. (I haven't had any issues here, and I run Brave, which is based on the Chrome engine.)
  12. This fellow tipped me off to several features that I either hadn't stumbled upon or that were newly added in the last release (for which I dragged my heels for a year, waiting for the price to go down). Right again, kite. Some of the singers I've worked with have been as dumb as a box of rocks, although I have to admit they do tend to have the best hair.
  13. I once needed an angelic chorus in a song, so I recruited two of my teenage granddaughters. They were rather reluctant, though, as neither of them considered themselves singers. However, once I showed them what Melodyne could do, plus the magic of double-tracking, EQ and reverb, their confidence was greatly boosted and in the end we got some really nice results.
  14. Singing is not all about pitch, that's a fact. But neither is Melodyne. There's way more to it than just scootching the line up 'n down. It also handles transitions, phrasing, formants, dynamics, vibrato, and timing. That's why I said "really good" - meaning to go beyond its basic functions. And realistically, achieving proficiency with Melodyne is within the reach of more people than will ever become really good singers. All this is just a little tongue-in-cheek. Everyone should work on their singing, just as everyone should practice their instrumental chops. We can always get better at whatever we do.
  15. There is a third path: sing it yourself and get really good with Melodyne.
  16. ^^^ +1 That's a great one, especially given its price (free, or a suggested $5 donation). It's the only library I have with people shouting "KILL!" in it. Although I haven't found a place for that sample yet. You do need full Kontakt, though, whereas the Boz samples have their own player.
  17. Get the bundle (snaps, claps and stomps)! I use all of them pretty regularly.
  18. No. It's unlikely your problem originates within Cakewalk. (Whatever it is, it would probably apply to Cubase as well.) 1. Can you open the project by right-clicking on its name in Windows Explorer and selecting Open? 2. Does it work correctly after a cold start (via the Restart option, as opposed to shutdown/restart)? If the answer to #1 is yes, then the .cwp extension has somehow been disconnected from Explorer's file associations. If the answer to #1 is "no" and #2 is "yes" then you have a zombie process running that's preventing CW from starting up.
  19. Good to see a shout out to the mostly-forgotten champion of the Hammond organ, Rosa Rio. Then there's Ethel Smith, who was in a class by herself:
  20. You can also buy new tape cartridges for your Roland RE-201 Space Echo. If you're that gullible, anyway. Last price I heard (a couple years ago) was $250 each.
  21. Just leave your SONAR installation in place so you can continue to use its effects and VIs. Your current and past SONAR projects will load up fine in CbB and you can continue on without interruption (other than maybe stopping by here with questions about new features).
  22. Please, no bass player jokes. This is a serious thread.
  23. I think we should all just standardize on ticks.
  24. I understand there's also a "breve", and it's not a beverage. I wonder if my barista would interpret "semibreve" as an 8-ounce breve. I've always thought it strange that we've had to learn Italian in order to buy a coffee. Who gave Italy that authority? Coffee should be ordered in Ethiopian, should it not?
  25. Have you ever actually uttered the term "hemi demi semi quaver" when communicating with other musicians?
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