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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. There are also plugins (Meldaproduction, FabFilter) that make use of the GPU, and that's a moving target.
  2. Most likely another process that's changing the interface's sample rate. When you start CW back up, it resets the SR to match your project. Make sure Windows sounds are disabled. Also, you have better luck with WASAPI over ASIO, as it can better deal with mixed sample rates.
  3. We may be misunderstanding the intention of the OP. He may have recorded everything to a fixed tempo and then added tempo changes afterward. If that's the case then there would be no problem temporarily bypassing the tempo map. Unfortunately, such an option has not been implemented, afaik.
  4. Hey! I never agreed to that. Cat memes only. That's what's in my contract.
  5. I walked with a cane for two years before finally getting insurance approval for back surgery. Back then, standing in one place was actually more painful than walking. But even then it was a daily requirement. btw, I switched to the Dark Reader today just so I could take a screenshot for Shane. I've decided to keep it that way. So much easier on the eyes. If I should ever happen upon a website that doesn't like the color scheme, the extension allows for making it a per-URL option.
  6. Oh, come on, Craig. I, for one, intend to stand at least once more today. It is a necessary prerequisite for going to bed.
  7. I keep mine at 7, because some nights I get lonely and like it when my DAW talks to me.
  8. I use Brave, which is built on the Chrome engine and can use all of the Chrome extensions. This forum looks pretty nice with the Dark Reader extension.
  9. This is how I would do it. It also leaves open the option of fading the group in/out instead of using the mute automation.
  10. Pressing CTL-End will move the cursor to what the DAW thinks is the end. Sometimes you'll spot an event there that explains the mystery. It'll often be an automation node, or sometimes a MIDI note that you can delete. However, deleting it won't necessarily shorten the track. To do that you can split the clip after the audio portion and delete the now-empty clip on the right.
  11. In that case, I'd concentrate on finding the source of the noise. From your OP it sounds like there is no significant noise if you don't use an amp sim. IOW, you can turn up the recorded audio without hearing too much extra noise. Maybe you're demanding too much gain from the amp sim. Many amp sims inject noise to simulate both the white noise that tubes generate as well as the environmental noise that guitar pickups can pick up. Some of that might be avoided with a hotter signal going into the amp sim. Cakewalk's Gain control precedes the fx bin, so try increasing the track's gain and turning down the amp sim's gain. If that doesn't give you enough of a boost, grab a gain plugin such as the free one from BlueCat and insert that in front of the amp sim.
  12. Until today, I was unaware that Trilian even had an arpeggiator. So thanks to the OP for bringing it up.
  13. That is a valid point, and I completely agree. However, I would counter that the perfect bug-free and obsolescence-resistant program has yet to be written. It's an impossibility, because most software exists in a larger software and hardware ecosystem that is in a constant state of flux. I say "most", because it's possible that the software that powers your microwave is likely exempt from this principle.
  14. This thought is what sustains me. Also applies to many other troubling modern trends. For example, I hope to be dead before Facebook accounts become a legal prerequisite for official recognition as a human.
  15. Trilian 1.6.1c enhancements and fixes: New Arpeggiator features: - New “Strum” step modifiers simulate guitar strumming. - New "Humanity" knob controls the amount of randomization applied to individual note start times. - New “Life” knob controls the amount of randomization applied to individual note velocities. New Modulation Targets: Arp Humanity and Arp Life Adds value-snapping detents for the Envelope ADR parameters. Detents are only added when the Envelopes are host-synced. Holding down Shift while dragging the ADR controls allows continuous value adjustments Fixes graphics performance issues on macOS Monterey. Fixes issue where the Modulation Matrix Target Parameter sliders did not function correctly. Fixes crash that could occur when a Soundsource started playing for the first time Fixes issue where switching patches could cause audio glitches Fixes issue where setting polyphony (# voices) to 64 could cause the plugin to stop responding to Note On events Fixes issue where the Harmonia Mix parameter value could be wrong after loading a patch Fixes zippering artifacts for the Aux Return parameter on the Part Effect Racks Fixes issue where simultaneously changing the Soundsource "Reverse" parameter on both layers could cause loading failures Fixes issue where Key Tracking and other sources would not work when Solo mode is On Fixes issue where Filter Key Tracking in Solo mode did not handle release events properly Fixes issue where changing the Master Filter cutoff and resonance simultaneously could corrupt the audio output Fixes issue where the Master Filter was adding audible lowpass filtering at host sample rates above 44.1kHz Fixes issue where LFO rate was incorrect after changing the sample rate Fixes issue where envelope parameter data was loaded incorrectly for some patches Fixes issue in Arpeggiator where Step Dividers, in conjunction with Chord mode, did not play properly Fixes issues with Arpeggiator preset menu Fixes crash in Live Mode pane that could occur when rearranging Parts Fixes Patch Browser synchronization issue where the Category filter could be incorrectly reset to "All" while changing patches Fixes issue in Browsers where exiting Sound Match mode did not return to correct prior patch library Fixes issue where the wrong Mini-Browser could sometimes be shown after closing the full multi-browser Fixes issue where Browser’s rating stars could be overwritten by “MIDI Learn” text sometimes Fixes issue where arrow steppers on mini browser pane could step thru patches when mini multi browser was displayed Fixes issue where note timing adjustments made to the Trigger Mode setting were incorrectly scaled by the Clock Speed parameter Fixes issue where modulation highlight graphics for GUI controls did not always get reset after a patch load Fixes issue where the Modulation Target Parameter sliders did not function correctly after selecting the "Show Modulation" option Mac Only: Fixes issue where modulation highlight images were not getting drawn for some knob-style controls VST3: Fixes issue where creating new parameter automation assignments did not work in REAPER and Bitwig Studio VST3: Fixes issue where "Enter Value" feature for manually typing in automation values did not work VST3: Fixes issue where host automation values changed after closing/ opening the GUI VST3: Fixes issue where VST3 Hosts added a resizing handle to the VST3 plugin GUI VST3: Fixes issue where changing the Clock Speed parameter did not work properly macOS Installer updated to run natively on M1 Mac (Rosetta 2 not required) Windows Standalone app updated to v1.1.0d. Resolves Windows system DLL loading issue
  16. Keyscape 1.3.1c fixes: Fixes graphics performance issues on macOS Monterey. Fixes issue where the "Realism" control in Factory patches could freeze the GUI temporarily. Fixes crash that could occur when a Soundsource started playing for the first time. Fixes issue where switching patches could cause audio glitches. Fixes issue where setting polyphony (# voices) to 64 could cause the plugin to stop responding to Note On events. Windows only: Fixes issue where playing MIDI notes while a Soundsource is loading could cause CPU spikes and audio glitches. Windows only: Fixes issue where playing a Soundsource with Thinning enabled could cause CPU spikes and audio glitches. VST3: Fixes issue where "Enter Value" feature for manually typing in automation values did not work VST3: Fixes issue where host automation values changed after closing/ opening the GUI VST3: Fixes issue where VST3 Hosts added a resizing handle to the VST3 plugin GUI VST3: Fixes issue where changing the Clock Speed parameter did not work properly VST3: Fixes issue where creating new parameter automation assignments did not work in REAPER and Bitwig Studio macOS Installer updated to run natively on M1 Mac (Rosetta 2 not required) Windows Standalone app updated to v1.1.0d. Resolves Windows system DLL loading issue
  17. Trash is the most honestly-named product ever.
  18. Funny, but sadly not a joke. It's only a matter of time until the day comes when you'll want to upgrade your hardware and Win11 will be the only option. Even if your DAW is permanently offline, eventually you're gonna want some software product that's incompatible with Win7/8/10, or that can't be installed and/or authorized without an internet connection.
  19. I use iZotope RX for this kind of thing. It works quite well. There may be a less-expensive but equally effective alternative out there but I'm unaware of any. If this is a one-time problem, you can always download the fully-functional but limited-time demo of RX and use it for free for, IIRC, 30 days.
  20. What he means is that your post is not relevant to this thread's topic. ("Relevant", as per dictionary.com: bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent.) Relevance and topic focus is important to maintaining a forum's usefulness as an ongoing resource for information. Consequently, other users who rely on this forum for information are likely to get a little miffed by off-topic posts. Hope this helps.
  21. To be fair to IKM, I had rather low expectations for their Hammond emu and it turned out to be my absolute favorite faux-B3. But that one doesn't fit the premise of this thread, because I loved it from Day 1.
  22. When you said "dinosaur companies" I assumed you meant those companies who wrote some good software in 2006 but never updated it, and yet still have annual Black Friday announcements offering big discounts. Or that still have draconian copy-protection measures in place decades after anybody has had any desire to pirate them. Acting like they are still the T. Rex of the jungle, not noticing that little furry mammals have eaten all their eggs.
  23. Nope. Can't think of even one. There are a few that I've come to like better over time as my familiarity with them has grown. But far more of them fall into the "I thought this would be better" category. Or worse, the "I can't believe I paid X$ for this!" category. Every time that has happened, I'd repeatedly revisit them, hoping I'd missed something, hoping that my investment hadn't been for nothing. And every time re-concluded "nope". Interesting that you include SampleTank, which still tops my list of crushing disappointments despite having given it many chances to prove itself. Everyone's expectations are different.
  24. What if you just try to play back channels 9-16, with 1-8 muted? Just wondering if you could be hitting the polyphony limit of the instrument. 64 notes sounds like a lot, and it is when you're just playing it as a synth, but with 16 voices that's only 4 notes per voice. Also make sure the tracks that aren't playing back are routed correctly. Whatever is going wrong will probably have to be resolved at the instrument, rather than doing anything differently in the DAW.
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