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When this song was originally released, I had never seen Saturday Night Live because I was a working musician and Saturday nights were spoken for. But I had bought the first videotape machine I could afford and began recording SNL episodes and watching them on Sunday. It was a Sony Beta, which my technoid brain assumed would become the prevailing videotape format, being technically superior to VHS. That thing cost over a grand and didn't even have a wireless remote. I can still vividly recall playing back an SNL episode that featured a band named Dream Academy, playing Life in a Northern Town. I stood there slackjawed, thinking this was the best thing I'd ever heard on that show. Rewound and played it over and over, then ran out that afternoon and bought the album on cassette. Only to find that Life in a Northern Town was the only good song on the album. The band vanished, leaving only this one masterpiece as their legacy. Here's Justin Hayward covering it 40 years later, with an orchestra and still sounding remarkably mellifluous for an old man.
Just watching Runaway Jury on Netflix...Gene was one of the best villains ever. You know he's evil, but he's still sympathetic. Of course, some of that credit goes to John Grisham, but I'd previously listened to this on audiobook and didn't even form a mental picture the villain while listening. My money's on carbon monoxide. At 95, the list of things that could have killed Mr. Hackman was extensive, but his wife was much younger and his dog younger still.
This is a most welcome addition. I'm a fan of the spectral filter, but it had been a little less usable due to it favoring the lower frequencies within the band because it was reacting linearly, like a compressor without a sidechain filter. Now we have a sidechain filter for it. Hopefully they'll someday make its slope adjustable. But just the modest 3dB tilt helps.
My Cinnamon Girl is Keep on Rockin' in the Free World.
What a voice. Pure silk.
I love a mystery, especially when something behaves in what seems to be an inexplicable manner at first glance. Long ago I had a pair of PA column speakers that suddenly had really poor bass response. I took them apart, tested each of the 8 speakers separately, verified they were wired correctly. Curiously, if I ran just one of the cabinets - either one - the bass was fine. But when connected in parallel, the bass disappeared. I'm sure anyone reading this knows exactly what had gone wrong. In my defense, I was 19 and didn't know half of what I thought I knew at the time. Turned out, one of my home-made speaker cables had one end wired in reverse. In Geoff's case, confounding though it is, the answer is simple in retrospect. The passive tone control on most guitars is a simple RC low-pass filter. The fact is that the harmonic content in a plucked electric guitar string is quite subtle. Plug your guitar into an oscilloscope sometime, you'll see that it's essentially a poorly-formed sine wave. And what happens when you apply a filter to a sine wave? One of two things: either it does nothing, or it acts like a volume control, depending on whether the signal frequency falls within the attenuated range of the filter. The effect of the filter is more obvious on the bridge pickup simply because there's more harmonic content in the signal. reginaldStjohn's comment about flat-wound strings being mellower was news to me, but makes sense. I've never heard flat-wound strings on a 6-string, but am familiar with the tonal difference on a bass.
This piece was written specifically for this singer, and he may well be the only person on the planet who can sing it. Jump to the 4-minute mark to hear his full range over 60 seconds.
Just to put the polish on 2025 (picture of Missi).
bitflipper replied to Wookiee's topic in The Coffee House
Been there; I know that feeling. However, know that the idea that you have nothing left will eventually be proven otherwise. The emotional well from which we draw musical inspiration is filled with all the experiences life has ever thrown at us, both good and bad. -
The way I heard it: Optimists believe that this is the best of all possible worlds. Pessimists fear that is true.
Update: I've turned into such a pessimist in my old age. There wasn't any snow, we had a full house and a full tip jar, and were immediately booked back for August. All in all, a most pleasant gig. Could it be that the secret to happiness always expecting the worst so that you can be pleasantly surprised?
Well, here in Seattle we almost made it through the entire winter without any snow. Not a flake. Of course, the day it finally snows, melts, refreezes and snows again is the day my 2-wheel-drive van is loaded up with every expensive thing I own. Plus we'll likely get to play for empty chairs tonight. This is what we like to call "paying your dues". But sheesh, I'm 73. When will my dues be considered paid?
That's the first time I've heard of an employer forbidding backing tracks. Is that common in your area? Seems like an unnecessary reduction of the local talent pool. Then again, I remember back in the 70's it was not uncommon for some clubs to require a female vocalist. I remember that because we hired two of them to gain entry into those venues. It was a horrible experience, a soap opera. The two gals were close friends, had choreographed dance moves, and were decent vocalists. Then one of them decided it would be a good idea to do the horizontal bop with the other's boyfriend and that was the end of that band. Never again, said me - who's been performing with a female vocalist for the past 10 years. She's married to the drummer. They're currently getting a divorce. If it comes down to them not being able to be in the same room together, I've already decided to keep the drummer.
Plus the denominations in the tip jar are larger. Sure, they may remember when 25 cents was a reasonable tip, but something about a hundred makes them feel particularly philanthropic. I have a buddy who mostly does nursing homes. You'd think that would be depressing, but he actually connects with the residents (more so the older he gets). Plus gigs are 1 hour and he gets $300-400 for each. He's a solo act who books himself, so that's 100% take-home pay. Sometimes, he does as many as 4 of those in a day. His rig has been trimmed down to just an acoustic 12-string and an amp that also serves as his PA. Several of those places are near me, so he'll often call up and say he's got a couple hours to kill before his next gig and wants to come over and shoot the breeze or grab an espresso. The next logical step, I suppose, is playing funerals. I read an interview with a pianist who was asked to play at a friend's funeral. She didn't know what to play so just quietly improvised some slow tunes. Afterward, guests congratulated her on the performance and asked if she had a CD for sale. She didn't, but wisely set about making one and began actively seeking out funeral gigs. Today she is the queen of funerary music, making more money from selling CDs to funeral homes than actually performing at them. She had inadvertently created a new genre. And yes, today it has become a recognized genre. Not sure if they have a Top Ten.
Thanks for that positive note, Bob. It's kinda refreshing to play for an older audience. Nobody's told them it's not cool to get up and participate. Not that they'd give a sh...hoot anyway.
No. Then again, we never drink before or during a performance. I actually played a place once that charged me $4 for coffee! Not from an espresso machine or anything, just poured from a pot of drip Folger's. Most of the gigs we play that have a house PA are comparably equipped. Last night, it was Mackie. It's gotten to the point where I'm tempted to just tell them we'll use our own mains, no matter how proud they are of their jury-rigged pile of garage sale speakers. Unfortunately, there isn't always physical space to do that. I do, however, always tell them that we mix ourselves. I try to present it as a positive for the FoH guy, telling him he'll have an easy night. But some of those guys are incredibly arrogant, saying nobody mixes themselves, that's crazy. Truth is I couldn't possibly do a worse job than 99% of those posers. At least I'm listening to the band.
We had a strong suspicion that last night's venue might be disappointing, but we went anyway. Unfortunately, our intuition was right. Righter than we could have imagined. It was a new venue for us, and we're always on the hunt for new places to play. The previous week we'd been to a new (to us) place and it turned out great - full house, appreciative audience, very cool owner, wants us on regular rotation. So we were hoping for a repeat of that experience last night. We knew we'd be playing for the door, which is always a risk, but were willing to play for gas money if it opened up a new opportunity. What we didn't expect was a house policy of waiving the cover charge for anyone claiming poverty. Very noble, but the consequence of that was only 7 people actually paid to get in. How those broke folks were able to subsequently drink beer and eat pizza is a mystery. Of the $70 they took in for the night, 20% went to the sound guy and half the remainder went to the opening act. Our take was $16. Sure, the sound guy made out worse, but only later did we discover that he was the bar's owner! Turns out, this is actually the bar's business plan: sucker bands into playing for free. Granted, we don't do any of this for the money but nobody likes to get scammed. The evening started at 5:30 PM, when we showed up to load in. Sound check was scheduled for 7:00, and we need at least a solid hour to set up. The opening band started at 7:45 and proceeded to play for 2.5 hours. They were dreadfully bad. Imagine 2.5 hours of an acoustic singer-songwriter duo singing original three-chord songs about heartbreak. They were actually nice folks who got scammed same as us, but they also drove out half the audience. I am proud to say we delivered the same level of professionalism that we'd have given at an actual paying gig. The audience was enthusiastic. I'm sure they left feeling they'd gotten their money's worth, lol. As did the owner, who immediately asked when we could return. I guess once a grifter has found his mark, the grifter's code dictates that he squeeze them for all he can. Needless to say, we declined his offer and gave him an earful about his shady practices. But the adventure continues. Next week, we're playing at a shopping mall. For actual money.
That is creepy. Even if it turns out to just be a prank by friends, it's still creepy. Too bad there isn't a reverse-lookup feature for airtags. Or maybe there is...you could mail it to somebody in Europe and then wait for somebody to ask her about her vacation.
I came here to suggest that one as well - you beat me to it. That one's written by a guy who has a unique perspective, in that he was a music producer for many years before abandoning that career to become a psychologist. I have just downloaded Nina Kraus' book after reading a short sample on Amazon, so thanks for that suggestion. I've long been fascinated by sound perception as a hack for mixing. Like what a "wide and deep" mix really means, or how masking works, or why some note / timbre combinations are pleasing while others are not. These, I believe, can all be explained in mechanical terms. There is a contributor to this forum that I greatly respect for his mixing chops, but who once perplexed me by stating that "Science to me in the audio field is a waste of time". I had a moment of cognitive dissonance, wondering how he could be so good at something he'd never attempted to understand objectively. Right brain left brain something something.
Billy Hume, my newest favorite music educator / commentator, talks about why someone might not be able to sing on pitch no matter how hard they try. My bassist really works hard on his vocals, and does fine on leads but often beats his head against the wall trying to find his harmony part, and is often flat when he does find it. He's asked me how I do it, and I honestly don't know what to tell him. I said I just "see" harmonies in my mind, similar to Melodyne blobs on the computer screen. This might suggest that this may be an innate skill, meaning something you can't train for. Or at least a skill you have to pick up early in life, like learning a second language.
I recently tried to pull up Netflix on two of my TVs, only to be informed that "Netflix no longer supports this device". One is a smart TV with network features such as a built-in Netflix client, the other is an older "dumb" TV that gets Netflix via a DVD player that has the client built-in. I'm guessing they found some weaknesses in their access control / user validation and have forced manufacturers to put additional security features into their firmware-based Netflix clients to circumvent password sharing. I am not inclined to buy new TVs, as I just don't watch enough television to justify the expense. But I don't subscribe to cable TV, so those sets are now just video monitors for watching DVDs. Consequently, I am looking into Firestick-type devices so I can get Netflix back on those receivers. Thanks to Shane's comment, it has just now occurred to me that it would be nice to get YouTube on them as well. But I haven't actually looked into how (or how well) Firestick works. Does it require a monthly subscription or any other additional costs beyond the initial purchase? Or is it essentially just a little computer with HDMI outputs?
€19, about what you'd pay for a Diva / Zebra / Massive / Omnisphere 3rd-party patch library. So a fair price, assuming you're into Kontakt synth libs.