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Everything posted by azslow3

  1. S Mk2 supports MCU (default mode of DAW ports, at least according to NI documentation). I think that is in general better then "ACT MIDI", keyboard should display tracks and transport buttons should have feedback.
  2. I have recently bought NI M32. Now, after several weeks, I have written a small review about it. If you want uncover the potential of that controller and you don't mind to use 3d party tool (AZ Controller), there is a possibility to: simplify KK instance selection work with ACT plug-in mapping ("natively", so with indicated current bank and parameter names/values on display, coarse/fine changes) choose FX/Synth from the keyboard control loop/auto-punch (including time selection) from the keyboard And a bit more. Details on my site. PS. I am almost sure the preset will work for A25/49/61 the same way. I don't have S keyboard, so related extras are not implemented.
  3. Well, if you can fix existing for decades bug with "focus related synth", auto instance tracking can be implemented with current features. The bug: if Context API is used to Focus related Synth, the synth is focuses but ACT mapping is empty. Note that Open (with the same API) and focus with mouse don't have that bug-
  4. This thread mention the way to select them externally. So that is possible ?
  5. I propose AZ Controller preset with one Software Set (let say "Markers") into which you add names of all markers in question (f.e. "Song 1", "Song 2", etc.). At the moment there is no "<current state text>" option for Marker Action, so you will need to specify explicitly each jump. If you send CC with value corresponding to required Marker (up to 128), the logic list for the only control you need will be: 'Value:0' - Search marker 'Song 1' 'Value:1' - Search marker 'Song 2' etc. Where 'Value:x' you specify in the 'Action conditions' section. Typing 60 marker names and using copy/paste with selecting different value and marker can take a while... but I guess manageable in 15-20 minutes. Or in 2-3 days I can add "<current state text>" option, then the action list can be: - 'Markers' from MIDI value Search marker from 'Markers' I mean just 2 actions for up to 128 markers. Obviously you still have to specify all names manually... For MIDI you will need some MIDI loopback device. For OSC you will have to send a command with float value <marker number>/127.0 May be we should continue the discussion on my forum, so we can exchange AZ Controller presets. On in PM. Your choice.
  6. Ideas are good, but... let be practical. What is the number of "jumps" you are going to have for one project and how you are going to know to which marker you are going to jump? +-20 in Marker Action was designed with TouchOSC in mind. To show some set of markers around current one and allow jump to one of it. Note that iterative "scrolling" happens relatively fast (till the project has markers at every measure). Note that Marker Action is already "tricky" (see documentation). You can move to named markers or shift by more then 20, using Software Sets. I can extend the functionality, but only after I understand the intention and agree the change is practical ? PS. AZ Controller is for controllers... so it is not currently supporting "text input". PSPS. If you like scripting, may be "another DAW" is more appropriate for you... There is a DAW which support all kind of scripts/extensions in several languages, with complete access to all information in the DAW and projects and with a possibility to save script/exception specific data into the project. And converting your Cakewalk projects into that DAW can be simple (project dependent) using another tool from my site...
  7. I also think drum-maps can be excluded from matching, so MIDI directly connected to soft synth, Instrument tracks with the synth and probably audio tracks with input from the synth should return the synth id in the rack, everything else can return -1. That will match behavior of NI keyboards in other DAWs. While theoretically there can be audio and MIDI sends, only tracks which physically host KK are considered (as far as I know, may be in some DAWs that is different...). DM is in any case just a workaround for not existing MIDI routing and strange MFX format in Cakewalk...
  8. @msmcleod PMs are not enabled, so in open Hello Mark, I have ordered NI m32... for other reason then Cakewalk, but remembering all discussions I have decided to check if "normal" (not Mackie based) integration is possible. I will need to know (from API) if current track is related to some synth. I know there is command to open related synth, but I don't know how to get the synth in question from API. That remind me about old standing issue. For that purpose I was using hack method and it was working in Sonar X2, but that is no longer working in current Cakewalk (from what I remember since long time). The following is comparison for 3 calls in X2 vs Cakewalk: GetMixParam(.... MIX_PARAM_INPUT ...) X2 for MIDI track: -1 (somehow not tracking changes in input) Cakewalk for MIDI track: MIDI inputs (correct) X2 for Instrument track: index of MIDI track output (so usable to identify the synth) Cakewalk for Instrument track: ??? seems like index of MIDI track output dependent, but see later ??? GetMixParam(... MIX_PARAM_INPUT_MAX ...) X2 for MIDI track: MIDI inputs count (correct) Cakewalk for MIDI track: MIDI inputs count (correct) X2 for Instrument track: MIDI outputs count, so usable with value Cakewalk for Instrument track: ??? some number which i was unable to correlate ??? GetMixParamValueText( ... MIX_PARAM_INPUT ...), using the value from GetMixParam X2 for MIDI track: "--- none ---" X2 for Instrument track: the name of MIDI input with the same number (as mentioned, the number is from MIDI outputs set) Cakewalk for MIDI track: correct MIDI input name Cakewalk for Instrument track: as with X2, the name of MIDI input for provided number I think fixing everything means: Report MIDI input as the input for MIDI and Instrument tracks (with correct MAX). Add a method to detect that track is Instrument (may be already exist?) For any track add "Get Related synth" method (for Instrument tracks may be also "Set Related synth" method) (may be also exists?) But for the moment I will be satisfied just with (3) Regards, Alexey.
  9. I think for that particular implementation to work, Cakewalk has to be in focus. Let me propose other possibility. Currently AZ Controller has no way to navigate internally by time (can be added... if really required...), but I think for your case it is better navigate by markers. So you create a set of markers and ask AZ Controller navigate to them. Advantages: if you modify the project timing, markers will be shifted properly and you don't need to correct the list you can expose the list (throw OSC), so it will be project specific in the app Current limit in AZ Controller is 20 (can be easily extended if required). But if you don't need jumps you can show "current" and 1-2 previous/next, then the list will not be long and there is no limits. I can make an example preset.
  10. We had many related discussion with my colleague and friend. He instantly passed away several years ago... It happened at that time a pair of his Kimber Hero XLR was by me, and so I still have them. Not sure about advantages in sound, but they are good and I guess will work for long. Every time I use them I remember my friend, with smile. Could simple XLR have the same effect? I don't think so. I mean from some perspective these particular cables are probably worth the money...
  11. 64(32) bits used by DAWs are floating point formats, with 53(24)bit precision. DAC/ADC are fixed point devices, 16/24 bits are also precision. Major difference is that in floating point format the precision is independent from the value. In fixed point precision is value dependent. In practice, for audio, that means lowering track volume by 12dB before processing or exporting does not reduce precision when 64(32) format is used. But 24bit format will lose 2bit in precision (compare to the original audio, which is normally already lower). 32bit floating point has 24bit precision, so sufficient to represent 24bit audio interface recorded material. But 64bit make sense during processing, plug-ins perform millions of mathematical operations on your audio and plug-in authors are not always good in mathematics and so not always optimize the code to keep precision as high as possible. As persistency format there is no evidence 64bit bring something (till someone export/import many times, so as temporary files for continuous re-processing between export/import that theoretically make sense...). Even in case ADC/DAC will have real 24bit precision, since we are in audio domain that will need close to 148dB SNR analog equipment (mic, pre-amp, amp, monitors, etc.) to be useful. If your equipment is of good quality, you may find real numbers in specification which rarely cross 110dB border. Simple rule to convert dB to bits is 6dB per bit (not scientific nor precise, dB means different things even in audio domain, but works good for most estimations). Also note that people in real world conditions most probably not notice degradation till the precision is down to 10bit... but no one will ever agree with that ?
  12. azslow3

    Akai MPK249

    The question "how to make controller X work with Cakewalk?" is one of the most popular question about controllers. And I carefully read posts on which I try to answer. From your OP and the summary it is clear you was expecting layout editor, official protocol documentation and something for/from Cakewalk. "Axiomatic statements" are for those who plan to buy some controller, to avoid such expectations (and related disappointment). The rest of my post was an outline what is possible with these controllers and which tools can be used. Modern general purpose DAWs can be more then connected between controller and hardware/software synth MIDI recorder. And in most cases these extra features help. But even existence of these features is not easy to find (f.e. format of MIDI FXes in Cakewalk, monitoring MIDI track output, converting CCs into sequence of SysExes, choosing bank/patch selection method, etc.). Even the fact MIDI can have extra routes inside Cakewalk (shortcuts, assignments, control surface plug-ins) is periodically overseen. If all that is irrelevant for you, sorry that I couldn't give you any valuable information. But this is public forum and I want people which google for "Cakewalk MPK249" get an overview of possibilities in addition to "basic questions are never answered" conclusion.
  13. azslow3

    Akai MPK249

    A violin has strings, but it is not a guitar... Sounds like trolling, but that is not the point. Most devices are designed for particular purpose and Akai MPK is not an exception. Yes, most devices can also be used for something else, but that is at least inconvenient and normally requires DIY. Akai clearly mention the list of purpose for MPK: MPC software, Ableton/Bitwig DAWs and VIP VST host. You have mentioned MPC software but you have not mentioned VIP. May be good to check it, at least for working with VSTi. Any other application needs DIY approach. That is expected and no reason to be frustrated. For controlling Cakewalk, Generic/ACT MIDI surface plug-ins can do control to operation mapping on basic level. Limits of both are known, for any advance logic you will need AZ Controller. Starting point can be https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,393.0.html I really can't remember what this preset does, I have created it remotely for someone with device. Controlling external hardware synth is more challenging. Cakewalk build-ins for the purpose are INS definitions and DMs. Reasonable approach depends from final needs. If the idea is creating self-containing MIDI, so required settings for the synth should be inside the project, controlling sequences should go throw Cakewalk tracks. Correct INS files can help there (f.e. for proper selection of bank/patch in the Track Inspector). Converting controller input (in case corresponding MIDI sequence can't be configured on the controller or configuring it is too boring) can be tricky. Cakewalk still support DX formatted MIDI FXes only and keeping MIDI output from VSTi (any "usual" MIDI FXes will be instantiated as instruments) under control can be hard. So, when possible, try to find DX MFX which can do the conversion you need (f.e. Piz MIDI or my AZ Lua https://www.azslow.com/index.php?topic=286.5). Alternatively use external MIDI translator (f.e. Bome). just sending some settings live (so without recording them into project) can be a bit simpler. F.e. with AZ Controller you can assign sending MIDI messages (sequences, constructed on the fly, etc.). Learning how to write INS files, filter scripts and configuring AZ Controller can take a while. DIY rarely has PnP speed
  14. azslow3

    external controller

    There was not many single track controllers: Faderport Classic (old one, discontinued), Faderport V2 (which you have tried), Frontier Alphatrack (old one, discontinues) and Behringer X-Touch One. Any of them can work throw AZ Controller (when hardware works). May be you can find locally second handt Faderport Classic or Alphatrack for cheap (with check possibility). Any controller can have initial problems or stop working later (especially touch sensitive motor fader).
  15. Have you ever had ASIO4ALL (or other ASIO drivers) installed on that system? I remember I had similar effect back in time, but I can't remember why. It can be that time I was testing ASIO4ALL on my primary computer, which did something with all other ASIO drivers. This I couldn't revert till the next major Windows update... And since that is fast to do... Have you checked in RME panel there is no errors? Another (relatively) quick and overall test (Cakewalk does not really show RT load, LatencyMon is more to find the reason of some problems then to detect which problem exists): install REAPER (portable), create the same track, open View/Performace meter, right click and enable everything (except Hold RT). Start playback and watch if some numbers look strange. Press "Record arm" on the track (no reason to stop playback for that...), check everything is still ok (in performance dialog).
  16. azslow3

    external controller

    In Cakewalk Preferences, visit MIDI/Playback and recording section and make sure at least Notes, Controller and Pitch Wheel are checked in the Record section. In the Windows task bar, where app icons like language switch, sound controls, etc. are, you should see MIDI icon from Cakewalk (when it is running). When you operate the unit (f.e. Move fader, press buttons), "LED" on this icon should blink (a bit hard to see, they just change the color a bit). Do you have other MIDI devices which are working properly?
  17. Sometime with a bit of luck (+ handwork) Melodyne (Editor/Studio) can separate sounds (components) on sufficient level to at the end (more or less) remove them. But for metronome in more then several seconds recording that is not reasonable approach...
  18. Taking the number of threads about "how to optimize my PC to run with low latency" with suggestion to "convince your GPU driver not block the system", adding GPU into real-time chain is going to be a pain (and I guess the reason they ask DAW developers to cooperate). At the end, all that is interesting for people with top CPU+ top GPU only, which are using so many effects that the system can't deal with that at all. It just not worse the trouble otherwise. On the positive side, may be they manage to convince NVIDIA and AMD monitor real-time performance of the hardware/drivers. Since any increase of latency in updated drivers will make all related audio products unusable, the number and attitude of complains will be high ? Another point, GPUs are traditionally inefficient in general computation to consumed power ratio (1kW PSUs in gamers PCs are not for CPU). I have nothing against 2 GPU fans running full speed when UFO is exploding, but if the same happens when I record with a mic in the same room, I am definitively going to be unhappy ?
  19. ? To use AZ Controller it should be installed first. All relevant information is on https://www.azslow.com/ there is a video which demonstrate initial installation. Once installed, Cakewalk Plug-in Manager (in Utilities menu) will have Control Surfaces / AZ Controller section and SPP files can be imported. X-Touch One is one strip controller. It internally has MCU (8 strips) emulation, but from DAW (Cakewalk) perspective the device will be 8 strips in MCU mode. That has consequences. Using the controller in "native" mode with explicitly constructed for it preset should be better. Note that I don't have that controller, the preset was created by one of the users and I have no way to check how good/bad it is.
  20. Taking the art of this device into account, I don't think its Mackie emulation is useful, even in case it exists. Use ACT MID, deactivate Mackie on device and remove Mackie from Control Surfaces in preferences. Is music part works without surface modules? If yes, ACT MIDI is not blocking not assigned controls, but Mackie plug-in blocks everything.
  21. Are you sure you have followed the video on page 1 and matched Windows sample rate with project sample rate? Note that existing project have fixed sample rate and the audio interface set to it on project loading. Windows does not re-set it automatically and it produce sounds only in case current rate match settings.
  22. "A concurrent" has finally implemented up-sampling (in pre-release), as usual (for him) with max flexibility, so up-sampling individual plug-ins or whole chains, up to 768k. Not that there was no other options (project sample rate can be changed on the fly there and it is not fixed to the audio interface rate), but for performance that is nice ? Sorry for off-topic...
  23. Please notice what scook has written. Some comments: * Cakewalk projects have no bit depth (but fixed sample rate). * what you see as "96/16" means your "Preferences/File/Audo data/Record bit depth" is currently set to 16. New recorded files will be saved as 16bit. * if you change the setting to 24, you can still see 16 till you re-open project (Cakewalk glitch) + Cakewalk can't work in 16bits at all, only 32 or 64 + Bit depth settings are global, they are not saved with projects (will influence any open project)
  24. I don't think this device support Mackie mode: https://www.midiplus.com.tw/en/product-detail/Origin62/
  25. Most recommendation from "producer" sounds reasonable (even so for older Windows versions, may be you can find for 10...): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/error-windows-explorer-has-stopped-working-057f3872-6252-67e3-2c5a-88c9c633fe41 This (and alike) normally helps with many strange system problems (sometimes also cleans system files and improve system performance on "old" installations with many system updates): https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-dism-command-line-utility-repair-windows-10-image
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