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Everything posted by Adam Compeau
Also, sometimes you have to re-start CW to make sure any prior theme data is cleared...if that helps...
Indeed! You are welcome! I've tried many other awesome looking themes, but this one feels luxurious and inspiring and has a simple clarity to it. Thanks!
Inspector Tabs Fixed 6.01 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/yl5dr3tcce30x/AC+Dark+Aqua+for+Cakewalk+2021.04 Fixed all required updates. But, then had to fix some tabs by eye... Hmm, you would think the size of a tab would be more import and required than the dozens of colors required to save as the same color as before!!! Weird stuff. But, I love this color scheme as do a few other, so here you go. This took several hours of course. Let me know if I missed anything important. I also left this with just my preferred Pan knob with a line and numbers. Super easy for me to add the other knob styles if you really need it.
I will try soon... Thanks! I'm back to using Samplitude mostly again, but I will try to get it together for this beautiful program of CW! If you find the post that was talking about what needs to be updated, tag it here if you can, or I will try to look for it... ...oh it looks like it might be pinned to the top of the page...
theme M-Oxygen Theme (Updated for 2021.12)
Adam Compeau replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Looking Good! -
How to fit song to project tempo and viceversa
Adam Compeau replied to Michel Camacho's question in Q&A
Thanks Johnny! Make sure to get the most updated one here...5 different Pan knob option downloads there as well as updates. -
Christmas Song Fix - Real Horns and Trumpet Solo!
Adam Compeau replied to Adam Compeau's topic in Songs
Thank you. Yes, it is me. I try to practice at least an hour a day still. I wish other instruments required practice every day and I would be a lot better at them as well. It's easy to get lazy on piano and other things. -
I could not play flute good enough to replace the sampled flute, so I replaced it with muted trumpet. I added real trumpet in with the horn parts. I also did not notice I was on Polyphonic mode in NI Session Horns pro. It should have been on Smart Voice Split. That sounds much more realistic! adjusted volume of ratchet shaker thingy and extended it though the horn part. ?
Thank you very much! I wrote this song right after a 3 week fight with Covid! It's funny...I almost hated music while I was sick and did not take one step into my music room. As soon as I started feeling better, I can't leave the music room now! Lol
Thanks so much! Yes, and I am a trumpeter and own a trombone too...and I let laziness tell me that I like the "cute fake horns" LWOL! I think I will soon record real horns! ? I'll re-check the Meinel Shekere or whatever it is... Thanks!
Thanks! Exactly...Sometimes I can get the horns just right with samples, but this one did not...kind of a cute sound, but not very realistic... I play trumpet and I just might put a real trumpet track over it...I don't play flute that well, but maybe I'll get a bud to do it..or I will practice! ?
at my webpage Christmas page also... OOPS...CAN'T FIX THIS DUPLICATE...THANKS!
Hi guys! I really enjoyed working on the Dark Aqua skin and getting acquainted with the new Cakewalk. Much to love! However, lately I have not been producing much on it, but using it to organize my songs to finish using the Matrix! Anyway, I thought I would share my many years of music on my new website. I hope you enjoy! I will add a new Christmas song or two in the coming days... www.songsforthemaster.com Adam
I added my name to it , but I must have saved it wrong or something...thanks!
5.28 http://www.mediafire.com/folder/yl5dr3tcce30x/AC_DA_-_5_Pan_Options Those doggone Docking and Collapsing arrows were still too Blurry and I had to fix the roll over color/style. Also, the collapsed Pro Channel Button was blurry...fixed. The dock/ undock boxes still have a bit of the glow effect, but now as distracting, I don't think...
5.27 http://www.mediafire.com/folder/yl5dr3tcce30x/AC_DA_-_5_Pan_Options Snap on/off more contrast in control bar and piano roll. Tack View: Automation "W" colored in and Archive "A" dimmed during play and idle to match other items. Freeze Synth button dimmed to match also.
Version 5.25 http://www.mediafire.com/folder/yl5dr3tcce30x/AC_DA_-_5_Pan_Options Corrected Midi Inspector Buttons. I also corrected the inconsistent default and roll over colors of the Browser Plugins Tab.. I made the selected glow word of "Instrument" a little less blurry....futher modifying these tabs made them less attractive and not blending as well with surrounding elements. So, the Inspector tabs are different..that's not necessarily a bad thing... ?
"Clean up on isle 6!" ha... I soon will be cleaning up some of the Browser tabs, especially under the Plugins tab where the glow effect makes things a bit blurry and some of the fonts are the wrong color. I don't mind the main browser tabs, but I have to decide if I want them the same color scheme as the new Inspector tabs if possible. The midi inspector needs some color and contrast correction of buttons also as seen in the attached picture. ?
Cakewalk crashing on start..what to do next...
Adam Compeau replied to Adam Compeau's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Fixed itself maybe... I had at one time moved the Project folder to another drive, but then copied it back. So I still had the other copy on the other drive and opened one of my test projects from there. Now I can open and make new projects from either drive... What? Cakewalk must have been looking for something? -
Should I uninstall and reinstall? Also, strangely, Avid came up with a window to send an error report, but Cakewalk didn't. All I have from Avid is EuControl software.
Oh cool. I didn’t know who the prior author was, either...So that’s good info... Thank for the compliment!
I have it listed in the link above with a C included... https://www.mediafire.com/folder/yl5dr3tcce30x/AC_DA_-_5_Pan_Options