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Everything posted by David BEAUGRAND

  1. @Matthew Simon Fletcher By any chance, do you use divisimate ? I downloaded the trial a couple of days ago and I can't make it work correctly. I understood the routing but I have a lot of hanging notes (no note off event..). Did you notice the same behavior ? For me it's unusable for now but I don't know if the bug is in Divisimate or Sonar
  2. Hello, this is not an issue with this update but a very old one. The piano roll view (as well as the score view, and most of the windows) is always behind any vst window (instrument or effects). You can't put the piano roll view on top of any vst window, which is very annoying (using floating windows). It would be great to fix this issue ! David
  3. Hi, I've got a problem which is probably a bug. The synth rack view, when detached from the main window, is closing each time I'm adding a new synth. Have you got this problem ? Could you fix it please ? Thanks David
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