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Clovis Ramsay

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Everything posted by Clovis Ramsay

  1. @Darcy If you are streaming/broadcasting live, I would seriously suggest that you do a test broadcast the day before and observe your latency that will be occurring with the drum trigger plug ins. You run the risk of having samples sounding off out of time and depending on your setup, you may not even catch it if standing in the same room. However on the audience end of the stream, they will hear the triggered kick/snare out of time with the natural kick/snare in the Overheads and other mic bleeds. If you had a DSP server to handle your plugins, you would have a much better situation here. Those triggers eat up a lot of memory and CPU, considering each drum would need there own instance of the plug in. My suggestion would be to obtain actual physical trigger pads that stick to the drum heads and feed a line out to either a drum hardware unit (like those that power electronic drums) then send out from the unit a MIDI out that would hook to your audio/midi/usb interface to then trigger a program such as Addictive Drummer, MODdrums, any midi drum application will do. You can even trigger them through garage band on an ipad and send the output into Cakewalk as an audio track. Those are suggestions I would consider if you have never experience the nightmares of live broadcasting a band and relying on samples to trigger from within a plug in that relies on an audio signal, it's a huge letdown and makes me sweaty and anxious just thinking about it lol
  2. I remember back in the day when I was in high school and the only kid in a 50 mile radius who wanted to have my own recording capabilities for my band. I was super broke so I would go meet some shady characters in an unlit ally who would sell me cracked recording software for $20....and that was a lot to me, especially in 2002. Well, that was how I was introduced to Cakewalk and once I got my first job the following year, I spent my entire paycheck buying it! I have many commercial releases by bands I recorded, including my own, and a handful of the musicians would drive hours to come record with me using SONAR. A few of them I became great friends with, started many recording projects as well as using them for tour support, they all joined major league top 40 bands doing the world over and continue to do so. Now Cakewalk is free...and nothing has changed. Pro is the shortening of "Professional" which means "utilized to make money with". I made more than money so CHECK MARK next to the "obtain pro DAW" line on my studio essentials checklist.
  3. @OB-Lix I have a similar issue where my tube sat and console emulator modules do not display any graphic, they are blank. This changes once I activate the modules but as of January's release, they are graphic less modules in a new project or new track/bus.
  4. My Expo. plugins were THE FIRST to fall victim to my computer forcing in a new security framework that caused iLok to register my pc as a new machine location. So of course that meant losing access to any plug in offering only a single activation (ahem...Exponential ) I ended up having to cut the session and work day short just so I could waste 4 hours writing emails to every single vendor asking them to do me a favor essentially, by resetting my licenses. This makes me feel prettttty darn HEATED when the money I spent does not actually equal ownership. If I truly owned them, then I wouldn't have lost half a days wages begging the overlords to forgive me for my mistake that i didn't even do. Imagine if musicians and engineers treated music in this way and could bar people from accessing their music after 2 activations. Yea, that would be pretty rude wouldn't it now?
  5. not if R3 has something to show forth
  6. They had a end of year Elements Bundle that included R2, Excalibur, Pheonix AND Iris 2, Trash 2.....for $49. I didn't even care for all the elements programs, but the 49 entry to access fee to score the 3 Exponential and the Iris 2 & Trash 2... i mean, wow
  7. As far as feature add-ons & instruments go, a few are exclusive to Platinum only and require Platinum to be installed, so if you must install SPLAT, do it first. Reason for doing CbBL last is because it writes to the Shared Utility program directory that stores the ProCh module .dlls, start screen design, menu index, and all that which is mentioned already in this thread. If you were to install SPLAT last, you would see the Sonar logo and the older menus in CWbBL, and the ProCh modules may get fussy if they are written over with outdated version. I am not really all the smart though so better just take the advice of the experts!
  8. I've been struggling to come up with something to post to annoy you all with but I guess this will do for now. It's the start page from 2016 I hope whoever came up with this design got an ice cream party or at least a drink on Gibson's tab...
  9. @Terry Kelley That would be a job for OBS, except that it isn't a plug in and runs simultaneously with your DAW. It has all of the optimization settings required to stream HQ stereo to a person on the other end of a stream. Open Broadcaster Software | OBS (obsproject.com)
  10. @Glenn Stanton Indeed, by the very definition and utility of "real time", I am incorrect in advertising the VST as such. However, I tend to generalize the term when the notion is derived from a lack of real time remote collaboration tools, so to any caveman such as I that experiences the closest to real time as one has or can....well by golly it sure would pass the real time test that I had in mind! (most erroneously of course) ?
  11. I probably shouldn't say Tupperware because Tupperware is actually pretty thick and well made plastics (my mother still uses her 40 yr old sets lol) I just generalize all plastic food storage containers as being "Tupperware", but what Im actually referring too are those disposable kinds made by Glaad. They are flexible and have a bounce back response similar to a drum head and you can cut access holes for triggers or a microphone to place inside, if you're into that sorta thing. Actual Tupperware will sound like tapping on Teflon(?) marching snare heads and will not respond dynamically....and baby boom mothers across the world will be offended by you destroying good Tupperware ?
  12. SATELLITE SESSIONS PLUGIN 2.0 "Designed for you to collaborate in any DAW, at any time, anywhere." ...It's true. And it's Free. They did it, they are the winners of the real time remote collaboration within any DAW, both audio and MIDI, w/chat capability. BandLab should create a plugin for a DAW to make use of its mix editor app!
  13. I applaud the BandLab project integration as i have anticipated this capability since the acquisition! I will bring attention to a new free plug in called Satellite that just released which allows you to insert a track as one would insert "ReWire" which opens a cloud based DAW project session that allows one to collaborate remotely in real time with anyone running the plugin. It's pretty amazing and one of the easiest ways of transferring tracks/stems to be mixed or mastered or band members to work with. The greatest part is that it works in any DAW that is VST compatible. BandLab needs to be a plug in that integrates with its online mix editor in real time for collaboration within Cakewalk or any DAW for that matter. The way people work remotely now in this day in age, this technology fulfills a great need.
  14. I have had this problem many times and though I do not know exactly why it was happening, I can however provide a few suggestions based on actions that worked for me. I will note that I was using Win 8.1 Pro on an AMD Quadcore 2.2ghz laptop w/8GB Ram. -Firstly, I found that heavy use of Waves plug ins make a significant impact on project loading and I am assuming that it has to do with how Waves plugins are bundled in a shell placed in the VST program directory that then recalls the plugins stored in the x86 vst program directory. Waves are also graphic heavy. -That led me to updating and making changes to my GPU in how it allocates resources. This seem to help a great deal honestly and it is always a point most audio production developers stress as an important scenario to review. -I store the audio data for my projects on an external disk with my project files on my C drive that helps with mitigating audio data corruption and drive failure. I didn't realize that my external drive wasn't getting defragged either enough or none at all, but once I did defrag, performance and responsiveness made a great improvement. -I noticed that any track that was audiosnap enabled seriously slowed down the project loading and even wrecked performance with playback. Audiosnap enabled doesn't always show up visually so you have to double check your tracks through the inspector to see. You can also do a Ctrl+A to select all and then Alt+A to open audiosnap and see if the audiosnap is turned on, signifying that one or more of your tracks are enabled. If you are no longer using audiosnap, TURN IT OFF lol man what a difference that makes!!!
  15. @Glenn Stanton yes I am known to turn less than good drum performances and recordings into midi then played through AD2. I also use the Addictive Trigger to replace badly tuned snares or as you have mentioned, recording myself banging on something to trigger or convert into midi. I find Tupperware to be of great use as it reacts dynamically, giving me the velocity values I want so that the drum samples trigger accordingly. The included MIDI packs of AD2 are also very useful in production. It's also worth noting that you can place an ADTrigger on the AD2 snare/kick/tom outputs and utilize all of the included kit pieces that exclusive only to ADT.
  16. ....welp, seems the forum isn't signed up for that "files in a folder" kinda thing ?
  17. I have not used the majority of them (perhaps in another life), but I do hope they bring you much joy and utility for your musical endeavors. Instrument Definitions Collection
  18. Included are several guides on working with AD2 in Cakewalk, as well as a few "Advanced Drum Editing" guides made by members of the CW team published during the SONAR era (Still relevant for current Cakewalk release as of mid 2021) Addictive Drums 2 (Project Temp +Track Temp +Drum Map) separate-outputs.pdf Cakewalk - Setting up a Drum Map for Addictive Drums 2 in Cakewalk.pdf
  19. @GrebzI ran into this problem and to correct it, I loaded the Tungsten theme that resides in the Cakewalk Core's Program File directory, into the Theme Editor. I then imported the custom theme I had into the editor so that it modified the colors and icons, saved as, and it loaded no problem.
  20. Glad to see that the infamous CA-2A is now included for ProChannel! However, it doesn't have side-chaining option as the previous version did so anyone utilizing this feature in your projects should make adjustments. It would be an easy one to miss if you do not check through your settings.
  21. There are a few setting variables that you can try to improve the accuracy, at least from what I've learned through other users experiences and my own experiences put to a test. For one, I have found that there is an optimal input gain at -8dbfs peak where my plug ins seem to work and sound their best. This peak value always works best, in my experience at least, for transient beat detection by audiosnap. It has far less markers landing on mic bleed transients and less "missing" markers. If you have excessive mic bleed, then i highly suggest rendering your track with a gate to clean it up so that audiosnap will be less distracted. Also, define your timing resolution, tempo map, and every tool to be the same such as 1/16th, and also make sure you are setting the clip to its proper tempo in audiosnap. I work a lot with heavy rock/punk music so I always set the tempo at double time for the metronome to tap out quarter notes for the drummer. But audiosnap is always detecting the tempo half of what i put in so be sure to apply the appropriate one so that those markers fill out as they should. And remember that you can adjust parameters in the inspecter pain for each track that is audiosnap enabled. It's been helpful many times in my hours of discontent. Hopefully that might help with the efficiency of audiosnap, It has with mine so far but it is more likely a per user situation.
  22. @Starship Krupa yes, I am aware of everything you’ve reiterated except for plug ins going missing from the browser. Perhaps I have not tried enough plug ins to experience it. I knew I would eventually regret participating in the forum, I’ve lost my skills to communicate through texts. Its become a problem with all of my texting channels. I find it alarming considering that I have a few academic and scholastic achievements under my belt.
  23. You know whats funny about Mike's is that he avoids a step to keep from crashing his session which is EXACTLY THE SAME FOR ME! To be able to quantize and slip edit multiple tracks longer than 30 secs long would be an ability I have not yet experienced with audiosnap. The future is funny like that
  24. They don't show up in the Uncategorized folder in the browser to where you can right click on the plug or multiple plugs (click + shift HOLD -> select last plug in range wanted for selection) to manually categorize it?? Thats how mine works ? Agree! I'd say to the developers to just rid of the internal browser altogether, it's useless in a touch screen environment which is trending hard now and cakewalk is the first and real contender in the touchscreen integration situation. Just needs to work with the OS explorer windows for drag drop and utilize more of a pro tools and reaper style of inserting plug ins that is quick on the fly and intuitive to routing. Browsing just kills the work flow for me and I do not like all that space wasted on my screen. You know I wasn't aware that this wasn't a thing. Whenever I do make a nice chain of plugin inserts, I do take advantage of saving them into racks or fx chain presets that I can automate and design my own modules. There are several tweaking and customizing abilities that are creative and really helpful, but there are weird limitations too, the browser and the graphics are just annoyingly a decade past it's functionality.
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