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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Klanghelm's plugins are excellent AND excellent value. The most expensive one is 24 €. I have all 6 of the full versions. There are 4 freebies that are subsets of the full versions. MJUC, their 1176 compressor emulation, is superb! Klanghelm plugins
  2. I don't know about you, but the install wasn't easy for me, because why? I tried to follow the installation instructions in the ReadMe file, that's why. Those instructions tell you to put the Oasis theme file in the MTexturedStyles folder in [user] | AppData | Roaming | MeldaProduction. The folder does not exist there. The correct path, at least for v17, is ProgramData | MeldaProduction. That's where I found the MTexturedStyles folder with all of the styles provided by Melda. I copied the Oasis styles file to that folder, and the Melda plugins found it no problem. EDIT: v17.0 isn't doing a good job of remembering the Default style after selecting something different than the factory default "Neon" style and clicking on "Save as default style". Irritating. I'm going to have to do some testing. Note that this also seems to be a problem if you select any other style and save it as the default. When I first instantiate a Melda plugin, it comes up in the Neon style. When I click on the Settings button, the plugin switches to the desired (saved) style. If I can't find something in the .INI file, I'll post a bug report to Melda.
  3. I just grabbed Oasis for Melda and Fab Five for BlueARP. Nice freebies!
  4. Installed! LOL Beat the BAPUter to it.
  5. If you haven't already, I'd ask this question in the GP forum. Here's one GP forum thread that's similar. GP Relayer setup in DAWs
  6. If it looks like ****, smells like **** and tastes like ****, it probably is ****. Putting sugar on it doesn't make it a brownie.
  7. I first saw John Mayall in the mid '70s at B'ginnings in Schaumburg, IL. T-shirt, cut-off shorts, barefoot, blazing away on harmonica. Outstanding show. RIP, John. You were legend, and deserving of far more recognition than you received. In 1970 In 2015
  8. The hook. This deal. The line and sinker? Does not include Riffendium 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or Bass. If this was a deal for the whole bundle ($595, on sale now for $392; woo hoo!), I'd give it a go. But, I'm not gonna buy #5, get to liking it enough to want that bundle (especially the bass library), that I'd go "what the hey ho" and spend another $400 to get it.
  9. Good info. I bought the v3 upgrade when it was released 2-3 years ago. I would also note that: 1) Chromaphone v3 installs along side v2. It doesn't overwrite it, so any projects using v2 will continue to sound as written and mixed. 2) I expect that all new soundpack releases for Chromaphone will be v3 specific, so picking up v3 is still a good idea IMO. Chromaphone is SO good.
  10. Wow! A seamless segue to Chad & Jeremy. I'm IMPRESSED!
  11. Each of these betas has included a significant number of fixes, even the latest b12 release. I think I'll continue to sit on v5.1.9 and wait for a "stable" v5.2 release.
  12. Was that the tour from late '77 to '78? That tour stop in Milwaukee at the old County Stadium was the only time I saw PF live. Superb! Made all the better by the windowpane taken on arrival!
  13. So many to choose from, but for shear uniqueness, I'll nominate the ELP concert at the Dane County Coliseum in Madison, WI when they were touring the Works albums with a 51 piece orchestra. Each orchestra instrument had a custom contact mic made for it. The orchestra was up on a C-shaped 2nd floor level stage that surrounded ELP's stage. The conductor came out at ELP level and then was raised on one of those scissor platforms up to the orchestra level. ELP's stage was tall enough to accommodate an elevator for Keith Emerson's various synths and grand piano. The appropriate instrument was brought up for each song. The sound system was SUPERB! They played a fantastic show. I still have the LP-sized program I bought at the show. Sadly, that tour was cancelled after only 3 shows. ELP had four large outdoor concerts that would have paid for the expense of touring with the orchestra cancelled on them. They came back to Madison 6 months later. They announced on stage before they started the show that they were touring as a trio to recover the money they lost on the orchestra tour. They thanked us for being such a great audience the first time around. They then played one LONG, awesome show. Much respect!
  14. Some interesting and useful information. I have to admit that I thought it was going to be about something else when I saw the thread title. My second piano teacher (from 10-12 years old) was the soloist for the St. Louis Philharmonic. I had 2 hour lessons every Saturday morning at her house. The first hour was spent doing theory on paper, like transposing a piano concerto down a minor third (exactly what every 10 year old wants to be doing on Saturday morning!). The second hour was spent seated at her Steinway concert grand. She was a wonderful person and super skilled pianist, but a brutal teacher. She could tell within 15 minutes how much I'd practiced that week. If I'd slacked off (more than once), I'd get an earful. Concerning the left hand, think about how a pianist works with a full orchestra. How those pieces are composed and how the instruments support the pianist (for the most part). Also concerning the left hand, and what I originally thought this thread was going to be about, my teacher suffered a stroke when she was 62, leaving her with a pretty useless right hand. Google "Left Hand Alone piano". Lots of really interesting links. Here's my teacher, Joanna Lange, playing Left Hand Alone arrangements. She never let her handicap slow her down.
  15. I downloaded and enabled this soundbank in Analog Lab V. I also had to enable it in Pigments, which showed there was one new Free soundbank, but knew that it was already downloaded, so it enabled immediately. ?
  16. Criminy. A complete app 2.9 GB download to fix a crash issue. Thanks for nothing, IKM. If I weren't on a fiber network with unlimited data, I'd be really unhappy.
  17. It's kind of difficult to get different Wurli VIs to sound exactly the same. I came kind of close with this one vs Arturia's Wurli v2 and Wurli v3 and AAS' Lounge Lizard. I set up a Gig Performer rackspace and drove all 4 with the same EZKeys song I put together. Sound-wise, it didn't stand out as obviously better. When I played each, none beat Lounge Lizard for playability if you can get the tone you want from it. One area where I really prefer Wurlybird is the user interface. It's terrific. When you select a preset, it places the FX pedals above the keyboard where the sheet music would go. Great use of space. Arturia's Wurlis put the pedals on the floor below the keyboard. Maybe more realistic for a real world keyboard, but wastes a lot of space on my display. And one REALLY irritating thing about Arturia's Wurlis is that the VSTs scale in VST hosts (my laptop has a 4K display running at 200%), but the standalone doesn't. When I scale the Wurlis for use in Gig Performer or one of my DAWs, I have to set the scaling to about 80%. The standalone versions pick up that setting and are unusable and almost impossible to read. I have to carefully select the scaling option and reset it to 200%. A real PITA. Lounge Lizard is due for a UI update any year now. Still love it. But for a regular Wurly, I think Wurlybird will get a lot of use. The comment above about an obvious sample change when playing with high velocity is valid for live use, but for recording, it's easy enough to use volume automation and avoid the using the highest velocity sample. Overall, I'll say that I'm happy to have a 140B to go with my 200 and 200A Wurlis.
  18. Welp, after listening to the demos on this page (start the first one and then let the page stream them in sequence in the background), I went ahead a bought it. Sound demos for Wurlybird
  19. I have NO idea where that language conversion happened. I checked the original post and it's still in English.
  20. I have both the V2 and V3 Arturia Wurlis installed. Both sound good, with tons of presets. Have have a bunch of Cherry Audio's VIs, but I'm not sure I need another Wurli, unless someone can convince me that C.A.'s can give me something that Arturia's can't.
  21. Not all of them. Those who are compliant with EU rules will recognize that you're connecting from the EU and add the appropriate VAT, even if they are charging in USD and I am paying from the PayPal account associated with my US bank. Some don't (not going to mention any names ?), so I save a bit of money.
  22. It may very well be that the £40 price I was offered was a "loyalty" price, since I already owned two of their other Oberheim synths. I didn't see any message to that effect, but whatever. It's now been purchased and installed. It can sound HUGE! Load the Aphex Bells preset. Sweet! Then turn on Unison. Holy schmoly. The opening bell for Ragnarök!
  23. How? I checked both of my PayPal accounts (France € and U.S. $), and couldn't find any setting for that.
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