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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. "A fine job"? Oh dear! ? Well that's the final nail in the coffin. ? I didn't know it was really THAT bad. ? I'll go and start digging the six foot hole. ? ?
  2. Or compare it to a virtuoso who can play a complete piano concerto of, say Rachmaninov, without a score, and give a slightly different interpretation every time. Now how many notes is that? Quite a few I believe. Never taken the trouble to count, I'll start now! ? One, two, ... ... four hundered and twenty two thousand and seventeen, ... ?
  3. Curses, got it wrong again. Perhaps I shouldn't waste everybody's time? ?
  4. Scores for musicals typically come in two flavours, a full score (with all the orchestral instruments and vocals), and a vocal score which just has a piano part with vocals. There can then be a "set of parts" which is each instrument's individual notes. all collected together. Oboe, cor anglais, flute, bassoon, ... and so on down to double bass. If you're writing for transposing instruments like Bb clarinet, or French Horn (in F) the notes will need transposing for the players. But I do say typically. If you take a look here https://imslp.org/wiki/The_Mikado_(Sullivan%2C_Arthur) you will see under the various tabs, full score, vocal score and parts. It's old fashioned, so don't worry about that, but imagine that properly typeset. You should be able to import your MIDI file (if you have one) into an application like MuseScore (a freebie) which makes a reasonable job, but almost certainly will need tidying quite a bit, as Tobias has explained. I use Finale 26. JohnG.
  5. When does it become commercially available? I want some.
  6. Quick somebody, in the interests of balance, please post the images of a man (sorry male) similarly silenced. Said solely in jest I assure you.
  7. Not with a ThinkPad. All set screws (N.B. not self tapping rubbish) are accesible, and the whole thing comes apart with relative ease. It is still a laptop! Cleaned the CPU fan, new RAM, mSATA drive, HDD, new backlit keyboard, replaced the LCD screen with higher res one. All done in a few hours (I didn't count how long).
  8. Not again! That's Concordes with an E. [rant] Why do I have to keep correcting spelling? It's the bane of my life!!! [/rant] ? Very, very early days before anything was built, we had a "mock up" of the Concorde fuselage in a hanger at B.A.C. Weybridge. Barnes Wallace was still there, in semi-retirement, he was working on the earliest "swing-wing" designs. All apprentices were introduced to the "grand old man" in the old Brooklands Race Track club house, with the Grand Slam and Tall Boy bombs stood on end outside. I was assured they were empty! There's an aviation museum there now with a Concorde parked outside. I can't remember now whether it was called Concorde then, maybe B.A.C. 2-12. Part of my electronics apprenticeship was understanding how control surfaces could be moved by actuators, and understanding the forces, due to air flow, that had to be overcome. How different those forces could be once suprsonic speeds were attained. These were very early "fly by wire" (no computer control) systems, back then it meant that there were no steel cables running from the joystick and pedals to the control surfaces (elevators, ailerons, rudder, etc.). So, actually work on the Concorde itself, no. I worked primarily on Vickers VC-10's and BAC 1-11's. Cockpit, radio bay, generators and power supply. The advanced design work on Concorde was being done at that time back in Weybridge, in the mid sixties.
  9. During my time at ICL I had to man the customer help desk occasionally. WIth training and a little guidance one can learn some people handling skills. I'm not so sure I ever mastered it though. ? ? I do admire those who can, don't you?
  10. Now that I'm retired I can forget those 'toxic' people and not mix with them. It makes life gentler, it has to be said. My wife, still working, has to deal with certain bitches not of the canine ilk at her work. Why do some people have to be like that? I never did discover, now I never will.
  11. Zee olt vuns are zee best vuns, nicht zo? (My wife is German so I speak the lingo fluently.) But she loves 'Allo. 'Allo.
  12. And that's the thing with mics isn't it? Some are good for acoustic guitar, others for men's or women's voices, some for micing a bass drum. The differences are often subtle, placement, distance, even angle can have their affect. I've just two I kept. A Beta 58 for live use and a small condenser one (? make), for my wife, the singer of the two of us.
  13. Oh dear, oh dear! We really are dredging the bottom of the barrel, aren't we.
  14. Why is it that dogs go absolutely 'bonkers' in snow. Tigger used to do that too when younger. I used to have a Welsh Border Collie that went absolutely insane in snow. We called her Abi. Waiting for her frisbee to be thrown. ("Why's he taking my picture? He'd better not post it on line.") God, I miss her so much. such a sweet natured creature. Brings a lump to my throat just remembering!
  15. T'was meant in jest, Synkrotron. But then ... Pah! You just lose a couple of inches of headroom. Now, you didn't know you measured headroom in inches, did you? You always thought it was measured in dB. ? We live and learn. ? Hopefully.
  16. Yeah! Thinkpads are great, IMHO. I've just finished upgrading a T430. You might have found a pair hinges on eBay. I saw some a week or so back when component hunting. Mark you it's quite a bit of work to dismantle it all and reassemble it. But well within the bounds of a moderately skilled screwdriver twiddler.
  17. I'm not going to even try to assess your tracks, so sorry. At my age, my hearing is so far beyond it's best that assessment would just be guesswork. I can't hear anything beyond about 6kHz. I have hyperaccusis too. Maybe some others can help. My hearing was damaged a long time ago when testing the generators that attach to jet engines without their silencers. Ouch! I defer to younger people.
  18. Exactly my sentiments. I won't let Win 10 anywhere near any PCs of mine until all these BUGS are removed. I accept that probably means "not in my lifetime" but that's fine with me. Win7pro(x64) user. Plus AusLogics defragger, CCleaner, and uBlock Origin on Firefox. JohnG. P.S. Even on this forum GoogleTagManager is trying to track me, efectively blocked by uBlock.
  19. Much, MUCH easier to install a false floor. ? With adequately earthed conduits spaced in a criss-cross fashion. Then power can run its course and likewise sigal cables. No "gentle wrapping" required. Tsk! Simples. ?
  20. My suspicion is, without hard evidence to back it up, that their microphones have different characteristic impedances. Therefore the pre-amps have variabilty in order to most closely match mic to amp. Using different impedance set-ups will, most likely, affect frequency response in subtle ways. Again, from memory of long ago, possibly inaccurate, bass roll-off or high frequency gain may be slightly altered. Possibly even a lift in the 'presence' region. My memory of these things cannot be relied upon though, I moved into a totally different area of expertise, dealing with CCITT Q.921 D channel signalling, both terrestrial and via satellite, sometime in the late '80s, and that's getting 'dim' too! JohnG.
  21. Having power cables crossing signal cables is usually not a problem, or minimally so. Right angles is optimal. It's when they're run side by side for any length that mains hum can be induced into the signal. Best to find an alternate route via a different part of the stage. Balanced cables used on unbalanced electronics is a waste of money. But I imagine you already know that?
  22. Well, I can't find my reference book. Did I dump it before moving back to the UK or is it packed in a tea chest at the back of the garage? Dunno. Anyway, some thoughts. It's about the amount of current that can be generated by the analogue to electrical transducer. Consider a bass guitar string waggling back and forth above the pickup coil. That mechanism can generate large amounts of current (no, not enough to heat the home), but sufficient, potentially to cause damage to the components in an electronic circuit, especially when amplified. (These components have a current rating measured in fractions of a watt). In this case we want to block current flow, but allow voltage swings, so the coil must see a very high impedance, in the order of hundreds of kilohms to a megohm. In a pickup for record (LP) transduction, a moving coil cartridge will not 'see' these high amplitude movements. They are limited, deliberately, by the RIAA equalisation curve applied to the coil of the cutting stylus, as much to reduce the width of grooves as to reduce current transfer. Bass reduced by degrees, treble amplified by degrees. As there's no danger of high current flow we can more closely match the pre-amp impedance to the transducer. Pre-amp always higher. The same, I believe, is true for a ribbon mic. It's transducing air movement to electrical energy. The movement of the ribbon is not excessive, so little current is generated. In fact, high transitions can result in damage to the ribbon. "Don't blow the mic!" used to be the shouted command from BBC engineers in the past, according to anecdote. So I would expect a ribbon mic pre-amp to be a relatively low impedance. "Relative" in relation to the ribbon mic. But always higher than the transducer. Is that of any help? JohnG.
  23. In the UK it's decided upon whether or not it's considered a permanent disability. My wife gets free thyroid replacement hormone therapy but would have to pay for, e.g. antibiotics. In my case, being retired and on a pension, most everything is covered. There are some advantages to being old, very few, but one or two.
  24. Now, here in the UK I get my hearing aid batteries for free. I'm not suggesting you move here, that might cost a decade's worth of batteries or significantly more. And then there's Brexit. But there are certain advantages to the NHS system. Not many, I grant you, but free hearing aid batteries is one.
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