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Peter Stiens

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Everything posted by Peter Stiens

  1. @Noel Borthwick I have two PCs running cakewalk, a desktop and a notebook. I compared both Empty Project.cwt files with WINMERGE. They are identical. I cannot reproduce the error on the desktop though I tried very hard ? But (!), it must have to do with the workspace. I've had created my own workspace, that somehow managed to include the step seqencer view . When I switch to a factory workspace, like "Basic" I am able to create a new empty project without error. If you tell me the location where I can find my created workspace file, I could send it in for examination, if needed. best regards Peter
  2. I reinstalled the previous version but now it crashes, too. This only happens when creating an empty project. I still can open existing projects or create projects other than "empty". Is there an "empty" template? Maybe this is corrupted?
  3. Back again, after the lunch break for no reason. Untitled_04132020_152417.dmp
  4. hi cakewalk-team, thank you very much. Unfortunately I'm experiencing an error. All worked fine. Then I've tried something with drum maps - I'm learning that feature at the moment - and now cakewalk crashes on creating a new project. I worked my life as a senior software develeloper, so I am willing to contribute with test cases or whatever will help. Please find a dump attached. EDIT: I reinstalled the previous version, started, created an empty project. closed. installes the pre release again. all okay. Best regards Peter Untitled_04132020_131703.dmp
  5. oops. It's described in the manual for the NI library. Those who can read have a clear advantage! Sorry for disturbing. I'll leave that post here, in case someone has the same reading disabilities as I have ? Solution: drag the desired pattern from NI to your midi track.
  6. Hi fellow members, I recently bought this nice sounding native instruments "middle eastern instrument"-plugin. There is a button inside the plugin to play 10 different drum patterns. I want to record the associated midi notes in a cakewalk track to modify them. I couldn't figure out how to. Do you have already? Any help highly appreciated. Stay healthy! Best regards Peter
  7. Hello Cakewalk-Team, thank you very much for offering CbB for free. I am switching from LMMS because I do like your GUI-Concept very much. I started with 2019.12 build 26, Win 10 64 AMD Ryzen 9 3900 (that's my video editing machine) I set up a small project (two instruments, VST VCO2 or other lib) and some musical notes. Everything works fine... BUT... I can't load the saved project. When trying to open the project, CbB is closed without any message. It just disapears. Am I doing s.th. wrong? Are there any logfiles I can send to you? Do you need the project file for tracing the problem? Btw: I am senior software developer, so I assume i know what you might need ;-) best regards Peter
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