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Jon White

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  1. Yeah, I'm frustrated. Like I said, Cakewalk works, Sonar doesn't. All settings identical. Windows 10. 32GB RAM, Gen 13 processor.
  2. This software is problematic, making me stick with Cakewalk over Sonar. First is it breaks up audio with minimal plugin looading that has no issues at all with Cakewalk (crackling). Game over for me. All settings identical. Secondly, the audio folder cleanup routine dumps Sonar every time, but of course works with Cakewalk. I've used Cakewalk since the eighties when it was new. Very disappointing. I'm frustrated, so forgive the terse form. I think Samplitude Pro X is my future studio DAW.
  3. Hi Bill, It's doing quite well, although I haven't figured out some aspects of it. I've programmed everything I like to use into it via key-commands, and use it freely with Samplitude Pro X and Cakewalk and Nuendo. It's quite a nice unit. I didn't need multiple faders and overall control-console functionality -- just wanted to get my hands off the mouse or in tandem with the mouse, and this is great. Well-devised hardware! The price is amazing, so we'll see about the durability. It only needs slight touches versus "button-press" pressure. Feel free to ask me where I am with things. I may need your help, too, if you get one! Jonas
  4. Jon White

    New ICON P1-NANO ...

    Just hooked up my new P1-Nano and wonder if anyone knows what the Cakewalk commands in the Cakewalk Template are sourced from. I'm having to map Keystroke Commands via HOTKEYS to do any custom setup, because much functionality is to be desired. I can't figure out, for instance, what "Punch" means in the template, other than switching the transport arrows to selecting set punch points. Are these templates uneditable and coded by ICON in ways we can affect? Thanks for any help. The unit might become very popular for only $300. Jonas
  5. Yes, starting measure 8 it had 4/4 again. I delete and things stay at my defined meter setting. Thank you very much for the response. Is this a bug? Jonas
  6. Setting the meter to anything other than 4/4 results in 7 measures of set meter, then return to 4/4 (on new project and in setting within project at start). Is this a bug? Thanks for any ideas, all. Jonas
  7. Fixed. It is a “notification”, and I had them disabled.
  8. The sandbox won't show all of a sudden. Scan seems to be happening, but no sandbox showing. Frustrating.
  9. Mine started this coincident with installing WaveLab by Steinberg. WaveLab installs a Visual C++ update. When I deinstalled the VC++, Cake wouldn’t even start; when I reinstalled the VC++, Cake started, but gave the activation goof. Cake also got caught in an endless loop trying to reconcile the “generic low-latency ASIO driver” that WaveLab installed. I had to delete every trace of that in folders and registry.
  10. Great responses. Yeah, I set the cloned track send to pre-fader and just turned the fader down. I thought killing the output assignment might be best, but probably isn’t important. Bristol, what I’m finding is that neat things happen when I apply different EQ to the various instruments/voices’ reverb sends. Sure, though, a blanket cleanup on the bus before the verb is a nice utility. I’ll see why it’s locking up later tonight. Thank you!
  11. I created a cloned audio track to just use the pre-fader aux send. I selected no output assignment. When I came back to load the project I got the message regarding no output selected and CW freezes. Any ideas?
  12. I commonly utilize a verb bus on songs, adding similar ambience to all the instruments at varied intensities. This week I analyzed my verb output spectrum and saw mud and junk I hadn’t considered prior with some ensembles. I thought to remove it by EQ on the bus input signals versus EQ on the reverb as a whole, thinking “why even feed the verb unwanted frequencies in the first place?” So I duplicated certain instrument tracks and EQ’d the clones to tailor the send frequency ranges. I then sent these signals, pre-fader, to the verb bus, and set the track output assignment to none. It worked fine (until I restarted the project, but wait for this). 1) Is this the only way to pull this off? 2) When I reloaded the project, it froze on a message that I had an audio track with no output assigned. I have to kill the Cakwalk app in Task Manager to get past the lockup. Is this a bug or system malfunction? Thank you to any and all responding neighbors! Jonas
  13. I commonly utilize a verb bus on songs, adding similar ambience to all the instruments at varied intensities. This week I analyzed my verb output spectrum and saw mud and junk I hadn’t considered prior with some ensembles. I thought to remove it by EQ on the bus input signals versus EQ on the reverb as a whole, thinking “why even feed the verb unwanted frequencies in the first place?” So I duplicated certain instrument tracks and EQ’d the clones to tailor the send frequency ranges. I then sent these signals, pre-fader, to the verb bus, and set the track output assignment to none. It worked fine (until I restarted the project, but wait for this). 1) Is this the only way to pull this off? 2) When I reloaded the project, it froze on a message that I had an audio track with no output assigned. I have to kill the Cakwalk app in Task Manager to get past the lockup. Is this a bug or system malfunction? Thank you to any and all responding neighbors! Jonas
  14. I updated yesterday and my projects opened with audio dropouts. My solution: Start using Sequoia and Nuendo for all of my important DAW projects. And I've been with Cake since 1988. I'm done.
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