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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Steve Really enjoyed this and I think the comments about sounding something like the Beatles would have done is spot on!! Great job Nigel
  2. Byron I think this shows that YouTube has reached an almost total monopoly position and thinks it can do what it wants - which unfortunately it seems it can!! We have discussed this a bit in the Coffee House, but it is good to see the video. HOW can they ban this for anything - its just Historical footage - are we to ban history now if it is a bit disturbing? This brings to mind what George Santayana said:- Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it If i were you I would challenge this ban and see what they have to say for themselves Nigel
  3. love this delay and use it a lot - absolute no brainer Nigel
  4. I had a video Partially Banned - My blood runs Cold - it's up in the Songs Forum at the moment - most people seem to think there was nothing wrong with it. YouTube madness. But I had another video, Troubled times banned - no real indication as to why - so I went through the video and thought that a two second clip might be the issue - the clip was of a shopkeeper turning the open/ closed sign around on the shop door - on the "closed" side of the sign it said Closed due to Coronavirus - honestly it was only viewable for about a second - anyway I took that clip out and put something else in, resubmitted and no problems at all. This was censorship which I think is totally wrong nigel
  5. Hope all goes well in the court case - thanks for taking the time to watch the video Keep well Nigel
  6. hi Lynn Wow thanks for those great comments - I am so pleased you liked it Cheers Nigel
  7. Makke Sorry about that, but I am pleased you liked the music!! Chimkin 100% true - but someone had to programme the Bots to carry out such censorship!!! Nigel
  8. Hi Freddy Thanks so much for these great comments and don't worry, I love mentoring and passing on what I can - and we have so many issues here in South Africa - Youth Unemployment is OVER 70% - I try and take on as many as I can but I hardly make a dent in the problem - a ticking timebomb if ever there was one - I would go on (and on and on and on!!) but my comments would definitely veer into the realm of Politics, which we all know is a no no!! Thanks again Nigel
  9. Hey Everyone Thanks so much for taking the time to have a watch and listen - really appreciate all the positive comments Thanks Again Nigel
  10. +1 Legacy of rock - my go to drum library Nigel
  11. Hi Jack - really pleased you liked the music and really appreciate the comments Nigel
  12. I really like this - I use this one a lot - excellent buy for 19 bucks Nigel
  13. Hi Steve Thanks for this, really appreciate the comments Cheers Nigel Hi tom You are so right - Some great records have been banned over the years - The ***** Pistols come to mind and look what that did for their notoriety and more importantly sales!!! If only it were possible to sell anything these days, as we've been sort of banned, we should be rich?? Always appreciate your time my friend Keep well Nigel
  14. Bajan Blue


    Hi Eric - really cool piece, some lovely playing - i also noted the hiss / buzz starting at .23 Apart from that, really enjoyable Cool Indeed Nigel
  15. Absolutely true about no reasoning with Youtube!! I had a problem with a previous video - Troubled Times - when I went to load it up they rejected it totally for something like unacceptable content - but they wont tell you what that content actually is, so you have to guess. Troubled Times has NOTHING to do with Covid. When I went back through the video, I had put in a 2 or 3 second clip where a shop keeper is changing the sign on the door from open to closed. On the closed part of the sign, it said "closed due to Coronavirus" It was visible for about a second or so. Anyway I guessed this might be the problem, so i replaced it and the video was accepted immediately. I really would like to go on a long rant about censorship, but I think that might be viewed as Political? Thanks Nigel
  16. Hi Colin Some great music here - i really liked track 7 Departure Really enjoyed the listen, thanks for posting very cool indeed Nigel
  17. HI Freddy Liked the beat a lot but agree with tom's other comments Other than that, good job Nigel
  18. I didn't catch the earlier mixes, but this sounds all good to me - great track and excellent vocals Cool Nigel
  19. Hi Bjorn I was shocked at the images - we have a great deal of this in South Africa, but we are a struggling third world nation Loved the music, fitted perfectly to the video Great job Nigel
  20. Great vocals as always but I do agree with the comments re the instrumentation. With some work, could be a great track Nigel
  21. Hi tom Great cover - loved the guitar playing and the vocals sounded excellent I've always liked this track and I've played it often - Cool Nigel
  22. Hi Wookie - thanks for the comments - yes I could see that someone might think the guy is praying, but actually he is not - as you say that could be the reason I suppose - thanks for taking the time to have a watch and comment - really appreciated Nigel
  23. Hi David Really enjoyed the track - I think I agree with some of the mix tips With regard to the reverb but apart from that excellent. Cool Nigel
  24. What Bjorn said!!!! Nice job Nigel
  25. Hi Bert This does sound much better, although I still think the snare is a little loud (Just a little bit) Otherwise all cool Nigel
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