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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. I have been giving BFD a good testing this morning - everything worked flawlessly and the sound really is excellent. So i think i will start to use this again that update, for me, seems to have fixed what was wrong Nigel
  2. Hi John great to hear you have settled in and are taking full advantage of the superb patisseries? I'm in Cape Town at the moment, but will soon be off back to Barbados - we have had a very cold winter here in Cape Town so I am looking forward to some warmth!!!! Keep well Nigel
  3. Hi John Thanks so much for this - shall sort this out when I am back in the studio, hopefully at the weekend. I also really agree with you about updating Komplete - should have just done Kontakt - well we learn by our mistakes as they say!! How's France treating you - still good I hope Keep well Nigel
  4. Hi Bjorn Thanks for the great comments, always appreciated. with the videos I have access to about 3 Libraires - so I can normally find something that fits! With regard to the videos, I do or certainly in the past, done most of them - I have been training / mentoring some youngsters here in Cape Town, so they have progressed very well and have done some of the videos themselves. We have such a Youth unemployment (and very poor Government schooling) here in South Africa (70% Youth unemployed) my wife and I set up a Scholarship Academy (a proper job plus cutting edge training) - our first intake of 10 youngsters was earlier this year and because this has worked out so well, the second intake is on the 1st July - we are really proud of this and how successful it has been. https://scholarship.sfafrica.co.za/ Not sure if you have seen any of these video shorts - most of these have been done by the "Scholars"!! https://www.youtube.com/@DevineLie/shorts Thanks Nigel
  5. I upgraded my Komplete to 14 - which of course included Kontakt 7 - no matter what I try I cannot get Kontakt 7 to open Standalone - I am on latest version Windows 10 and latest i9 Computer. this is not really a problem as my V6 is fine. V7 opens in Cakewalk OK, but as others have said, it is very slow. i admit to not having had the time to play with it yet, but on first look i cannot see how one views "non NI" Libraries - i have a large collection of independent libraries. also it seems more like a preset browser than the old Kontakt - i think i will be sticking with V6 for the time being. I really only upgraded to Komplete 14 for the Kontakt 7 upgrade so this is all a bit of a let down - I cannot say I am taken too much with any of the Play Libraries included in the upgrade and I had most of the Plugin Alliance stuff already - I did get Crispy Tuner though - just got to work out what that's for!!!! any help appreciated Thanks Nigel
  6. Hi Thanks for this - I really appreciate the comments Cheers Nigel
  7. Hi Keith, i definitely prefer this version. What did you use on the Piano (AI wise)? Sounds really good now, although you may need to revisit the lyrics after Elton's performance at Glastonbury? Nigel
  8. Really interesting - these are some of the best AI voices I have heard They really are getting better and better What program did you use for the video? Cool stuff Nigel
  9. Bajan Blue


    Can only agree with the comments, especially from Larry Great listen, really enjoyed this Cool Nigel
  10. Good lyrics and the song is cool Mix excellent I enjoyed this Cool stuff Nigel
  11. Hi - good track - agree with Larry especially re the break Good Stuff Nigel
  12. Bajan Blue

    Far Cry

    Hi treesha I really like this - I agree with what David has said re the low end etc Apart from that, cool track Nigel
  13. A Really good track - personally not keen on the transition with the acoustic guitar at the start (14secs) - sounds a bit forced, but your track so your choice Apart from that arrangement great Cool Nigel
  14. Hi Larry - never heard of that, will have to check it out - thanks for the very kind comments Cheers Nigel
  15. Hi Paul - went to listen but it says content not available?? Nigel
  16. Hi Rik Sounds good - clearly checking the oil and tyre pressures made all the difference? cool Nigel
  17. Hi Wookie Thanks so much for the very kind comments - always appreciated Cheers Nigel
  18. This week I loaded up the latest update - wasn't really straight forward and took a while, but now, for the first time in a very long time, it seems to work properly! Will be giving it a bit of a work out over the next few weeks - it would be great if it really does work properly now Nigel
  19. Hi Makke Thanks for this - much appreciated Nigel
  20. Hi KS Thanks so much for that, really appreciated. Cheers Nigel
  21. Hi freddy Really like this one - classic old style blues - well played, what's not to like Cool Nigel
  22. Agree with Jack - not really my sort of stuff, but very well done Nigel
  23. Hi Kevin Totally agree with Steve - a definite Peter Gabriel / Sting vibe and a great track Really enjoyed this Nigel
  24. Bajan Blue

    Galaxy HD 1

    Hi Bjorn - 2001 is my most favorite film EVER - Kubrick was a superb director - he made some brilliant films, The Shining, Dr Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Barry Lyndon etc etc But 2001 I can and do watch over and over. it really shows up many modern films with all their flash and CGI - but still cannot compare to his skill and craft, especially when you think the film is from 1968. Your music would fit right in - it sounds exactly spacey enough to me!! Superb Stuff Nigel
  25. Hi Larry This is great - a really good composition, very nicely played and a good mix Excellent Nigel
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