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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Much the same here - in the past 18 months or so I have replaced nearly all the drives in both my main music computers with Crucial 2Tb drives - so far no failures and they have really given both computers (which are around 4 or 5 years old) a new lease of life!! Nigel
  2. Hi Glyn I have one of these and use it quite a bit - had it for years - I had the filter Mod done on it when I purchased it which gives it more guts!! Mine also went wrong and as with all my Synths that go wrong, I had it repaired by Andy at Synth Prof - honestly Andy can repair just about anything - even a few Russian Synths I've given him with NO documentation in English! Nigel
  3. Having had a quick look around the interweb, it would appear these are old Synth Edit 32bit Synths - as Synth Edit is no more I believe, I assume bridging is the only answer But it seems very naughty of them to not make this clear
  4. does all sound a bit strange - on their support site it says Q12. Can I use SuperWave plugins on a 64-bit operating system? Yes! If you are using a 64-bit VST Host then you will need to download and install the x64 version of the plugin(s). If you are running your VST Host in 32-bit mode then download and install the x86 version of the plugin(s).
  5. Hi - so sorry to hear this - many years ago I was involved in an MS Group through a fried - I know even back then (and even though it was very illegal) marijuana was used extensively and helped a lot. I honestly don't know in what context it was used, but i know many said it helped greatly. Might be worth looking into Nigel
  6. My sincere condolences Zargg
  7. Have you looked at Diversion and Thorn from Dmitry Sches? https://dmitrysches.com/ Nigel
  8. totally agree, a no brainer - I use this a lot Nigel
  9. Glyn Have you got the Novachord from Hollow Sun? I've had that for many years now and have used it successfully quite a lot Cheers Nigel
  10. Thanks Glyn Appreciated - shall have a good think Cheers Nigel
  11. Hi Glyn I've got Attic 1 and had it for years it seems - would you know if they have updated the instruments from version 1 as well, or is it just more instruments. Think its going to cost me $69, which is not a bad deal. BUT do I really need it? Cheers Nigel
  12. I listened to the demos when I saw the email. I thought they did not sound good. Very synthetic. wow I just listened to the demo as well - it sounds dreadful. That's a good thing for me as I stopped buying Waves stuff because of WUP quite a few years ago, so now I wont be tempted to go back!! Nigel
  13. Hi Bat Like this a lot - reminds me a bit in places, especially the vocals, of some vintage Wishbone Ash, which in my book is a very good thing!! Good stuff Nigel
  14. I have V6 but I didn't bother either - have Melltron Covered, have the Xils 4 and I actually have a "real" Casio CZ!! When I loaded the latest update to V6, it loaded B3 V2, so not sure how or why, but I now have that anyway!! Nigel
  15. I got this about 9 months ago - one of the first tools i load up and we used it extensively on our latest project Cant wait to download and try Nigel
  16. GHS Boomers most of the time. I have tried the Elixers here in Barbados as the atmosphere can be difficult re rust etc - they were OK but didn't like the tone so much. Have just purchased some Dean Markley Blue Steel (cryogenically activated whatever that may mean!!) They were pretty reasonably priced, around $25 - have not tried them yet Nigel
  17. Totally agree - i have them all (except Matchlock - i"m off to get that now!) We have used their amp sims quite extensively on the new album we have just completed Nigel
  18. You lucky, lucky, lucky people in the UK - another p***site for you to pay lots and lots of money for, so as to keep it in luxury and splendor!!!!
  19. I had some from previous $5 sales - I really like what I had so I went a bit mad and got 8 more - for the princely sum of $40!!!!!!!!! From what I already have and have used, I really like the Dominator Amp, XCTR and the RM2 - all excellent Nigel
  20. Notes, just to let you know these are I rack units, so they would only take up 2 rack spaces - and they are pretty light - i have one installed permanently in my studio. Anyway I hope you get sorted Cheers Nigel
  21. Thanks, but I need 11 channels. Notes Yes I realized that - but would my suggestion not give you enough if you used one mixer for say 6 or 7 of your requirements, then used the output from that mixer as an instrument input on the next mixer - a type of daisy chain? Nigel
  22. Just checked my upgrade price and its $199 - way too much for me - even if it was $99 i would think hard about it Nigel
  23. Dave - sorry to hear this - here's hoping for a full and speedy receovery Nigel
  24. Hi Notes I don't know if this would work, but I have used in the past Alesis Multimix 8 Line Rack mounted mixers. I have used something similar from Behringer as well, but they were not available here in Africa. They are light and not too expensive - from memory I am sure they were 8 stereo channel mixers - They are 1U so if you got two of them, I think that would cover your needs?? Nigel
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