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About Astraios

  • Birthday 12/29/1959

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  1. No MIDI CC on all Spire Synth Drop Downs
  2. If working with "Floating Windows" in Cakewalk/Sonar DAW, this application might be interest. Actual Manager pulls a few tricks out of its bag and extends the displays in Sonar DAW as well… Actual Manager is actually mainly a multi-monitor software, but it does have some nice features on board. See some Actual Window Manager Tricks within Sonar DAW Dec 2
  3. Thanks for your answer and the risky hint, but I am not a certified Cakewalkologist 😇 and I don't plan on destroying my Sonar setup. This means that there is no way to control the NRPN values in the Event Editor either? The NRPN values in the Event Editor and also in the PianoRoll (new controller) are based on the 14-bit NRPN basis, have I understood that correctly? And the Spire Synth only recognizes the 8-bit version for the dropdown menus
  4. Oh, unfortunately I don't know exactly what you mean by that - do you mean these LSB/MSB values? I have been using the Spark2 from Arturia for many years and what I would give to find out which Sysex commands the hardware version sends to the DAW
  5. Thanks for your efforts on my topic. It is strange, though, that the method in the first photo of the thread works smoothly and all 7 reverbs are triggered one after the other... Reveal Support already told me there is no chance triggering the Reverbs by MIDI CC. Can the "pizmidi convertor 3" perhaps solve the problem? ♨️ ""midiConverter3 - Change and convert between CC, Channel Pressure, Poly Afertouch, Program Change, Pitch Bend, NRPN/RPN, Note On/Of, and other messages in various ways.""
  6. But still, it's all a mystery - I tried a few NRPN entries, but they don't trigger any effect, unlike the envelope track, which shows all reverb types
  7. Okay, I killed all the NRPNs in the Event List and now Sonar stops freezing 😇
  8. You are right - in my case, the 0-100% value of the envelope triggers a NRPN value of the synth...
  9. as soon as I press the start button, Sonar freezes within half a second since I started messing around with the NRPN I had selected rev_mode the range is just as limited here - editing is hardly possible
  10. I have never seen an example anywhere of how to trigger something with NRPN/RPN in the Remote Control window. Do you know how to do this and which values I could try...
  11. That's what the Manual says...
  12. Well, I'm trying to figure out what this value in the "Edit Node" --> Level 0.208 means exactly. It's a percentage value - the VST-Parameter percentage value, I think, and probably has nothing to do with NRPN or MIDI CC. This value goes with the envelopenode from 0-100. Spire Synth changes the reverb display when it passes through a node. More I can't say... Thx
  13. Very low Parametervalues are needed to control the seven different reverbs on my Spire Synth via VST parameters. To be more precise, values of less than one percent, as you can see in the attached photo. I created an envelope with values of Plate 1 0,1% Plate 2 0,2% Hall 0,3% Sparkles 0,4% Ambience 0,5% Dmension 0,6% Aura 0,7& and how could you control these values with a MIDI CC (Remote Control) since the MIDI CC cannot be below the value 1...? Is there any other way outside Edit-Filter Envelopes to edit this somehow?
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