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Everything posted by newdreamstudio

  1. D'oh !!! user error.... I found that I was actually scaled to 110% on my Dell 43" monitor.... Rusty
  2. My GUI for standalone Nolly and Plini are fine but my vst versions in CbB have a truncated GUI... not showing all of the right side or the bottom side. Minimizing/maximizing the GUI window doesn't cure that. I don't have any scaling in my Windows 10 Pro 64 bit OS display settings... thoughts??? also: neuraldsp.com site is down? Rusty
  3. I requested the 4.1 installer this morning from Celemony and they sent it to me (and asked me to not distribute it)... here was Ulf's comment about 4.2: "thanks for your mail. There are indeed a few systems that have an issue with Cakewalk by Bandlab and Melodyne. We’re still investigating this. However, the workaround is simply: If you come across undetected blobs, simply select all blobs and manually chose the algorithm desired. This should do it for the rest of your session." Rusty
  4. Hello all... I installed my trusty Frontier Tranzport yesterday, everything's good. Question: I saved my settings in the Tranzport's "plugin menu" in the Control Bar... where are those saved settings/presets stored? Rusty
  5. FWIW, I've known Jim Roseberry for years and have bought probably 6 machines from him (3 for gifts to my best buddy).... Very Very knowledgeable / Great Support / Great machines... for me, I wouldn't look anywhere else.... Rusty
  6. I printed out some instructions a couple of months ago re: saving the cakewalk.exe installer prior to actually clicking the Install button in Bandlab Assistant... so I was all set to copy that but ended up with the installation going to completion... What I did was click Update in BA (update CbB) and waited for the Install button to appear so that I could copy the CW installer prior to final installation. Instead, what I saw was " installing/extracting/etc" and the process went to completion without the option for me to intervene and copy the installer. ** should I have clicked Open in the dropdown in BA instead of Update? Rusty
  7. using your SONAR login credentials? (SSO login credentials) You will get it sorted out, probably today, with the help of finer minds than mine.... Rusty
  8. good question! I haven't removed them since I put them on two years ago.... Usually label tape doesn't leave any residue. FWIW, I used Brother P-touch label tape... Rusty
  9. I posted in the following thread on Nov. 30, 2016: http://forum.cakewalk.com/XTouch-alternative-to-Lexan-overlay-m3520013.aspx labeler tape (1/2", WHITE ON BLACK)... it took about 30 mins...
  10. OK, I'm confused about this... http://forum.cakewalk.com/Big-and-Bright-EQ-Setting-m3771747.aspx I see the Mastering Folder and the Mixing Folder... they show .cfx files the plugin for LP-64 EQ apparently uses .fxp files for presets.... I'm missing something simple, looking for some help! Thanks in advance! Rusty
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