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Everything posted by kday

  1. I created a Preview Bus and it works as a set volume control. What do you mean The volume of the preview bus may be adjusted while previewing? I wasn't able to do that. If you need to adjust the volume while previewing from the Import file browser, you have to close the browser first. Because it won't allow any level adjustments to a Buss or Track level while the Import browser is up. I didn't see a volume adjustment option on the media page. Are you referring to the drop down browser option media browser?
  2. Thanks for all your help! I tried creating a new Bus, It can work, in a non real time volume level adjustment process. But not being able to save the settings with the program Template kinda sucks. But thanks again! Appreciate all your help.
  3. Ok, I named my device in/outputs the same exact name as the Volume Busses for the Monitor speakers, so it show the Buss name, and the devices in/outs as the same exact name. I did that to make it easier to identify. I guess I would have to change one of the names to distinguish between the two. But it still doesn't save the correct buss, and defaults to a full volume buss I have no control over. How would i create a Preview Bus, just name it Preview and it would control the Preview volume on the Import wav file browser?
  4. Ok, I discovered the and a problem. 1. The Preview Volume Audio control Buss Output option is at the bottom of the browser labelled Preview Bus. But the options are doubled, there are two of every option, and selecting the wrong one will Preview your audio at full volume potentially damaging your monitors and speakers when or if you select the wrong Buss out of two, with same exact names on top, and same Buss at bottom, why are two sets listed and one set not working but plays at highest level? 2. User can't adjust levels in real time, you have to close the browser, make a guess, open the browser hit Play again to see if you set the right volume level? This process can lead you to accidentally press the wrong Buss with the same identical name and again potentially blow out your monitors. 3. The correct user selected Preview Bus setting is not saved. So, I saved the Preview Bus I had set in the browser, that controlled the Preview Bus volume, I loaded the Template back up and the "wrong" preview Bus with the same exact name was selected instead, causing the volume to play at maximum! Making this whole process a gamble, because it's not correctly implemented somewhere, I shouldn't have two identical named Preview Busses on the same page, I don't have a volume control for that extra secondary same named one, when accidentally selecting it, or upon a new template startup, showing the selected Buss, but not being the correctly selected one, but the secondary. so it will play loud with no control until you re-select the right Buss at top again. I don't know how i got two of the same identical Busses listed when you drop down the Preview Buss selection browser with one having no control and playing full volume? 4. Preview Bus is nonexistent. I erased the Preview Bus when creating the new Template, didn't know it controlled that function because I didn't use Preview listening until now. I don't know how to create a new Preview Bus. I tried and I didn't see any option to label it or create it as a Preview Buss, so i'm lost on that option. It would be great if the Preview Bus volume control was on the same Import File browser as the Play button, so the user could adjust the volume control without having to go back and forth in and out of the browser to constantly make adjustments to the volume control. Because many samples and files have different levels of volume and gain, and you constantly have to make adjustments for louder or lower wave files. At one set level, some wav files can shatter your speakers, so you may constantly have to monitor preview levels. I deal with a lot of samples. But because it's a double labeling, and it doesn't save the correct Preview Bus, I'm second thinking about using this feature now, because on my system. It defaults to the full volume incorrect Bus, even when the correct is selected upon boot up, and you can't really tell which Bus is selected until listening again and when loading a new file and getting a louder volume. So it's a gamble to use the process, and the feature not yet fully developed.
  5. I tried that, it doesn't work. I cut down the Buss selected and supposedly connected to the PLAY Volume function all the way down and it still was way loud, speaker damaging levels. Now I'm scared to even try to find the solution because I got brand new expensive monitors and all this seems like is guessing game, lol, and is not worth potentially blowing out these monitors in complex external routing schemes. It's kinda sad though, that this useful important needed feature is poorly implemented. A Volume control for the Play Audio audition function should be on the same page as the Play/Preview button itself, or at least in Preferences like on my other other software. And it shouldn't be connected to any buss, but not a bad idea, but just a separate volume control to just control that Play level volume of that function would've simplified the process.
  6. When you select Import to import a Wav or MP3 file into the Track, you have that PLAY/Preview Audio function option to hear what you're loading before you import the file to your Track when you bring up the Import Folder page. Is there any option in preference or anywhere to control the Up/Down Volume of this PLAY/PREVIEW Audio function? Every time I use this PLAY function the Volume is way up and will damage your expensive Monitors. There has to be an adjustment to lower this volume somewhere. I can't find it? On my MPC software you can lower the Preview Audio function Volume on screen conveniently in front of you. I can't figure it out here. Thanks
  7. Ok, I see. got it! Thank you Bro! really Appreciate it!
  8. I only see the one way to delete, by holding mouse button and hitting delete. No no other way is working.
  9. What do you mean "view-markers select-delete" I don't see an option to delete Markers ? I agree. i don't know why the delete option is not where the Add marker option is in plain view of a delete option.
  10. Thanks to you guys. Appreciate the help and steps to delete markers.
  11. How do you delete Markers? The instructions on the old Cakewalk page I guess are obsolete. Why is isn't there just a simple "delete" marker one press button option like the one press Add Marker button? Why is there a major instruction set just to delete a simple often used and unwanted Marker? Can a Delete Marker option be added onto the Marker module at top instead of being buried somewhere in an instruction book?
  12. The reason you see only odd numbers is because they are stereo tracks and the other right side of the stereo track is already included in Cakewalk audio driver selection. If you want Mono track selections then you select the left or right mono channel on the Mix view when selecting your input for a Track on the record or Track view page. All driver selections in preferences are only gonna list stereo channel selections to save you time and trouble.
  13. Thanks, I actually found the Workspace tab at top of Tracks actually changes it back to FX only, I think it was set to ALL and that allowed the Clips and other tabs to also appear on the Track space. Changed it back to FX and only the FX tab shows up on all the Tracks now.
  14. I solved the problem. You just drag the Track section further to the right. I somehow dragged it left and cut off the FX insert part.
  15. My Tracks have changed to Clips where Insert Effects used to be, don't how it changed but how do I get it back to Effects so I can add them? Thanks
  16. Hey thanks all you guys. Yep, the easiest method was to hold Alt then select a Bus and drag it to the slot you want, and it's done! I really appreciate this!
  17. If you have a Track or BUS and you want to move it to another number in the order. Like I have a BUS B but I want to Move it into the BUS D slot, is this possible? I know you can delete the Bus and then insert a new Bus, but the new insert Bus will be still out of order. I don't want to have to redo the whole 4 to 5 Busses to rearrange them. Thanks
  18. I saved about 3 effects in the FX Chain in about 8 separate tracks as a Template. When I start up Cakewalk the program has to load each and every Effect individually for each track, total 24! So, imagine sitting there while 24 Izotope plugins has to load before the program can start up? Is this a bug or is this how the program works? I thought the program would still load up instantly regardless of if any Effects are stored in the FX Chain. At least there should have been a standby mode that retains Effect memory but not necessarily loads the whole program if you don't use it. Having to wait until 20-30 effects load one by one is sorta confusing not knowing if the program actually has a loading problem until the whole long process is over. Can this be fixed? Can FX Chain Effects be made to NOT automatically load while powering up? Sorta load only when used?
  19. I can't get Cakewalk to save the MODULE settings when I save the Cakewalk Template. When I use the "save as" function it still loads the old MODULE order even as a new Template, anybody else experienced this ?
  20. In the MPC X you can send Midi signal through one of the outputs. But I don't know how to get that Midi signal to Cakewalk. I'm gonna see if a Midi to USB converter can do the trick. Thanks for the info
  21. I have an MPC X standalone, I want to trigger the Cakewalk sequencer through Midi, can this be done with a Midi to USB cable or internally?
  22. Buffering issue have been solved! I unchecked the "Load Balancing" option and the buffering stopped! Thanks scook I found that information from the link you provided on that subject.
  23. Sorry, Is there a way to downgrade to a lower Cakewalk version? The new version is sluggish on my Windows 7 OS & AMD 8350 CPU
  24. Is there a way to downgrade to a lower Cakewalk version, the new update is slow acting. The scroll line jumps and skips to the music while playing. I tried editing the latency, but still the same. Didn't do this before the update.
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