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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. https://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical_instruments/pianos/p_series/p-45/downloads.html#product-tabs Welcome to the forum. You should be able to find the correct driver here: ^ P-45 - Downloads - Portables - Pianos - Musical Instruments - Products - Yamaha USA
  2. If the already recorded song is MIDI, you will need to Insert a soft synth, which, it seems from your other post, you're having trouble getting. Then set the MIDI track's output to that synth and the synth's output to the RealTek.
  3. I haven't yet bought Cakewalk Sonar, but in Cakewalk by Bandlab, they were a separate download, under the Extras tab.
  4. Are you taking a MIDI keyboard? If yes, you will hear a delay from when you play the keyboard and the note actually sounding. Some folks can't deal with any kind of latency, others can work with 10-20 ms delay without too many problems. Most noticeable when listening to soft synths. WASAPI Shared has higher latency than WASAPI Exclusive and it can't be altered. What is the laptop's OS? Did you first deselect the Focusrite ASIO driver before attempting to select WASAPI?
  5. Or find someone with a 4-track cassette deck that records/plays back at 2x speed and have them render it for you.
  6. I think it's fixed because the sale is over.
  7. They walk among us! On a side note, loved the old cars.
  8. One of the bakers reported yesterday that the Black Friday sale is over. That thread is... somewhere.
  9. If it's in the recycle bin, isn't it still on the SSD? Thus, not really deleted?
  10. Right. I prefer non-destructive editing while I'm still working on a song. Once I finish for the day and, hopefully, didn't goof, I close the program and the dross is flushed.
  11. Welcome to the forum. Did you first deselect all other drivers before selecting Behringer's ASIO driver?
  12. I think if you select None in the MIDI Track Pane patch field, you can select any patch on the piano while it plays.
  13. Sadly, I think you're just going to have to deal with the latency and manually line up the clips post-recording. As mentioned, when using ASIO, you can only use 1 device, which is the Focusrite in this case. If the Roland audio interface in the brain also has an ASIO driver, you can only use that one.
  14. It has been so long I don't recall. I don't remember anything about a demo. You can edit the text file to the correct names. I plan on doing that and making a copy with the corrected patches and see what it looks like in a week. Regardless, the Yamaha still plays the 'AP 1970 CP' even though the name is 'Vintage JB'.
  15. Welcome to the forum. You should record the MIDI from your drums and output the MIDI tracks to your chosen software synth. The soft synth tracks will not be "recorded" without additional steps taken. It can later be Frozen or Bounced to Track(s), if desired. If you want to record the actual sounds of your drum kit, the stereo output is the only way (I write that not knowing if the Roland can transmit audio via USB). If you want to record the actual sounds of your drum kit with each drum on its own audio track, you have to do them 1 by 1, muting all the tracks you don't want recorded.
  16. Definitely something going on. I know I edited the ins file to reflect the correct names, but now it is showing the same incorrect names as the above image. What could cause a text file to be altered?
  17. I also have noticed that one patch name in particular seems to be replacing the actual names in the list, although it still plays the correct patch from the MX. I will then reload the ID.
  18. On a random note, someone calling himself pistolpete has been posting in the Feedback Loop thread. Could it be?
  19. Nevertheless, I'm thinking of going for it despite the fact I haven't recorded anything in a long while. Seventy-one dollars is a great price. Paid $50 for Music Creator 2003 in 2002 at Circuit City. That was essentially MC 2 with a MIDI-to-game port cable. Then MC Pro 24 was, I think, $79 from Cakewalk, mailed disk. Got SONAR Home Studio 6 XL at Sam Ash for ~$179. Could have gotten it for less from Cakewalk, but I wanted it NOW! Cakewalk gave me a copy of MC 6 to try out, but I never warmed to it because it looked so different from SHS 6. Bought the download of X3 for $29 from CW right as Platinum was being released. I know some of you have spent thousands on music software over that same span. I've had CbB ever since it was released, and it works well for me. Still have all the disks, although SHS 6 is the only one I can get to work on my W 10 and W 11 machines. I hope Black Friday lasts until next payday!
  20. Today, it's Winter And My Soul by Grand Funk. It's cold outside.
  21. In the Insert Synth options, the ones highlighted in the green box can determine how many tracks the synth will send audio on.
  22. They're in the process of signing with Tom Cruise and the Precrime Bureau to nuke the spammers when they first think of spamming the forum.
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