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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. I liked Hawaii a lot. It was a lot like South Florida in the late 1960s and early 1970s, before Central AC and overcrowding. I had a great time, but a week on the Big Island was enough. I didn't sit by the pool on a beach and sip cocktails with an umbrella in them, I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, so that didn't interest me – too much like home. As much as I liked it, I wouldn't want to move there. I'd get rock fever after a while. Mrs. Notes and I do not have children (no kids, no pool, no pets, no debts, no regrets). We live on musicians' wages, without a lot of material possessions, but spend money on travel experiences. Besides for the USA and territories, we've also been to more than half the Canadian provinces, 7 Mexican states, Bahama Islands, Bermuda Islands, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Saint-Martin/Sint Maarten, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, England, Scotland, Wales, Gibraltar, The Netherlands, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Czech Republic, Austria, Australia, Russia, Japan and China (From the Great Wall down to Hong Kong). Of those places, the ones I would like to live in are USA, Spain, and Australia. Before COVID, Mrs. Notes and I were planning a trip to Madagascar. It's still on the wish list, along with 50 or so other places. I don't have 50 years left, and we can only go once a year (unless we win the lottery), so we'll see what we can. The only “Tour” we took was in China. We prefer to take local transportation or rent cars, and not only visit the important tourist sites, but get out of them to the real countries, too. But in China, I couldn't read the bus/train schedules or the road signs, so it was our only option. Some people like possessions, others prefer experiences. Either way is OK, and I'm lucky Mrs. Notes and I have similar desires. Insights and incites by Notes ♫ Kiluea:
  2. Spent a week in Hawaii. Kiluea erupted just for us (The ranger said we won the lava lottery) – went to the top of Mauna Kea (technically the highest mountain on Earth) – saw the night sky at +10k feet – caught COVID in the plane – spent one night in a hospital – walked across lava fields – ate junk food – hiked nature trails – observed wildlife and feral animals – saw most of “The Big Island” and had a great time. Isolating at home until the COVID bugs are gone. I've been gigging since 1965, and this is the first time I'm missing a gig. I would play, but I don't want to give COVID to our elderly audience. Too many of them have died already. That makes all 50 states plus Puerto Rico, St. Thomas USVI, St. Croix USVI, and St. John USVI for us. I guess we'll have to go to Guam next.
  3. There is always a woman to blame. (It doesn't mean it's her fault though)
  4. La Vie En Rose – Edith Piaf We learned this for a big party of French folks, they love it, and we never sang it again.
  5. I e-mailed them: 502 Bad Gateway error when trying to log into forum. Tried it on Foxfire and Edge, same results. and the response was Hi Notes, Thanks for writing, and sorry to hear about the trouble. What browser are you using? Can you try clearing the browser's cache and cookies? Let us know how it goes! Best, Karlo They bold typeface is my addition. Duh. Anyway, I'm glad it's back. Notes ♫
  6. I played on the same stage as Jimmy Buffett. But it was about a month later. As they say, timing is everything, and we missed that one.
  7. Ezekiel's Wheel - Ezekiel's Wheel Meat Puppets - Meat Puppets
  8. New World Symphony – Antonin Dvorak Now numbered #9, but in old recordings it's called #5. That's because Dvorak wrote 4 symphonies before he was discovered by Hayden. It's one of my all-time favorite symphonies. In the fourth movement there is a place where he combines the themes of two movements to make the melody, and also uses a part of another theme for the bass, and one more for the countermelody. Combining the main themes from all 4 movements in a way that I didn't recognize until I heard the symphony probably scores of time, IMO is genius.
  9. From a story I read a long time ago: Jimmy had a #8 hit with "Margaritaville" and went on writing more songs. Then he saw a bar called "Margaritaville" that was doing great business with that laid back, island atmosphere. Jimmy saw that as a gold mine, so he bought the trademark from the lounge, and started his empire. In the end, "Margaritaville", a moderate #8 hit has become the most valuable song in history with cruises, retirement communities, beer and all the other ventures Buffett launched with that song. Opportunity came knocking, and Buffett opened the door and invited it in. Notes ♫
  10. Here in South Florida, you have to play at least one Jimmy Buffett song per gig, it's the law. Drink it up This ones for you It's been a lovely cruise I'm sorry it's ended It's sad but it's true It's been a lovely cruise These moments were left with May you always remember These moments are shared by few There's wind in our hair And there's water in our shoes It's been a lovely cruise These moments we're left with May you always remember These moments are shared by few And those harbor lights Aw they're coming into view We bid our farewell much too soon So drink it up This one's for you It's been a lovely cruise And it has.
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