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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. I regret that Freddie, my Fiat 124 Spider died at the 55-mile marker in the Florida Keys, and the mechanic that tried to fix it actually screwed it up by puncturing holes in a lot of the wires trying to figure out why it lost spark. Those holes eventually caused the wires to corrode and the repair bills got to be too much. We towed it home and the problem ended up being a distributor cap.
  2. I Walk The Line – Johnny Cash (We just learned “Folsom” for a regular customer, so this one popped up in my mind first - BTW, I'm not a fan)
  3. lyric association: The Emperor's got no clothes on No clothes? That can't be he's the Emperor … One Small Voice – Carole King
  4. Actually, Conn used to be a fine saxophone, but the one I bought was a student model and it was made as the company was in its downward spiral. BTW unlike the flute and clarinet, the sax is a connical shaped instrument.
  5. Conn 16M tenor sax. My first sax, student model, bad intonation, thin tone. My grandmother chipped in, plus my savings, I bought a used, made in France, Selmer Modele 26. It was an older pro model, but it had better intonation and big tone. I never missed the Conn, but it did serve its purpose. Notes ♫
  6. The Lady Is A Tramp – Buddy Greco I love this arrangement, and the way Buddy accompanies himself on the piano.
  7. Just another example of: This business of music would be great if it weren't for Greedy Club Owners, Sleazy Agents, and Other Musicians (I'm in the 3rd group). But I got lucky. Mrs. Notes and I are self-sufficient, and well mated, that takes care of the other musicians. We mostly book ourselves, so the sleazy agents are out of the picture, but we still have to deal with the club owners. Actually, we have done well with owners, because we work for the house, it's the managers we sometimes have a problem with. Micromanaging idiots who want to hear what they want to hear, not what their customers want, and then blame the band if the customers don't like it. Oh well, back on topic. I have no other gear regrets, other than the one I posted earlier. Notes ♫
  8. When the Selmer Mark VII came out, I traded my Mark VI for it. In the music store, and moderate volume, the VII was nice. On stage, I found I couldn't overblow it to get that distortion. I suppose Selmer thought that was a good thing for serious music, but I was playing rock and blues. I went back next week to buy my old VI back, but it was sold already. Decades later, the Mark VI is the most collectable of all saxophones, and sell for prices that are much more than they are worth as player's saxophones. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  9. No Controles - Flans When working on the cruise ship, we would take the waterjet ferry from Cozumel to the mainland of Mexico, and this was a frequent video on the boat.
  10. Nor my saxophone, car, music CDs, and quite a few other things. I shun subscriptions if there is a 'for purchase' alternative. Subscriptions make sense for phone/internet service and many other things, but not for everything. I know, the company wants continuous cash flow, but really hasn't anything to offer that will make you fork over more money. I think we are starting to see the failure of capitalism, but I have no idea how to fix it or what to replace it with. The problem is capitalism needs perpetual growth to keep the stockholders from jumping ship, and perpetual growth in a closed system is not possible. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
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