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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Like all corporations, Apple needs to have perpetual growth for its stockholders. Apple has IMO always incorporated planned obsolescence as a major part of that. Of course, they are not the only corporation to do that. That isn't necessarily a criticism, just an observation. Insights and incites by Notes
  2. This one is terrible: My neighbor texted me, "I just made synonym buns!" I texted back, "You mean like grammar use to make?" I haven't heard from her since.
  3. A blonde and a lawyer end up sitting together on a flight from NY to Chicago. The blonde just wants to sleep. The lawyer says, "Lets play a game to make the time pass. I'll ask a question, if you don't know the answer, you pay $5. Then it's your turn to ask." Blonde says, "No thanks. I just want to rest. Lawyer responds. "OK, I'll make it more interesting. If you don't know the answer, you pay $5.00 and if I don't know I'll pay you $50.00. This interests the blonds so she agrees. So the lawyer asks, "What is the capital of Qatar?" The blond silently reaches in her purse and hands the lawyer $5.00 and then asks, "What goes up a hill on 3 legs and comes down on 4?" Then she leans back and goes to sleep. Meanwhile the lawyer has his laptop out, he gets on his cell phone to call friends and is having no luck finding the answer. Finally when the plane starts its descent he wakes up the blonde, says, "OK you win" and hands her $50.00 About a minute later he asks, "OK, what goes up the hill on 3 legs and comes down on 4?" The blond silently opens her purse and hands the lawyer $5.
  4. When The Bullet Hits The Bone - Golden Earring
  5. One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer - John Lee Hooker
  6. The Weight - The Band lyrics: Crazy Chester followed me, and he caught me in the fog He said, "I will fix your rack, if you'll take Jack, my dog." I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I'm a peaceful man." He said, "That's okay, boy, won't you feed him when you can."
  7. My boss said, “I find it highly suspicious that you are only sick on weekdays.” I said, “It must be my weekend immune system.”
  8. I want one!!! I could put my gear in there on the way to the gig. Of course, I'd need to get one of those old Vox Super Beatle Amps. Notes
  9. Mine was a DEC - don't know the model, I was working for a Cable TV equipment manufacturer. It was as big as a mini Refrigerator and did file things, very, very, very slowly by today's standards, but quicker than doing it by hand. They tried to make it work for security systems, but eventually we put a vase with a plastic rose bud on the console at the trade show because it wouldn't boot. The first computer I owned was a Texas Instrument TI-99/4A. I learned BASIC on that one (self-taught) Then an Atari 1040ST with built in MIDI ports. I sequenced my first music backing track on that one and discovered Band-in-a-Box. When I bought my first "IBM Clone" (DOS-5 & Win 3.1) the computer store owner bought the old TI from me as a collectors item. My first Mac was a Classic II I'm all ThinkPads now -- until something that works for me better comes along. Notes
  10. I think those are among the fugliest cars ever built. I understand they are very dependable though.
  11. A man rushed into the doctor's office and shouted, "Doctor! I think I'm shrinking!" The doctor calmly responded, "Now, settle down. You'll just have to be a little patient."
  12. Being that I write aftermarket styles for Band-in-a-Box, and that in the past the styles were slightly different for different computer OS's I owned Atari, Mac and PC. I dropped Atari when it faded away. When the styles became 100% compatible I quit buying Macs. It's not a "I prefer this OS over this other OS" decision. Instead I make my decision by the software I use the most. The StyleMaker app in Band-in-a-Box has more fine tuning features on BiaB Windows than BiaB Mac. That means it's possible to write better styles on BiaB Windows, and since that is part of my monthly income, that is were my money goes. Plus my primary way to make a living is by gigging. I play by backing tracks on a computer (ThinkPad). If my computer crashes, I have another up and running on stage and all I have to do is move the USB-Audio interface to the second computer and the show goes on. This has happened twice since I went computer in 2002 so the ThinkPads are very reliable computers. In fact, I just retired a 2002 machine because it finally started giving me minor problems. If a Mac crapped out on the gig, and I needed a new one, it would take a week or more to get a replacement or repair. In that time I'd be running without a spare. If a Windows computer craps out, I can pick one up at Staples, Office Depot or even Walmart if I need to. So since Mac went Intel, and BiaB styles went 100% cross platform compatible, I haven't owned a Mac. I often suspected that their changes that made all software obsolete was a way of making money using the planned obsolescence formula :D Addition, I did own an iPad, but when the battery died and I couldn't get it replaced, I bought a Galaxy which I like better. It's easier to move files back and forth to my Windows PC with the Android than it was with the iPad. Again, nothing against Macs, there are pros and cons for both platforms, but my business keeps me in the PC camp. Insights and incites by Notes
  13. One of the great pianist/singers of the past. "Discovered" by Miles Davis and made her career playing in the DC area for most of it. "Come Dance With Me" - Shirley Horn
  14. I just unpacked my new Zoom Q2n-4K. I downloaded the manual, printed the manual on paper so I won't have to be near a computer to read it. The manual says that I can power it with either 2 AA cells or a 5v USB cable. What it doesn't tell me is this: Do I have to take the batteries out to use the USB, or can I leave them in? I don't want to damage the unit, and the manual doesn't tell me. I would assume the device is smart enough to switch over if both batteries and USB are connected, but you know what they say about A$$-U-ME. ;) Thanks, Notes
  15. We had to learn that Ray Price / Engelbert Humper-whatever song for a wedding back in the 1990s. The couple used as their first dance. It got a lot of laughs. Not a problem, at the time we either charged $50 to learn a song or the couple cold pick one from our list for free. Most of the 'first dance' songs bridezillas choose are obscure album cuts that we'll probably never play again. This one took an hour to do in Band-in-a-Box/finish in Master Tracks Pro and we got a lot of play out of that one before it died with our audience. It's all music - it's all good - it's all better than being a wage slave for a living. Insights and incites by Notes
  16. My first Mac had a Motorola CPU. Then they changed to IBM (Power PC) and everything I had went obsolete. Nothing would work anymore. Then they changed to OSX (say Oh-Ess-$EX) and everything I had went obsolete. Then they changed to Intel, and everything I had went obsolete. Here we go again
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