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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. The first 58 seconds of this one is IMO spectacular. The rest is well done but rather pedestrian. BTW, Catarina is a The Breeze And I - Catarina Valente OT: She is a decent guitarist too
  2. I also find it funny that Africans sold other Africans to the English who brought them to the Americas to work as slaves. Nobody ever blames the Africans for that, even though they are just as guilty. The Africans had been enslaving other Africans for eons, and found selling their slaves or their slave fodder (other tribes) to be as profitable as the English and Portuguese did. It's a dark time in history, and there are plenty of dark times in history. Rather than erase history, it's too bad we don't have the desire to learn from it. And I've been to a lot of countries, currently the US is among one of the best countries to live in, but I wouldn't say THE best. There are pros and cons to a few top countries like Spain, France, Australia and a few others. I think China is now richer than the USA, but I DEFINITELY would not want to live there. I've been to China and found the people to be very nice, but the government IMO is much, much worse than ours (and ours is getting worse all the time). If we wanted to put an end of the people coming across the border, it would be easy. Make a law that if you find a business hiring an undocumented worker, unless that worker has bullet-proof forged papers, simply close the business - forever. And inspect the businesses with unannounced 'raids'. But the big corporations and their owners (who are the plutocracy in the US) actually WANT illegals to come across the border. Why? Cheap labor (even Trump who wanted the wall hires illegals at Mar-a-Lago and his hotels). All the BS you hear on the news is just lip service to get you to think they don't want them here to steal your job at a lower pay. The plutocracy will have the government turn some immigrants back because they don't want too many to cross the border. It's supply and demand. It's easy to figure this out, just follow the money. And those who watch FOX and to the right or MSNBC or to the left are being manipulated by the time proven methods of fear and anger. They are just falling into the trap. A house divided cannot stand, and as long as we keep fighting instead of compromising, we can't fix the problem. And the plutocrats are laughing all the way to the bank as they exploit us. So if the Stones don't want to play Brown Sugar because they are concerned about negative feedback, it's their choice. From a musical standpoint I think it's one of their better songs, but it's their show. I hope they don't drop Sympathy For The Devil. But I understand, years ago we had requests for "Strokin'" and "Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw", but we play at places where there are families present, we declined to learn either one. "This could be the last time" because Jagger and Richards are the only two original members still in the band. When one of those gets too unhealthy to tour, it'll be over. Damn, I'm getting old. Notes ♫
  3. The studio version has a nice sax solo. I see Brown Sugar as an anti-slavery song. But it's their choice. What bothers me is the USA has become increasingly divided. FOX-MSNBC and stations farther right and left has done this using fear and anger to boost their popularity. Fear and anger are time tested manipulators. A house divided cannot stand. We used to practice the art of compromise, and that's what made the USA great. And while we are fighting among ourselves, the real rulers of the county, the plutocrats, are laughing all the way to the bank. Insights and incites by Notes
  4. This Magic Moment - Jay & The Americans (cover of the Drifters version)
  5. YES!!! I especially like "Kid Charlemagne", plus "Haitian Divorce", "Sign In Stranger", and "The Caves of Altamira". Heck, I like them all. The weakest one IMO is "Royal Scam" I think Bernard "Pretty" Purdie played drums on most of the tracks, and he is one of my favorite drummers (I play drums too, so I listen a lot for making my Band-in-a-Box aftermarket styles). Bernard plays great grooves, uses tasty licks, supports the song, and never gets in the way. Of course none of the musicians on this album are any less than brilliant. Notes ♫
  6. One of the fun aspects of doing fake disks for Band-in-a-Box that are compatible with off-the-shelf fake books from Hal Leonard and other publishers is making musical discoveries. I know of Mel Tormé, a singer called "The Velvet Fog" a composer who wrote the music and co-wrote the words to "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Flame), and later abandoned the sappy velvet fog ballads for some quite impressive jazz singing including some decent scatting. While searching for versions of the Gershwin Brothers' "Fascinating Rhythm" we came across this clip from an old TV show (back when the world was in black & white instead of color. The performance is very, very old school (corny by today's standards), done very well for that genre, and what surprised me is Mel was a very good drummer. He uses the preferable 'military grip' to hold the drum sticks, has great control, and plays some nice licks too. I enjoyed it and hope some of you will too.
  7. He who jumps out of an airplane without a parachute, is jumping to a conclusion.
  8. Beer For My Horses - Toby Keith & Willie Nelson
  9. Seventh Son - a classic written by Willie Dixon Original: The Johnny Rivers cover
  10. Caucasian Sketches - Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov (A nice performance of this classic)
  11. As much as I like Aja, I actually like Royal Scam better. It'll be interesting to hear the new tunes. Notes ♫
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