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Everything posted by mcmd

  1. Yes, it was April...I got Essentails for $200
  2. Bapu - I'm still on the fence with this one and its an old plug....I don't like what it does to the snare on the drum bus, but everything else in the mix is sweet. What do you like about it?
  3. Thanks! got Rock Solid...had points ...so it was just about free.
  4. Congrats ...he is a great looking dog and I love the flashy chest with that brindle coat!
  5. Any thoughts on how Death & Darkness would work for Rock, Blues and modern Conuntry /Pop? I know there are separate packs for these genres, just wondering if D&D could cover them convincingly also.
  6. mcmd

    KC Strut

    Very cool. Great chops!
  7. Top shelf.....loving the guitar tone starting at 1:54
  8. $71..... if you have Jampoints!
  9. As always....pro all around... right up there with Tom Scott, Larry...the list goes on....
  10. well done...very pro ...very tallanted musicians .... I have one of her CD's in my collection....
  11. Very cool and enjoyable ....nice groove and production elements....
  12. Arc 2.5 blew out at $99 recently and voila ARC 3!
  13. thanks...but going pass for now...?
  14. hmmm....Getting 'invalid Promo' ....?
  15. Tested for a couple of days ......really liked it.....bought it. The compressor is also sweet....but 2 bills is 2 much....waiting for the coupon!
  16. Site says $49 or 4 payments of $12.25...maybe I missed something.
  17. Rocking V1 for many years...don't think I'll get to the Pro any time soon, as RME keep my drivers up to date and performance and reliability have been great.
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