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Everything posted by Yury

  1. Yury

    Folder in browser

    Is it possible to delete folder, created by cakewalk in browser' s tag "Media" I know I can delete or rename folder which I created, but when I want to delete folder , created by cakewalk Delete button is grey out. May be someone knows how to do it may be in windows registry or somehow else. Is it possible at all?
  2. I still have this problem. The only new is that I don't think its Omnisphere because lately I had same thing happened with other soft running. Even not musical soft. So I think its something with hardware in my computer. I built this computer myself and its been working fine for a long time. May be some of the hardware comes to the end of its life, or some drivers don't like other drivers at certain situations. Random problems is a very difficult problems to fix or find the reason why. So I have to live with this problem until something breaks for good.
  3. Thanks for all responses !
  4. I have a problem with latency when I have effects on the master bus. When I turn off all effects I can play and record normally without delay. And again if I turn effects on, the problem still there. Its only while recording. I have pretty powerfull computer with lots of memory, I install the latest ASIO drivers from my audio inteface's site and nothing. Same thing happen when I record vocals. Is this I do something wrong, or I don't do what I suppose to do, ot this is normal? P.S. It happen only when I have effects on the master bus. If I add effects on the track-everything works normally Any help will be appreciated
  5. My computer: i7 9700K 3.6mhz, memory 32gb, audio interface Behringer Utophia UMC 404HD, Drive C 500gb M2, drives D and F 4gb each and E 2gb. Power supply 700watts, monitor Samsung 32"
  6. I mean literally computer shuts down and restarts on its own.
  7. May be someone had the same experiences. When I use omnishere instrument in my arrangement it randomly, without any warnings shuts my computer down. It happens only when I use omnisphere. But when I freeze this truck and mute omnisphere truck, then everything works fine. It comes completely unexpected, so sometimes I lose some material. May be someone had the same experience and found the solution?
  8. Hello everybody. Is there a way to delete folders created by cakewalk in media browser. I understand that I can delete folders created by me. But number of folders total is too many for me and some of them I will never need. Thats why I try to find the way to delete them, may be in registry or else. If any body know how to do this it will be geatly appreciated
  9. I just fixed this problem by completely uninstall Cakewalk and reinstalling it again.
  10. Hello, When I want to move audio material on the track I turn "Snap" off and move as much as I need. But when I move its not moving smooth, it jumps forward and backward, so its very difficult to move it exactly where you want it. It use to work fine and then it started giving me problems. Any ideas?
  11. Yury


    Wow!!! Thanks a lot. That was so simple
  12. Yury


    Hello, When I want to compare two tracks for loudness or output values or anything else, I have to solo one track and listen to it. If I want to listen to other track I have to unsolo first track and solo other track to here it. Is there any way to switch between tracks with one click, so when I solo other track, first one will unsolo automatically. I know in some DAWs you can do it. I saw its done in Cubase on Youtube. Any thoughts or help will be really appreciated.
  13. It happens with Kontakt 6.2 And interestingly I have other instances of Kontakt in the same project, but only this one is giving me problem. I have the latest Cakwalk by Band Lab
  14. Hi I have this kind of problem. It doesn't happen always . When I play ready made project, if I stop it in the middle of the run-everything stops except one instrument. Usually its strings or pads. It keeps playing note until I turn off audio engine. I tried to remove sustain controllers, all controllers, but nothing worked. May be someone had same thing and know the solution. Please help
  15. Yury

    Computer shuts down?

    Yes I mean PC switches off. You're correct about fans and high temperature. A am a computer technician , so i am very familiar with overheating problem, but why it never happened before the update. I have pretty powerful computer: Processor i7-9700 K @ 3.60GHz, SSD western digital black, 16Gb of RAM my projects is never more then 15-25 tracks. I don't use a lot of effects as well. So my computer suppose to handle that without overheating. It never shuts down when I am running other soft or even few programs simultaneously. Its really strange. Anyway Thank you for your reply
  16. Yury

    Computer shuts down?

    Hi I don't know if its coincidence or not, but after last Cakewalk by the BandLab update my computer sometimes shuts down while I am working on the musical project with Cakewalk without any warning or reason. It happens sudden. Any thought on that, may be someone has the same experience or solutions. It never happen when I am working or running any other soft.
  17. WOW!!!! Its so simple, how i never though of this. Thank you very much. Its brilliant.
  18. Thank you very much for your reply. I mainly missing Session drummer because I used it in many projects. Also few effects plugins and some in Pro channel
  19. Hi, I have lots of instruments and effects from old Sonar. Cakewalk by BandLab is installed on my computer. But when I try to install VSTs from old Sonar so I could use it with Cakewalk with my old projects it says that I don't have Sonar installed. I understand that if I will install Sonar and have it on my computer along with Cakewalk I would be able to install and use all of them. But is there other way to install Sonar's VSts without installing Sonar? As far as I understand old Sonar is actually improved today's Cakewalk. Any thoughts and help will be greatly appreciated.
  20. Hi I Had on my computer both Sonar Platinum and Cakewalk by Band Lab. Few day ago I upgraded my drive, so I had to reinstall everything. I decide not to install Sonar, just Cake walk by Band Lab. To my surprise there were not Session Drums available with Band Lab. I used Session drums in many of my projects and I don't want to install sonar on the top of band lab and take lots of space. May be someone knows if Session drums available as separate software. If it is where to get it
  21. Thank you very much. That was so simple and I never found it
  22. Is there a way to delete all effects from certain track simultaneously? Not from the project, but only from one track Sometimes I want to try new FX on a track. I load one, then another and so on. If I want to delete them i have to do one at a time . It would save time to do it all at ones, but I could not find a way how to do it. Any help is appreciated
  23. Every time I open PRV windows it opens at the bottom of the screen and then I have to maximize it and make it comfortable size and location on the screen for me. Is there any way to make it open the way I want it every time in every project?
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