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Everything posted by smallstonefan

  1. You're welcome to dislike him - but I certainly disagree with the notion that talking about music on his channel is the same a stealing someone's melody in a song. I suggest you read about "fair use" - it's relevant here. If what he was doing wasn't covered under fair use he'd get a copyright strike (and has before).
  2. I'm really puzzled why you would do that? I think his channel is a gift to real music and everything he's done seems respectful and with fair rights. Seriously - what do you have against the guy?
  3. My wife and I just saw him live a few weeks ago. Lot of positive energy at his show - lots of families with kids too, which was a little unexpected.
  4. I picked up Life and started to play with it - really interesting tool!
  5. He is a big guy. He does look like he's lost a bunch of weight though and that's great to see!
  6. Turns out ChatGPT knows about it. πŸ’ͺ This should be fun!
  7. Thanks guys - none of these are what I'm dreaming about or solutions for my specific problem. If I get something working I'll let you know!
  8. Scott - here's what I'm dreaming of - maybe you know of something that does this? I am a guitar player not a keyboard player. I can bang out things but really can't play or easily find interesting chord voicings. As I write songs I know the key and the chords but I struggle creating keyboard parts (chords mostly) that are deep and interesting. Here's what I'm envisioning. 1. You choose a key. 2. Zone 1: an octave section for the left hand. The note is latching - whatever the last key you pressed is that root of any chords that get played. 3. Zone 2: 1 to 2 octaves for the left hand. Each note would be a chord voicing. Probably from least complex to most complex. Say I have an Am spot in a song and I want a great keyboard chord. I could press the A key with the left hand to latch and play only A chords. Say I choose Am for the key - then all chord voicings will be minor. I could just press a single key the right hand to try out different chord voicings. The plugin will output the full voicing keys so you do this so you can record the output chord to a midi track for further editing. I had hoped Cthulhu would do something like this but it's different. Thoughts?
  9. I signed the contract for the design yesterday after we had a great call and they talked me through the process a bit. This is going to be a BIG project. They will be physically modelling my gear and furniture so they can build acoustic models of the room and I'll get 3d renders as we determine the design. I don't like the idea of taking so long but I'm going to engage and enjoy the process as much as possible. I'll start a new thread when the project starts and I'll keep it updated for those that want to follow. 🌞
  10. Sure! That's a fun little piece. It's a little hut and palm tree carved out of iron wood we bought from an artist who lives on a beach in Negril, Jamaica.
  11. In front of the album. Ah, I'm sorry I wasn't specific! I was referring to the picture with the album in it.
  12. It's the microphone. 🌞 Alan talks about using this Neumann on snare and he uses it on acoustic guitar. I got it for acoustic guitar and it's amazing how much it "sounds like an album" to record an acoustic guitar through that mic into a Neve pre. So I guess both my acoustic recording and bass recording techniques came from Alan. Thanks Alan! πŸ™
  13. Hi Scott - long time no speak! 🌞✌ Thanks for the link. I have an idea for a chord exploration plugin that I think I can do with Plug 'N Script. If I can pull it off and it works I might have someone code it and release it.
  14. My biggest takeaway from my time with Alan is his influence on my bass recording. On day 2 of the class he brought in Toad the Wet Sprocket to record and walked us through his process. I got to hang out with their bass player Dean Dinning. He was a super chill dude. He told me the story of how he came up with the name Toad the Wet Sprocket and how the Monty Python actor reacted when he heard it on the radio. It was awesome hearing the story come from him. Alan was recording Dean through the Neve and using a dbx 160vu on the bass. (He was using a second one on the vocals). He said he preferred to use a Fairchild (as he said in the above interview) but the Fairchild is an expensive beast and he really likes the dbx. He sets ratio halfway between 6 and 10 and gets max reduction at noon on the meter; I think it was his assistant engineer Noah that said -10db is as hot as they want to hit it and that's the middle position (noon) on the meter. This is a photo of Alan's dbx 160 VU while recording Dean. Dean said it was the best recorded bass sound he had ever had and he was thinking of getting a 160vu. I ended up getting one when I got back and that's how I record bass - using Alan's techniques. Also: Did anyone notice anything else in the photo of the album that was related to the interview with Alan? 😁
  15. Looking forward to watching this, thanks. πŸ™ I spent two days with Alan at a mixing class at his Parsonics studio. He was a calm, classy guy. One of my favorite studio items is a copy of Dark Side of the Moon that Alan signed for me while we were eating sushi at his dining room table! 🀘 Here are a few photos : one of the signed album and one of Alan regretting letting me push the faders! 🀣
  16. Concussion seemed to be about much harder and more aggressive sounds than this one. Did I misread it?
  17. I was just about to click buy on the Plug'N Script. Thanks for saving me $10!
  18. Boy, it's hard to find some good videos on this but it looks pretty powerful and I think I'll try it.
  19. Yeah that's going to be a challenge especially since I'm new to the area. And YES this is a music studio gaming room! ? lol
  20. Thank you ? It's very exciting to get to realize this dream!
  21. They are backlogged and can't start for 8 weeks. I'm not sure how long the design phase takes but then I have to find contractors to do the work. I have a call tomorrow to get more clarity on the project.
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