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Jerry Freese

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Everything posted by Jerry Freese

  1. Ok Since it seems it is not clear what I am asking, I'll try again. See the pic where A is pointing ? That's a Mono 32 bit indicator. When loading the CA-2A (64 bit with 64 bit precision engine checked) do you see one "tick"( like this picture where the A is pointing) or do you see two ticks right next to each other where the B is pointing indicating 64 bit communication. I'm NOT talking about stereo mode. I am wondering if anyone is getting this plug to communicate 64 bit (2 "tics"). I am for sure using the 64 bit version with the 64 bit precision checkbox checked,but the plug only shows communicating s 32 bit. Would Cakewalk make a plug that is 64 bit if it won't communicate as 64 bit in their own program? So again my sole question is this: Is anyone able to get two tics right next to each other like where the B is pointing showing 64 bit in MONO mode using this plug? I just do not know how to make what I thought was a simple question clearer.
  2. THIS is what I was wondering. I was getting the same thing and wondering why it isn't showing double 64 bit ticks. I thought maybe something was wrong with my install of it as it is a 64 bit plug.
  3. I know but that wasn't my question. I wanted to know if anyone was seeing two tics close together (64bit) when using this plug.
  4. Yes, I am aware of that,but that was not my question. My question was: "do you see one tick( ' )(32 bit) or 2 ticks (")(64bit) under the FX box? Not speaking of stereo operation that has them spread wider apart."
  5. When you read my post it read: Not speaking of stereo operation that has them spread wider apart. The two tics would be close together for 64 bit.
  6. Is anyone using CA-2A? If so and you are on 64 bit with 64 bit checkbox on, when placing CA-2A in an FX bin do you see one tick( ' )(32 bit) or 2 ticks (")(64bit) under the FX box? Not speaking of stereo operation that has them spread wider apart.
  7. Thanks ,I am trying to get this to work by recording 2 lanes back to back in comp mode, sweeping the middle of the two takes to make two splits with the comp tool,selecting two adjoining splits,then move down the clip with the comp tool and control clicking one of them. Just like the video. It does nothing besides de select the clip. This for some reason is just completely not working. Nothing I can do will heal the split besides sweeping over them. I know this doesn't help people to help me ,but nothing works that has been mentioned. I really think something is broke. What's an EA release? I just downloaded Cake by band lab last week so if something has been fixed since then...
  8. Thanks nothing has been moved. I am trying to get this to work by recording 2 lanes back to back in comp mode,sweeping the middle of the two takes to make two splits,selecting two adjoining splits,then move down the clip to the comp tool and control clicking one of them. It doe nothing besides de select the clip. This for some reason is just completely not working. Nothing I can do will heal the split besides sweeping over them. I know this doesn't help people to help me ,but nothing works that has been mentioned. I really think something is broke.
  9. Nope if you use the comp tool you can't select like you were.
  10. Nope. Still doesn't work like your vid.? I am not using the dedicated comping tool but the "smart tool" that is working just like yours seems to be in the vid. I'll try that.
  11. I have not been doing this exact thing. I have been selecting with shift, then holding click to heal. I'll try it! Thanks. The manual does not explain it like this!
  12. Thanks I have been doing that but it's not working for some reason. I'll keep trying.. I've been working with the program since V4 and have had every update since so I understand the tools but for some reason the glue is not gluing!
  13. "The ticks below the plug-in label in the FX Rack do not indicate whether a plug-in is 32bit or 64bit. The ticks indicate whether the plug-in is communicating with the host using a 64bit data stream." Thanks, I understand that. What I really want to know is if anyone else is getting two ticks with CA-2A?
  14. Tried it. Does not work for me. I did exactly as the manual read. The manual does say "You can also manually heal abutting healable clips. To do so, select the clips, then hold down the CTRL key and clip one of the selected clips". It doesn't say "click one" of the clips it says "clip one" ??? Holding down the cont key affects nothing as far as I can tell.
  15. I have the 64 bit DPE checked. Why would Cake offer 64 Bit CA-2A if it won't work as 64 bit in their own 64 bit enabled program? Does anybody else have double ticks when using CA-2A in 64 bit with 64DPE on? I know I have said in the past most people (including myself) likely could not tell the diff but I want to get what I paid for if possible! If someone else is getting 2 ticks then I know I have a problem. I even tried deleting the 32.dll but it changed nothing so it must be loading the 64... If both 32 and 64 are scanned will cake pick the 64 automatically with 64DPE on?
  16. I have the VST folder set to scan the 64 bit dll but not where the the 32 is. When I open the plug it shows properties : c:\program files\common files\VST3\CA2ALevelingAmplifier\CA-2ALevelingAmplifier_64.vst3, so looks good so far. Problem is,when i put it in the FX bin, it only shows as 32 bit (1"tick" )other known 64 bit fx show up as 2 ticks (64bit) like they should. Anybody know what's up with this? The 32 bit version is installed in X86 and I'm not even scanning that folder. Seems the right one loads just doesn't show the ticks for some reason.
  17. Does anyone know how to "glue" a single split in comping with out creating another one? I get how to clear all of them on a clip by sweeping the comp tool over them but does anyone know how to put just one split back together?
  18. Does anyone know how to "glue" a single split in comping with out creating another one? I get how to clear all of them on a clip by sweeping the comp tool over them but does anyone know how to put just one split back together?
  19. If anybody thinks they can hear the difference between 32 and 64 bit, they can't. I could name tons of music done in 16 bit that has way more public appeal than what 90% of what cork sniffers produce at 64 bit. Most music making one hit wonders rich still ends up going to 16 bit so I don't get the importance of 32 vs 64 bit. No one would ever know if that chorus was 32 or 64 bit. The chorus that Brian May used had way less sound quality than 16 bit and I never heard that his sound sucked.
  20. When I'm comping, it's hard to start at the very end of another "cut" where the cross fade is and sometimes creates a tiny clip in between. This is a PITA when I wan to speed comp through something and it gets "stuck" on the tiny piece. Does anybody have suggestions how to prevent this? I have read through and watched videos but none in my recent viewing seem to talk about this although I recall something one instructing how to " make sure you are at the very start. I know you can wipe the splits by wiping across the whole clip with the comp tool but is there a way to heal just one split without making another split?
  21. For me it was noticed immediately upon install. Thanks the performance seems to be OK. Graphics driver up to date and red hot. Definitely NOT the pause button,when I pressed it there was no doubt when it was on.? Just must be the way it is. I can live with it as I don't really want to "jump ship" after all these years getting acquainted with the program. Thank you all for your help!
  22. I don't have a pause button on my keyboard at work but probably do at home. I'll check that later!
  23. OK I read a little about it.....If the Now Time does not update smoothly during playback, press the PAUSE (or BREAK) key on your keyboard to make sure you didn't inadvertently put SONAR in CPU conservation mode. If the PAUSE key has been pressed, SONAR displays the letter P in the status bar. Is there a status bar? Where? I'm not sure if I have a pause/break button on my keyboard but this does sound like that is happening. I'll look thanks.
  24. The ADHD had just so low output and no makeup gain so it was unusable for me. Pretty much cut my track volume in half at all settings.
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