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Everything posted by Makke

  1. Makke

    Reefer Fiction

    Some psychedelic stuff... well done.
  2. Makke


    Thanks for the feedback. Yeah ... mostly I play guitars, but some times I play and record midi-keyboard + VSTi synths too. Greetings … Makke
  3. Makke


    Thanks for the comment Makke
  4. Makke

    wireless brudes

    Interesting song. Some sixties and seventies psychedelic pop/rock vibe. Nice job!
  5. Makke

    Warp 6

    Nice trip ... Space wagon rush between the asteroids and around the planets. Good sounds
  6. Makke


    This time midi-keyboard + vsti-synths and guitars ... instrumental music Domino - Hillside Synths
  7. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Thanks! I appreciate your feedback Greetings … Makke
  8. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Thanks for the nice feedback. have a nice weekend Makke
  9. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Thanks for the nice feedback! gretings … Makke
  11. Makke


    Great rock song with vintage vibe… good arrangement , mix and sounds.
  12. Makke


    Pleasant video with airy soundtrack. Beautiful sounds and restful ambiance for relax.
  13. Makke

    The Only One

    Excellent work. Nice poprock song. Good vocs an playing…
  14. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Nice that you enjoyed my video. Best regards … Makke
  15. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Thanks for the feedback Greetings ... Makke
  16. Makke

    Reach Up

    It's always a pleasure to watch and listen your videos. Nice groove and sounds. Thumbs up!
  17. Makke


    Nice one. Interest soundscape with different parts.
  18. Makke

    Casbah - video

    Nice stuff ... I liked the video and soundtrack.
  19. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Thanks for the feedback Best regards ... Makke
  20. Makke

    step tap

    Groovy poprock song. Nice vocs and sounds
  21. Makke

    Cherry blooms

    Guitar instrumental The new version my original tune from 2007
  22. Makke

    Lucky Break

    Great rock song with 60/70 vibe. Nice groove on rhythm. Sounds good.
  23. Makke

    Dark eyes

    Thanks a lot for the feedback and listening. Greetings ... Makke
  24. Nice space athmosphere. Pleasant synth music with good sounds.
  25. Makke

    Dark eyes

    Thanks for the feedback. Greetings ... Makke
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