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Everything posted by ChazEd

  1. But they ask "Already own a iZotope product?". So I assumed you need to own some product of them, no?
  2. https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/5736 Plugin Boutique cleared any doubts: YAY! Sorry for all the mess! ? EDIT: check your iZotope account! There's Loyalty Offers to this bundle.
  3. Hello cclarry! Actually I was talking about the EQ84 plugin. Sorry about the mess!
  4. Sorry about that! Fixed.
  5. I don't know if I can put the code in here, but if you got their EQ550 freebie, then you have the code in your overloud account.
  6. Yes, unfortunately. I'm not in the EU so lucky me ? Just bought the Comp670. Some people say it's a faithful emulation of the original Fairchild.
  7. EQ84 it's cheaper on Overloud chop: USD 23.20 with the 20% off code. https://www.overloud.com/products/eq84
  8. Killer deal, if you ask me! https://www.izotope.com/content/izotope/en/lp/ozone-elements-free.html
  9. I'm not a keyboard player either, but I bet you play miles away better than me ?! I actually like the new browser better, and if you're in the home tab, you can change the presets only with the computer arrow keys. I don't remember if you could do this with the old version. Just upgraded too, so time to play with the new toy ?!
  10. Hello Piotr! I agree with everything you said, so let's hope someone with less or no packs shows up. Being completely honest with you I have only interest in Angelicals and Cinematheque. Just upgraded to Ultra Analog VA-3 so one more toy to my arsenal ? Yes AAS guys are the best, and sometimes I feel guilty of not spending too much on their products, but living in this world is expensive! Again, this is a nice gesture of yours ?!
  11. Hi cclarry! That's good to know! I don't need another compressor but, decisions decisions... Thanks!
  12. Upgrade from UA Session is $49. Pretty good price if you ask me.
  13. It is $40.99 at Audiodeluxe. I don't know if they are a trusted dealer. Link: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/eventide-omnipressor-native Price on cart only.
  14. Hello Piotr! I don't have any of those packs, but own 6 other packs from AAS. I humble accept your offer, but I want to be fair like everyone else. I just want the Angelicals Sound Pack. If you want I can show you a screenshot of my packs at AAS. Nice gesture of yours and thanks in advance.
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