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Everything posted by Sunraw

  1. I don't fully understand your comment but I did not have this problem when bouncing a clip while using melodyne or tracking before. I noticed now when I select a group region it goes full blast even without bouncing first, and I have to restart the program. Everything is on default so the track goes out to the master bus. Are you saying it should be re-routed before bouncing the clip?
  2. I could try that. I think I'll put up with it until I'm happy with a take so I don't get sidetracked today. It seems Melodyne being loaded is the instigator. If I forget to disable my tracking plugs and create a region CWB always drops out. I may have hit the limit with my hardware if so the volume thing could be performance related.
  3. I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue. After bouncing edited audio the project plays back at full volume so the master can't be turned down or muted. I find it starts happening after loading Melodyne but also after restarting the program and trying to bounce a take without a Melodyne region.
  4. Thanks David I suspected it was something simple.
  5. I would like to make a loop with a snare on each down beat but when i use groove clip looping the loop starts without the last upbeat rest. Is there an easy way to add a rest before bouncing the clip?
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