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Everything posted by Sunraw

  1. Sunraw

    Offline activation

    Thanks I got it work on one PC with Product Center. I realized my Band lab online account login and CWB had different user names. So I just had to log out on the app and use the same ID as my online account. I was thinking this would be good to have but I hope I don't need it if Sonar will be offered at a fair price.
  2. Sunraw

    Offline activation

    Still missing something. I Iogin to product center and close the browser pop up. Product center displays my user id and says logged in. I copy the ID as it is displayed (******) under my user name Sunraw and generate the crq file. The error says "Mismatched user request : User name in request (*******) does not match current logged in user.
  3. That was the first thing I thought. Just the name Sonar kind of stuck in my craw. After paying for the ballyhooed 30th edition. I can't even get CWB to offline activate so they won't see a sub from me.
  4. Sunraw

    Offline activation

    I'm really happy with the way CWB is working so I'm hopeing to have the option of activating it off line. But I can't generate the offline validation. When I went thought the procedure even though I was logged into my band lab account I got an error saying there is no account for that user name.
  5. You have to join TAXI for $300 per year. That's a lot of $29.99s
  6. This link works. The program also works with flac files. https://www.filehorse.com/download-riffstation/download/
  7. Change log: Version 2.2.0 -- Native apple M1 support. -- VST3 installer for windows. -- Linux VST3 support. - State loading issue fixed (v 2.1.2) - 11 band vocoder engine. - Internal carrier synth (pulse, saw, sub osc, noise, mono, poly, portamento, sync mode, tune). - Possibility to route an external carrier signal. - Harmonic control (adds more harmonics to any carrier signal) - "Ess" enhancer for a clean understandable voice, also with a carrier that hasnt much high frequencies. - Clip LED, glows if the input signal will be clipped. - Panic button stops hanging notes within the synth. - Documentation shows different routing possibilities. - Low CPU usage. - Side-Chain input. - Works only on Stereo Channels at the moment! Attention Microsoft users: This plugin requires Windows 7 or higher. https://tal-software.com/products/tal-vocoder
  8. I got a reply from Ronan. The site is back up. Quote: Hi I use a free host and domain from InfinityFree, and they suspended it for 24 hours because yesterday the number of hits per day was exceeded. This is their email: "Hi, Your InfinityFree account (Website for ronanfed.rf.gd) has been temporarily suspended. Your account exceeded the daily limits of your service. InfinityFree monitors the CPU, memory and hits usage (among others) of your account and temporarily deactivates your website if the limit is hit. Your account will be reactivated automatically after 24 hours. For more information, please check the client area" Now says this: "Your account is Temporarily Suspended Your account was suspended because you hit the Hits Limits. Learn more about this limit. Your account will be reactivated automatically in less than an hour from now. Don't want to wait any longer? iFastNet can migrate your website quickly and for free, even if your account is suspended!" About the installers: I use a free software called InstallForge and sometimes VirusTotal detects the exe files as malware. I tried InnoSetup with the same results. My plugins are made with SynthEdit and contain several files in the same folder in addition to the dll or vst3 so I use a setup to make the installation process easier. Regards, Ronan
  9. It is weird. The link I posted and the plugin page still work but the rest of the site which was working when I posted is down. They posted a link to WordPress at BP with no explanation. They seems OK to me. No complaints and over 1M views on YouTube and they are still posting new plugs. I'm guessing they code in C++ so they need to use an installer to check for the required redistribable package. I sent them an Email asking for a response.
  10. RF-DSP Multi-Effect Processor Features Parametric EQ (3 Bands) Delay (with Filter) Reverb (Hall) Compressor Distortion (Overdrive, HardClip, BitCrush and Saturation) Stereo Enhancer https://ronanfed.rf.gd/RF-DSP.html
  11. Limited time offer https://vstbuzz.com/deals/85-off-blackhole-by-eventide/?ref=108&campaign=EventideBlackhole
  12. Simple Console has some of the features found in an Analog Console. This is a great plugin to use on the first insert of every track on your mix, except for the Master. Add some Drive (Preamp Saturation) for each track to bring warmth and glue. Cut the low/high frequencies of your melodies using the Filters. Gain stage with the Input/Output knob. Features Filters: High Pass filter from 20.0hz – 300.0hz | Low Pass filter from 6.0khz to 20.0khz Input: Gain before going through the Saturation circuit. Range is -10db to 10db. The knob is stepped by 1db Drive: 0 to 100% | Be careful going past 85% it gets really intense. This is the same as Simple Saturation Output: Gain after going through the Saturation circuit. Range is -10 to 0db. The knob is stepped by 1db https://www.coolwav.com/l/npmtc
  13. Asper, an new experimental synth combining wavetable, subtractive, phase distortion and physical modeling for sound generation is available as a FREE download. Idea was to add humanization to the sound on oscillator level in order to simulate behavior of real world instrument where each hit is different. It is not trying to simulate sound behavior like in analog synth, but rather to simulate Round Robin. Instead of complex modulation I decided to split wavelet OSC to two layers that each has it’s own control. This way is you can easily control (for example) attack per velocity without assigning any modulation source. You can detune each layer, enable comb filter, enable pitch envelope or phase distortion to each layer individually. All blending control have individual shape setting for each layer or even inverse mode in order to have different amount or phase while using same MIDI CC or velocity. Features include: One wave table oscillator 118 wave tables that can be combined in multiple ways Comb filter for both wave table layers Advanced amplitude adjustment with break point control for better control Phase distortion for each wave table layer with 5 different shapes and it’s own detune Mod section for Phase distortion with sync option One noise sub synth Round Robin simulation on oscillator level for both wave table and noise OSC Set blending mode based on velocity or control with assignable MIDI CC Ability to control shape for morphing, filter, FM amount starting from Exponential to Logarithmic Filter with parallel or serial mode Mod section for filter Shaper, two modes Saturation Portamento for mono with adjustable velocity level for triggering Vibrato module Interactive GUI with mouse over for each element that can be changed or adjusted -lEach control that have assignable MIDI CC have additional display for assigned controller All envelope controls have additional 6 quick sub presets to choose from Ensemble module for for unison or even reverb like simulation Simple soft clipper to prevent clipping that can be disabled Randomization for almost each subsection Simple preset manager One page with adjustable GUI scale, 80 up to 150% Asper is available to PC users (VST2 and VST3). For more information on Asper, click here: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/asper-by-zone-sk/downloads
  14. Dotech have released DeeMute, a FREE MIDI triggering mute plugin. DeeMute can mute (or invert) audio triggered by MIDI notes. It can use it for a wide range of applications other than stutter and ducking! Features include: It can mute (or invert) audio triggered by MIDI notes. It can use this function for gate effects such as stutters. The Flip button can be used to reverse the mute operation when triggered. Attack and Release can be adjusted for ducking effects. It can use it for a wide range of applications other than stutter and ducking. DeeMute is available to PC and Mac users (vST2, VST3, AU and AAX) https://dotec-audio.com/deemute.html
  15. Thanks that's what I figured. I assume a real trojan would not pop up so noticeably in an app that I installed. It's strange though because Waves did not respond to me asking if this was a known issue and it happened again after today's security update. This time it quarantined the same file calling it Trojan:Script/Conteban.A!ml. So it seems Microsoft has broadened what they define as suspect.
  16. Waves said to remove it from quarantine. There was no clarification on why this suddenly happened.
  17. I have been using the Waves VST synth Bass Fingers with no problem but it suddenly got quarantined by windows security. I tried to reinstall the VST instrument but it wont work. I'll wait for Waves to get back to me before releasing it from quarantine because it seem to be a serious threat. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this.
  18. Now I remember. I'm seeing the cog because I own the collection. You don't need ACT. I fixed mine by going to MIDI settings and deselecting the keyboad then restarting CWB. Then select your keyboard and go to Arturia and the midi learn should work. If not contact Arturia or search this forum and read everything you can find on the subject. There are a lot of people here who know much more than I.
  19. I have Analog Lab 5 and don't know the lite version but there should be a settings cog at the top right. When you click on the midi tab all the available controls will light up. Click on them and then move the controller you want to use. You can change them all at once. Save before hitting the settings cog again.
  20. I was thinking something like this (there is so much corruption these days). I tried creating a new project with and without a template and they were OK for a while. I first noticed the problem after copying and pasting a section and wanting to get rid of the markers that were copied. Thanks you gave me an idea since I have to start a new project to continue anyway. I will make a template and see if I can determin when the problem starts.
  21. I'm on version 2021.01 build 098 64bit. I have had every update and tried a reinstall. It started 2 years ago. I was a Roland dealer and started on Cakewalk Pro in 1989. I have Sonar platinum 30th and it does not have this issue.
  22. Sorry for the late reply I don't come here often. I own Essentials. The problem started after I demoed the full version. But now I have a bigger issue with the shabby support I got and would recommend strongly against using Celemony products.
  23. Hi I am having a problem deleting markers. This issue is persistent for 2 years. I thought it was solved by opening a new project but it seems to happen with every project. When I create markers and then go to the markers view and delete them they appear to be deleted but when I use the arrow keys to navigate the now time stops at every spot where the deleted markers were. Searching the forum I saw only one other user had this problem but it was not resolved. I finally fixed this by deleting the arranger track. It stumped me because I was not using it.
  24. I am having a problem with melodyne. It worked fine in trial mode but now It does not save edits after fine tuning in CWB. I contacted support and got ditched by a very rude tech. This just happened yesterday. He refused to escalate my ticket and had a flimsy knowledge of the product. I will never deal with Celemony again.
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