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About steve@baselines.com

  • Birthday 09/27/1953

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  1. See my other comment I just added. I still think it is good, but you really have to be careful when comparing. Steve
  2. It is, but over the weeks I have revised my opinion a little bit. For the first song, it was great - but for the next few it added harshness even at the warm level. I think if my mix/master is deficient in a certain range it really works well. But you have to be careful! Make sure before you commit. I still think it is good, but I need to adjust my pre-master to take advantage of it. Steve
  3. One thing I do to help it punch through is have a bass buss, an rbass buss and an all bass buss. bass guitar goes to the bass buss with maserati bass on it set for the top end boost, then a send from that to the rbass buss with renaissance bass for the bottom and the distortion. Both go to the All Bass buss. I send about 30-40% to the RBass and on rbass accentuate around 80hz. Then if necessary, put the all bass through an 1176
  4. Hi - yes I can hear it - I can see where someone might say that though. I think maybe the acoustic guitars may be burying it a little.
  5. I asked Gemini about Windows Media Player - here's what it said. No, Windows Media Player version 12 unfortunately doesn't offer a direct way to rip songs in a lossless format like FLAC or WAV. While it allows ripping in WMA (Windows Media Audio) format, WMA itself has lossy compression. Here are some alternatives for ripping lossless audio: Freeware software: There are several free and open-source programs specifically designed for ripping CDs in lossless formats. Popular options include Exact Audio Copy (EAC) and Freac [search Exact Audio Copy] [search Freac]. Paid software: Some paid music management software like dBpoweramp CD Ripper offer advanced ripping features with lossless format support [search dBpoweramp CD Ripper]. While these options require installing additional software, they provide more control over the ripping process and ensure you get the highest quality audio files.
  6. importing the same thing as ripping as far as losslessness? I am not sure but I don't think so.
  7. Nice picking, great song, really nice mix, and the video is pro. All around winner.
  8. Great when those drum fills come in - mix is very cool. This sounds like it was a lot of fun to put together. I love when the arpeggio type notes go down one lower than you think they will.
  9. Great photo! Love that guitar sound you get.
  10. Nice bounce - powerful when that low end comes in.
  11. Weirdly wonderful! Somebody should send this message to the US Executive and Legislative branches. I think they would be surprised.
  12. Nice work - I was pleasantly surprised when the guitars/bass came in string.
  13. Great groove to this, nice guitar tones.
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