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Everything posted by burtles101

  1. This is a awesome deal. I'm glad that I held off on buying it earlier in the week from JRRShop for $84. Got my license quickly and everything is installed.
  2. Wow, I guess they really must be making a lot of changes to things on the fly. I came to the UAD party late and was never exposed to the higher prices or different ways in which they did things before going native. I can see why some of the long time users might be put off by the way things have changed in such a short period of time.
  3. Did you already have the API preamp plugin before you purchased Luna Pro? According to the post here, https://uadforum.com/community/index.php?threads/api-luna-extension.71878/ you have to have the "API 2500, API preamp, API Summing and API MKII Vision strip before it will trigger the extensions in Luna.
  4. The "thankyou" voucher now has a $50 minimum spend on it, unfortunately. The $50 dollar weekly voucher cannot be combined with any other voucher offers. I tried this out and could only use either the 25 or 50. As for the Studer plugin, I can confirm that you also get the extension for it. I do not have the Luna Pro bundle. On a positive note, I was able to get both the ATR and the summing plugin with the $76 for two plugins sale before it switched over to the new sale. I also had an unused 15% off voucher on hand and was able to get both for the final price of $64.60. Now all I need is for them to make the preamp native and once I get that, the API collection will add the extensions for Luna. This was confirmed by a user in the UAD forum.
  5. I, too, wonder if they'll cut us off at some point as well. Initially, I thought this might be happening when they didn't make the BM60 available to Mix & Master subs. However, the next release after that, which was the bx_XL 3 was included, so I'm not sure why we didn't get the BM60.
  6. The update that the dev posted seems to only address issues that occurred in S1 and Logic. I assume this means that other daws don't have any known issues at the moment. "Update GainAimPro v1.0.2 Studio One Sessions are now saved even if GainAimPro is not used. Logic Pro Fixed Transfer mode for mono tracks."
  7. The same thing happened to me this weekend when I tried out this plugin as well. I installed it on Thursday but didn't get around to trying it out until Saturday. I was working on a song that didn't even have the plugin in use. I tried to save it after doing a bit of work on it for a few hours. Couldn't save and wasn't sure what happened. I then spent a couple of hours troubleshooting trying to figure out what happened. To make a lengthy story short, I ran S1 in safe mode and re-enabled components until I got to VST3 last. I eventually remembered installing this plugin and then uninstalled it. Once removed, I was able to save projects again. I was very surprised to see this happen. I had never experienced anything like this before with a plugin. The developer did send out an email with an update for the plugin. I lost interest after this episode and didn't bother re-installing it.
  8. I found this here, https://www.presonus.com/en-US/studio-one-plus-hybrid.html What happens when I pause or cancel my Studio One+ Hybrid subscription? If you choose to pause or cancel your Studio One+ Hybrid plan, your access to Studio One+ tools and features will expire at the end of the 12-month period for which you’ve already paid. From there, you will still be able to use your non-updating perpetual license to Studio One Pro along with extras like Ampire, and a library of samples, loops, and effects included in Studio One Pro’s core content library – all yours to keep, forever. Users on non-updating perpetual licenses to Studio One Pro can renew their Studio One+ Hybrid membership at any time to receive the latest updates to Studio One Pro and regain access to all Studio One+ features, tools, and content. Will I get bug fix updates to my version of Studio One Pro after my Studio One+ Hybrid subscription has expired? Yes, all minor maintenance updates will be available to you until the next major feature update increment. If you are on version X.1 when your subscription expires, you will be able to download and use X.1.1, X.1.2, etc. Version X.2 and beyond will be unavailable until you start a new subscription or purchase a standalone license upgrade. Prior supported versions of Studio One Pro will also remain available to you, should you need to roll back for any reason. What does, “all point-point maintenance updates included” mean? Major update increments are regularly released for Studio One. These major update releases, also known as "dot" releases (ex. X.1, X.2, X.5, etc.) add new features and significant enhancements to Studio One. Point-point maintenance updates (ex. X.1.2, X.1.3) are smaller updates made to address bug fixes and other software maintenance needs within a major update release.
  9. The $189 price from Bestservice for the crossgrade looked like the best offer to me and so I pulled the trigger. Looking forward to learning this DAW and seeing what it offers in contrast to S1. Thanks to everyone who shared their different experiences and perspectives here.
  10. Glad that I still have my 6 plugins to keep voucher on hand. I might get this instead of something else that I had in mind.
  11. I hadn't got around to using the Amek Console 200 yet and wasn't aware of its cpu hit. I placed one instance of this on a track in S1 in order to compare it to the 9099. Boy was I surprised to see in the activity monitor that the 200 came in at 14% while the 9099 was only at 2%. I guess I won't be adding the 200 to my plugin to keep list after all. I wonder if it's set to a high internal oversampling rate.
  12. Here's another one I'll be adding to my plugins to keep selection next month.
  13. I guess things must be a real mess over at UA right now. That's strange that they are giving some Diamond bundle owners the upgrade offer for Studio instead of Signature. I bought Mix and they allowed me to get the Signature upgrade for $150. I was hoping that they would allow us to stack additional coupons on this offer, but of course, they didn't. That 20% off coupon would have been nice to use with this deal.
  14. This will be one of my free plugin choices when I get my voucher next month.
  15. That's true and is also a good way to see what you like and then choose to buy afterwards. I took advantage of the Spark offer that gave you 3 months to try it out for only $1. After the three-month period ended, they extended another offer that dropped the sub price to $99 for a year. So basically, it was 15 months for $100, or $6.66 a month. I figured it would allow me to try out their plugins over a longer period of time in order to see what I really liked and later buy the ones that stood out to me the most. I'm glad to have the opportunity to finally try their plugins without having to purchase one of their hardware pieces. So far, I really like what they have to offer.
  16. Some very nice additions to the sub. Trying out this sub has given me the opportunity to finally try out the UA plugins. I hope that they'll be adding the SSL at some point. I'd like to see how it stacks up against the other offerings that are out there.
  17. Thanks for the heads up about this deal. My last two upgrades with Izotope have been awesome. I was able to get in on the Everything bundle for $200 last year and now was able to get the MPS6 upgrade for $41.16. Everything is installed and working as intended.
  18. Awesome! I hope that maybe they'll release it while I still have access to Spark for the 3 month time period that I signed up for. So far, I like what I've experienced from their line up that's included in the sub. Currently, the only full time sub that I have from a company is with PA, but I've been giving serious thought to trying out Slate, SSL or UAD. With the benefits that I get from PA, it's a bit hard to justify the others, but I am a fan of their offerings.
  19. Nice! I'm hoping that they will make the dbx 160 native at some point as well. I'd like to see how it compares to the offerings from Waves, Arturia and Native Instruments by way of Softube.
  20. I am happy to see, "Independent editing of Takes on Layers, Additional tools on Layers (Eraser, Paint, Mute, and Bend Tool) and Move and copy ranges between Layers." I work with vocals quite often and always wished that I could edit the layers instead of always having to bounce them out first. Edit: I was just made aware of how useful the auto zoom setting would be after watching Jonny Lipsham's video on YouTube. That saves me an extra second or two from always having to use my shortcut to zoom out in order to see my entire song structure.
  21. This is the exact way in which I use Relay as well. It is such a versatile and highly useful tool. Using it on kick and bass especially is super clutch. It's a cheat code to carving out space in a quick and concise manner.
  22. I was hoping that the next release would be the AMEK console, but this looks interesting. Can't wait to give it a spin and see if I'll pick it up once I get my yearly voucher.
  23. I'm actually intrigued by this offer. I sort of look at it like I'd be getting Auto-tune Artist for 50% off and it includes a year of their subscription service plus 2 months of Splice Creator for free. I think I might go for this. Thanks for sharing Satyabrata Satapathy. I think if I approach it with the right expectations upfront, I won't get sucked into their subscription. I guess I'll just have to see. ?
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