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Fabio Rubato

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Everything posted by Fabio Rubato

  1. thanks for responding guys. I'm trying to mixdown the individual tracks their track FX and the sends to various buses - eg, drums to bus 1 with comp, drums to bus 2 for parallel processing, bus 3 for all drums - including PP - and then to a submix and finally master. Some special vox tracks might have some SFX, but usually vox are send to eg a vox bus - eq, comp etc, whilst the track might also have sends to eg, reverb, delay etc. So as you can appreciate, this eats up CPU, so my intention is to mix down all the various tracks wavs, with their individual and bus processing, and then import back to a master template for final tweaking and mastering. This would include all automation, effect sends and bus FX/processing. The export tracks with 'what you hear' did not work - thanks for the suggestion. The export of the buses gives me the FX, and processing, submix, master etc, but not the individual tracks. Leadfoot - a bit of both as I'm trying to explain above. The main FX are on the buses. I've seen this done in tutes on Abelton Live, so I"m trying to do the same thing here but maybe as initially suggested you can't do stem creation like this? The best I can do at this point is to 'freeze' all tracks - which does reduce CPU - and go into a master like this...but I really prefer a clean template...or mixdown just a stereo track and master this...but I don't have the same type of control as I would if I had all the track's wavs with their incorporated FX/processing.
  2. Hi, I haven't down stem mixdowns for mastering before, so I'm trying it out. I normally export the stereo mix and then do my mastering separately. So today, I'm mixing down the individual tracks to then re-import into Cakewalk for mastering. I selected the entire mix and then for exporting, just the tracks. I made sure the checkbox for Bus FX, Clip Automation etc was selected and did the mxdown. However when it came to importing, there are no bus FX. So for example, the reverb, delay weren't preset...just dry tracks. What am I doing incorrectly? Thanks in advance
  3. Hey peeps. Great to be here. Nice Xmas present. Have a great time with your family over the end of the year and all the best for 2019. ?
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