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Harry C.

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Everything posted by Harry C.

  1. Okay... impressive version of the song in view of a worldwide cooperation. Because of me, the bass guitar could be heard a little more clearly, the keyboard maybe a little quieter. But the keyboard was already too loud for me in the original track. It's just a question of personal taste. Otherwise also cool solos. Good work guys! Where the hell do you get the original drum track?
  2. Hi, i have problems with the installation. With the bandlab assistant the percentage display runs up to 100%, then flashes Installing..., but nothing happens. Not even after 10 minutes. Otherwise the installation was finished after one minute. (German version). The old 2020.05 still works.
  3. Personal Jesus: With a different mix you could work out more of the rocking in the song. That way it sounds a little lifeless.
  4. @freddy jThank you Freddy for listening to the song. You as a connoisseur of the 70's music I appreciate your kind words even more. @Old JoadThanks for listening, I don't know the tubes, probably wasn't my style of music then, but I will listen to it sometime. @Starise I appreciate your honesty words, Starise. Unfortunately, you're right that real handmade music is not very popular these days. Thanks for your kind words. Long live Rock'n Roll, @David Sprouse
  5. Hi Michael, i like your guitar sound on this song and the mix is good for this song. I can't find any inconsistencies everything is balanced. Good job, guys.
  6. @ABull: Thanks Allan for listening and I'm glad that you like the guitar tone. @Leadfoot: I am already looking forward to the next project ? -if you want buddy- ?
  7. @tonemangler: I agree. Thank you for listening. @DeeringAmps: Thank you for taking time to listen. The kick has no extra treatment than the rest of the drum kit.
  8. Harry C.


    A nice chilly song with a balanced sound, maybe the lead guitar a bit reserved. Good work.
  9. @garybrun: Yes you are right, the mix is flat ... the first 30 sec. ?
  10. Hello, this time i composed a new song in cooperation with leadfoot (bandlab member here). I would be happy about every comment about the mix as it sounds like on your listenings. And thanks again Bob ?. https://youtu.be/77qLjIZ_A-8
  11. This is really a good sounding song, coherent in itself. I especially like the bass sound and the voice as it was mixed, with that certain shimmer, if you know what I mean. Very good work, I like it a lot.
  12. Hi Leadfoot, i like the song and the mix very much. Your extraordinary voice and the singing melody appeal to me. I get goose bumps when i hear you sing. Fantastic! Maybe you'd like to sing in one of my songs?
  13. Harry C.

    Losing Hope

    Hi Freddy, thanks for your nice comment, but why do you think this is a metal song?
  14. Until now it was possible to copy a track from one project to another track of a new project, if both projects are open inside cakewalk. Unfortunately this is not possible with the current 2020.05 version. Am I doing something wrong or can someone check it?
  15. Harry C.

    Losing Hope

    Thanks a lot babu for listening. Yes the harmony singing is always a big thing for me. I wish I could choose the best singer for each song. Thanks again.
  16. I like the mix very much, the music is varied and it is fun to listen to. Always curious what's coming. Absolutely to my taste. Hats off, buddy!!?
  17. Harry C.

    Losing Hope

    Thanks Wookie for listening ?
  18. Harry C.

    Losing Hope

    Thanks Lynn for the kindly words. I hope you enjoyed the one or other video from me.
  19. I think the song is everything else but not insignificant ? A very good production, balanced mix and good played instruments.
  20. Hello Lynn, overall a good song. What i would rework is the kick which is a bit matchy and then the Hihat could be a bit quieter, especially in the beginning. But as always, it's all a matter of taste.
  21. Harry C.

    Losing Hope

    Thank you Doug for taking time to listen the song. I'm glad the mix is right for you.
  22. I like the song overall very much , your guitar work and your vocals are outstanding. Good job.
  23. Very cool video, good mix for this genre. I like the bass guitar!
  24. Unfortunately the link doesn't work anymore, it would have been nice to hear the song.
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