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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Started with Exhale and still love them all. Didn’t get into Arcade though.
  2. It’s a reverb. What other good argument does one need ?
  3. Tracktion and VI Labs are good ones.
  4. One of my favorites. Kurzweil sweetness.
  5. Nice to see them update these.
  6. Looking good for ambient. Love these small devs.
  7. Some great instruments, now on their own engine.
  8. Free, as far as I know. You should be getting update emails. If not, hit support. Over the last year I got update emails for PowerChords, AcousticGuitar and FunkyGuitar.
  9. At least updates to AcousticGuitar and Powerchords in the last year.
  10. Heavyocity themselves often give you another 10% off if you buy three.
  11. Well, this actually is a CRAZY price. The bundle regularly went for $99 but this is pretty pretty amazing.
  12. Yep, waiting for the additional 10% off from them.
  13. For this eternal sadness male
  14. Would love an even better sale on Vocalise 3 and Mosaic Voices.
  15. So many wonderful instruments and so little time!
  16. Pulse Audio https://pulse.audio › product › trans... Buy Transient Percussion Pro By Bela D Media - 5% Back Transient Percussion Pro is a collection of 200 multi-sampled Percussive Sounds. The aim was to sample an interesting array of unusual, but highly useful ... US$ 59,00
  17. Found this link referring to Bela D Media: https://pulse.audio/product/transient-percussion-pro-by-supreme-samples/
  18. Apparently lots of update problems over at Waves Central with this one, according to the former Gearslutz forum.
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