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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Interesting news indeed.
  2. it sounds better than General MIDI
  3. I’m thinking Glacier Keys and Woodchester Piano.
  4. Some great keys in there.
  5. Wishing they did better sales like in the olden days. Love that Vintage series.
  6. Interesting ambient dev, part of KontaktHub. I believed they’re from Lübeck (Germany).
  7. Well, don’t have their Revelation Harp. Yet …
  8. Why would the US version be special ?
  9. Anyway, DV8 is another pretty pretty good one, for the cinematically inclined.
  10. Fleer

    Lunacy Cube $99

    For me, the 3D gui isn’t enticing enough, but the sounds are. And the capacity to add your own samples.
  11. Fleer

    Lunacy Cube $99

    Okay, got the Cube. Now let’s have a look at those expansions…
  12. Why does this sound more like incarcerated?
  13. Yeah, I think I got most of their plugins at a $5 average, or less.
  14. Yep, Dynaudio. Definitely my kind of speakers.
  15. I hate subs (except for EastWest Composer Cloud)
  16. True. They’re pretty special. Special and good.
  17. Some of them are really nice, got most of ‘em. I particularly like Polychrome by Andrew Huang.
  18. Come to think of it, I still have over 75 GB worth of drums from The LoopLoft, all free, before they were swallowed by NI.
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