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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Larsy, Larsy, where are you honey??
  2. Sad indeed. And what about our account with some pretty good freebies?
  3. First one, Kolours, is marvelous, but you need to have Keyscape and Omnishere.
  4. They’re not that common in plugin-land. There’s the XLN, the Waves and the new Arturia in V Collection X.
  5. Still love the Cube but this is not the best deal. Should go lower for BF.
  6. I’m waiting for a sweet bundle deal on their Virtual Pianist series.
  7. Been looking for that lo-fi sampler sound. This’ll do it.
  8. Fleer

    One for Larry! ?

    The Pluginator!
  9. I’m still on collection 2, so it’s $199 for me. https://korg.shop/software/korg-collection-series/upgrade-products/korg-collection-5-upgrade-for-special-bundle-v2.html
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