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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Didn't see them yet. Are they here? Did I miss them? Yeah, I miss them.
  2. Yeah, pity they didn’t add a recording interface of sorts.
  3. Would love a new EZ Keys instrument.
  4. Zo rocks. Meanwhile, would love a sonic update to the Waves SSL bundle.
  5. Would even love it more with 32 normally sized keys.
  6. Wonder of a plugin ?
  7. I do love this. High quality yet low cost.
  8. Love that M32 keyboard.
  9. Absolutely love this ? Still two of their best libraries. So much in there (and more than in their Hollywood libs).
  10. Get it here: soundbytesmag.net
  11. You may want to check with Koby @everyplugin about the upgrade cost. Could be (much) lower.
  12. Still lying down, she gets a call on her mobile and answers: “Mom, how did you know I was here?”
  13. A blonde walks down the street, sees a banana peel lying on the ground before her, and says “That’s gonna hurt”.
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