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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Still, I’m anxiously waiting for the new Backing Vocals library from EW. Pink Floyd, here I come.
  2. Thanksy Larsy. Have it since a few years but never got to use it. Good to know.
  3. Fleer

    Waves NX

    Thinking of getting the Abbey Road version.
  4. I have SoundIron Voices of Gaia, which includes Francesca Genco. Based on Matthews take I won’t be getting the 8Dio counterpart.
  5. What’s the difference between the 8Dio and Soundiron Francesca libraries?
  6. Magic wand. As good as Zynaptiq Intensity.
  7. Here: https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/1775/ Courtesy of Amram@kvr
  8. Same hesitation here. Fulltone is lower priced.
  9. Nice one. I’ve got New Mello I and like it a lot.
  10. I’m thinking to get the four Tapies, plus Amplitube Orange, Jimi, Slash, and maybe Darrell. Talk me out of it, will someone?
  11. 1 + 5 free coming up fast.
  12. But we’re hunter-gatherers ...
  13. Apparently the first Waveform will be free with Computer Music next month.
  14. Totally forgot about that. Thanks, my King!
  15. True. Yet the Total Studio Max upgrade is regularly on sale for $299. So if the next bundle includes all the latest, even though I have lots of IK stuff already, it would upgrade my SampleTank from 4SE to Max and add Modo as well as some smaller things like the four Tape emus I haven’t got yet. Again, I have to agree with you, Lars, it would add up to pretty much the same. And on top of that I would upgrade to the bundle with Gear Credits, which would mean I can’t resell anything if needed.
  16. Still wondering if it wouldn’t be better to wait for Total Studio 3 and related upgrades.
  17. Resellers humbly kneel before our King.
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