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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Nice, one of my absolute favorites is Cinematic Guitars by SampleLogic.
  2. And farts are like principles. If you’ve got to let go, go slowly.
  3. They will extend. UIKG will see to that.
  4. But are they worth it, compared to Samples from Mars?
  5. IIRC the Meter plug-in in the Custom Shop version is indeed restricted. You either need to get the Meter (as a freebie) or the T-RackS5 bundle (also as a freebie, but of higher value) to have the full Meter.
  6. Quite an amazing Group Buy, I must say. If you start with a $149 plugin purchase like the Fender 2 Pack (which you can buy for half that price at JRR as our King found out) then your first freebie could be the T-RackS 5 bundle which, on its own, contains 9 plugins you would have selected as individual freebies in a regular IK Group Buy, hence rapidly filling up your free slots. I’m talking about high quality plugins like Dyna-Mu, Master Match, EQual and ONE. During last year’s Group Buy you’d have to commit four freebie slots of $99 each, only for them. In the current Group Buy a $149 valued freebie slot gets you all nine in T-RackS 5. Way to go, UIKG.
  7. Ozone 5 had some fine reverb: http://help.izotope.com/docs/ozone/pages/modules_reverb.htm
  8. Exactly, the sound updates should remain available. Where’s UIKG when you need him?
  9. You rock, King L. Always have, always will.
  10. I wonder, my King, how do you always know?
  11. If it weren’t for that RC-20 ...
  12. Yeah, why don’t they launch a new piano. It’s been five years or more.
  13. Listen to the Man. The king is always right.
  14. And if we get there, I’ll have that Fulltone Collection, thank you very much.
  15. I think you do get more than that, but not the special ones linked to a specific issue, as they were time sensitive, like that T-RackS Fet comp.
  16. Haven’t got it, Lars, but definitely would love to. On the other hand, the entire Anthology was on sale for less than $100 some time ago.
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