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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. It’ll pass, don’t worry.
  2. Best way to spike the Group Buy: add the Brian May pack ?
  3. I was in but now I’m out.
  4. I only use Amplitube with guitar VSTi
  5. I think Uncle Eric will do so, but I don’t know if IK will agree to de-register, Zo.
  6. Married ... with children.
  7. Say hi to Howard Scarr @u-He from me!
  8. Yeah. Larryland. My kinda nation.
  9. And that’s a very good saturator.
  10. Or grab ‘em straight from the cradle at United Plugins: https://unitedplugins.com/FrontDAW/
  11. Or get them straight from Don’t Crack central: http://www.dontcrack.com/news/2019/09/united-plugins-front-daw-free-for-a-limited-time/
  12. And I see you, Chief Bromden!
  13. Come on, are they serious?
  14. I think it’s about time King L changed his first post in this thread
  15. Not many Kontakt Player freebies around
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